Thursday, March 4, 2021
Week of March 1-5, 2021
Greeting Circle
The songs below are what we use for our greeting circle. Your student will use these every morning to get ready for the day.
You will review the STAR, BALLOON, DRAIN, and PRETZEL breathing activities. Pick one to do for the day after reviewing them.
Commitment for the week: Have your child pick which commitment they would like to try for the day.
Come Join the Circle
On The Rug
Jump! - NTV | GoNoodle
Preschool Pledge of Allegiance - LittleStoryBug
Texas Pledge of Allegiance
S T A R Breathing - Conscious Discipline
Balloon Breathing - Conscious Discipline
Drain Breathing - Conscious Discipline
Pretzel Breathing - Conscious Discipline
Parent Write the morning message on a sheet of paper large enough for your child to be able to circle and underline letters.
Today's Morning Message:
Pencils and markers are tools for writing.
- Say the Morning Message.
- Have child to write the sentence on paper.
- Invite child to help you build on your sentence.
- Ask questions to formulate their thoughts.
- What can you build? Who might help you? What materials might you use?
- Scaffold child additions until you have built a complex sentence(My friend and I can construct a new cabin in the block center,)
Letters of the week:
Review all 26 letters
Letters we have already learned and continue to work on:
Mm, Tt, Cc, Ff, Hh, Nn, Oo, Pp, Ee, Ff, Rr, Gg ,Ii, Ss, Kk, Bb, Ll, Aa, Dd, Vv, Ww, Zz, Jj, Qq, Uu, Xx,Y y
Alphabet Automaticity | Upper and Lower Case | 4 Seconds | Jack Hartmann
Alphabet Song | ABC Song | Phonics Song
Disney Finding Nemo: Numbers with Nemo - Learn How To Count: 1 to 10 - Educational App for Kids
Moving and Learning
Macarena Count to 100 - Learning with Music - Macarena Count to 100
Just Dance 2015 - Happy Pharrell Williams Gameplay - 5 Stars Rating [ HD ]
Walking Song
Read The Runaway Cookie Parade p. 209.
- Have your child play the parts of the animal cookies: a duck, a rabbit, a dog, a cat, a bear and a pony.
- Ask child what sound does a duck, a rabbit, a dog, a cat, a bear and a pony make.
- Have your child practice the movements described by the vocabulary words.
- Read the story. When you come to the description of the animal cookies' escape, have child stand and perform the actions described in the story.
Daily Literacy Practice
- writing your name
- putting together name puzzle
- practice saying the letters and sounds Pp,Ee,Ff,Rr,Gg,Kk,Ss,Ii,Oo,Aa,Cc.Tt,Mm,Ww,Zz Hh,Nn,Bb,Ll,Dd,Vv,Jj, Qq, Uu, Xx, Yy . Find these letters all over the house and discuss the sound each time.
- Practice writing the letters (uppercase and lowercase)
See Saw Literacy -
Shape Songs Collection
Zero The Hero | Count to 100 | 100 Days of School | Jack Hartmann
Math and Science
- Fold a piece of paper in half.
- Write the numbers 0-10 on the paper.
- Empty a box of eight crayons on the floor.
- Ask child how many crayons are in the box.
- Have child point to the number 8.
- Point to any number on the paper and have child tell you what the number is.
- Continue until all the numbers have been name.
Math Seesaw Activity
Sesame Street: Healthy Teeth, Healthy Me: Brushy Brush PSA
Book 15. There's A Wocket In My Pocket By Dr. Seuss | Children's Stories | Read Aloud | Story Time
Rest Time
Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss Read Aloud