Cougar Communication - Family
Updates/Reminders 📣
Remember: 10 days or less (of missed school) equals success!
It is important to note that rates of chronic absenteeism – defined as missing at least 10% of school days, or usually around 18 days of school each year are increasing in various students' attendance records. At this time of the year 10% is around 10 days of school.
Any school time missed means valuable instructional time lost – which grows faster than one might think over time. Indeed, what feels like an isolated day here and there can have tremendous impact on students’ progress towards mastering key concepts that they are expected to learn in a given school year. Additionally, we know that chronic absence can have serious consequences for students’ overall academic success. Research suggests that children who are chronically absent in preschool, kindergarten, and first grade are much less likely to read at grade level by the third grade, making them four-times more likely to drop-out of high school.
Please make every effort to come to school! <3
Preparation for E-Learning
K-3 Grade Families
We have updated packets for day 3, day 4, and day 5 of potential e-learning days prepared. They are in your child's backpack. Please keep them in the backpack so they are easy to find if we have additional e-learning days.
Students are required to complete their e-learning packet and return it to school to count as being in attendance on an e-learning day.
For future e-learning days, if your child is unable to complete the packet, please contact your child's teacher via Remind. Please have your child return the packet(s) on the next in person school day.
If something becomes a frustration, please leave a note on that particular page and have your child move on. All teachers will be available via Remind or email to answer questions and/or provide support on an e-learning day.
You can find more details on our school website (eastland308.com) under the parent tab, e-learning links. The E-Learning Facilitation Guide is also linked here.
4/5 Grade Families
Participation in e-learning days is required for attendance. If for some reason your child cannot participate and/or complete their work you must contact your child's teacher via Remind.
Please review the E-Learning Facilitation Guide (linked here) for more details on the schedule, expectations, and contacts for support.
Half Birthdays!
- We will be celebrating half birthdays for our students with summer birthdays.
- We will continue for July birthdays in January and August birthdays in February.
School Wide Magician Show!
- We have rescheduled the show for Friday, February 16th! :)
Please check out this communication about weather decisions from Dr. Kashner!
Kids Heart Challenge is underway!
Keep raising funds!
Top raisers will be able to participate in a Staff vs Students Dodgeball game!
Check Out Mrs. Merchant's Art Newsletter!
Riverview Center and EES Team Up!
Pre-School Screening
🍲February's Lunch Calendar
Access our 🐾Eastland🐾 Facebook page below
Want to volunteer? Click below!
📱Important Phone Numbers to Know
Transportation Office - 815-493-6410
Main Office of EJSHS - 815-493-6341
Eastland Elementary School
Email: kking@eastland308.com
Website: eastland308.com
Location: 601 South Chestnut Street, Shannon, IL, USA
Phone: (815)864-2300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eastland308/