Crowley ISD Boardroom Rewind
March 28, 2019 - Meeting Highlights
State Organization Honors CISD PTAs
Crowley ISD principals and their PTA representatives were honored at the Board of Trustees meeting Thursday night.
The Parent Teacher Associations (PTA) at seven Crowley ISD campuses were recognized by Texas PTA for their achievements in serving our schools and community:
•Dallas Park Elementary (Good Standing with 150 members, Honor Roll and 2018 President's List)
•Deer Creek Elementary (Membership Increase)
•Jackie Carden Elementary (Good Standing with 61 members and 2018 President's List)
•Oakmont Elementary (Good standing with 73 members)
•Poynter Elementary (Good standing with 60 members)
•S.H. Crowley Intermediate (Good standing with 52 members)
•Summer Creek Middle School (Good standing with 59 members, Early Bird Achievement, Membership Increase and 2018 President's List)
PTA representatives include:
•Dallas Park Elementary: Shawneequa Blount
•Deer Creek Elementary: Button Woods
•Jackie Carden Elementary: Sandra King
•Oakmont Elementary: Karla Pedroza
•Sidney H. Poynter Elementary: Edwina Bishop
•S.H. Crowley Intermediate: Adrian Campbell
•Summer Creek Middle School: Poojah Satway
NCHS Student Wins Powerlifting State Championship
He had a total of 1,940 pounds (765 squat, 475 bench, 700 dead lift).
Talwinder and his coach, Charles Stewart, were recognized at the board meeting.
CISD Recognizes March Heartbeat Winner
Polete Buard, David L. Walker Intermediate 21st Century After School Programs site coordinator, is the March 2019 Heartbeat Team Award winner.
The award recognizes employees who display heart as they go above and beyond their job description, inspiring other employees through their extraordinary work ethic. Heartbeat team members are nominated only by other district employees.
Watch to learn more about why Buard is the heartbeat of Crowley ISD.
CISD Gives Summer Learning Preview
Crowley ISD will offer a variety of summer learning programs for students of all ages in June, July and August. The programs include enrichment, remediation, credit recovery and academic camps.
In 2018, the district offered 18 programs and served more than 1,700 students with its summer learning opportunities.
Online registration for this summer will open in April.
Inaugural Parent University Set for April 27
Courses will be taught by industry leaders from across the community, including technology experts, banking executives, police officers and school counselors.
Trustees Discuss Possible High School Zone Adjustment
In the photo above, the current high school boundary line is in green and
a proposed boundary line is in red.
As part of this two-year plan, middle school No. 4 will open in the 2020-21 school year. The district is discussing the possibility of creating high school feeder patterns that allow two middle schools to feed directly into North Crowley High School and two middle schools to feed directly in Crowley High School.
Summary of proposed changes:
•Crowley Middle School and Summer Creek Middle School would feed into North Crowley High School
•H.F. Stevens Middle School and Middle School No. 4 would feed into Crowley High School
These proposed changes will continue to be reviewed before being brought back to the school board at a later date. If you would like to provide feedback or have questions about the proposal, please email information@crowleyisdtx.org.
Board of Trustees Receive Election Update
Incumbent Lyndsae Benton faces Liz Pinon in the May 4 election for the Place 7 seat.
District Welcomes Two New Principals for 2019-20
The Board of Trustees welcomed Veronica Delgado who will serve as the new principal at Dallas Park Elementary starting next school year.
Delgado is currently a principal in Fort Worth ISD. She has a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice from the University of Texas at El Paso and a master’s degree in Administration from Texas Woman’s University.
McKenzie was previously a principal in Lancaster ISD and Decatur, Illinois. She has a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Langston University and her master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Oklahoma State University.
CISD Hires Executive Director of Finance
The Board of Trustees approved hiring Leon Fisher as the new executive director of Finance.
Fisher is currently the chief financial officer in Sanger ISD. He has his bachelor’s degree in Humanities from the University of Missouri-Columbia and his M.B.A. from Amberton University.
Administrators Review Dress Codes
Dress codes are being reviewed at the campus level. Drafts for the 2019-20 Standards of Student Dress (PK-8) and the 2018-19 Student Dress Code (9-12) will be presented at a future meeting for board review and approval.
From left to right (front row): Lyndsae M. Benton, board secretary; Superintendent Dr. Michael D. McFarland; June W. Davis, board president; Mia Hall, board vice president
From left to right (back row): Gary Grassia, board assistant secretary; Nedra Robinson, board member; Dr. La Tonya Mayfield, board member; Ryan Ray, board member