Lake Grove Elementary
Cougar News
Principal's Message 9.26.22
This week we got to celebrate our first Cougar Compliment winners of the year!
Our staff are always looking for students who are demonstrating our expected behaviors of being kind (respectful), being well (safe), and being strong (responsible). Some students earn Cougar Compliments (a slip of paper) when they're observed demonstrating these behaviors. Each week the compliment papers are collected in the library, and one winner per grade level is selected to hear their name over the loud speaker and come to the office for a small prize. As the library collection bin fills up with complement papers, we are working toward a school-wide celebration. We feel fortunate to have so many students who are being kind, being strong, and being well every day!
If you can't find what you need to know here, please feel free to email or call our office with questions.
Be kind,
Principal Jennie Knapp
Table of Contents
"Start With Hello" Spirit Week (new)
Picture Day details (new)
Technology Information and Device Protection Program (repeated)
Fall i-Ready (repeated)
Social Emotional Learning (repeated)
State Assessment Score Reports (new)
Smart Phones and Watches (repeated)
****New Application for School Volunteers (repeated) ****
Updated Arrival and Dismissal Routines (repeated)
Notes from the District Nurse (repeated)
Champions is Hiring (repeated)
Clothes Closet (repeated)
September (repeated)
Diwali Celebration (repeated)
Safe Oregon (repeated)
Save the Date (updated)
PTA News (updated)
"Start With Hello" Week
Participating in "Start With Hello" Week activities will foster an inclusive community that values every individual at Lake Grove. We will make a difference in simple, fun, and impactful ways by promoting connectedness, and identifying and helping students who may be lacking social confidence or feeling alone.
Please encourage your child(ren) to dress in the theme of each day described below.
Picture Day Details
Technology Information and Device Protection Program
In order for students to use school district software or any technology resources (devices, digital textbooks, etc.), there are three actions that need to be completed at the beginning of each school year:
- A parent or guardian must provide consent for each student to use District software and resources
- A Parent/Guardian and each Student must agree to the Acceptable Use Policy
- Families must choose to enroll or decline participation in the Device Damage and Loss Protection Program ($20 annual fee per student).
Fall i-Ready
Social Emotional Learning
Dear Lake Grove Families,
September’s Social-Emotional focus is RESPECT. One way to think about RESPECT “is seeing value in all people and things and treating them with care.” Many people feel RESPECTed in different ways and we hope this month inspires discussions with your family about what RESPECT means to you and how you can practice it together.
RESPECT is one of three traits we will focus on throughout the year that encourages students to Be Kind. Throughout the school, students will be developing skills like perspective-taking, conflict resolution, and leadership. Demonstrating RESPECT is essential to re-establishing and nurturing our school community.
During the week of September 19th, we will be further exploring the character trait of Respect as we continue fostering our school community during “Start With Hello” Week. Stay tuned for more information later this month.
We believe involving families in our social emotional learning is incredibly important. Our school newsletters will include activities to build these skills at home, discussion starters, and fun challenges you can enjoy with your family.
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our SEL curriculum. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I can be reached at or 503-534-2357.
Wendy Post
Lake Grove Counselor/Social Worker
State Assessment Score Reports
LOSD now delivers students’ state assessment results online through ParentVUE rather than mailing paper. This is in keeping with the district’s strategic goal of sustainability and mirrors how we deliver report cards. Your child’s 2021-22 assessment reports are now available on your ParentVUE Documents page. As you review your student’s English Language Arts, math, and science scores, please keep in mind:
An achievement level of 3 or 4 is considered to be on track for the student’s grade level.
Scores on state assessments are only one measure of a student’s academic progress. We use these scores in conjunction with classroom work and other daily, weekly, monthly, and term assessments to understand your student’s strengths and areas for improvement.
Smart Phones and Watches
New Application for School Volunteers - Please apply!
For the safety of children, volunteers are required to have an approved background check when volunteering in schools.
To help streamline compliance with state and school board policies, which require that all volunteers have background checks and knowledge of other board policies -- as well as state-mandated proof of vaccination (or a qualified exemption) -- we are introducing a new all-in-one volunteer application and approval process through ou Raptor Visitor Management System.
Submitting an online application initiates the background check process. Once submitted, applicants will receive an email upon approval of your background check and you will be given access through the onsite Raptor System at all schools. Please allow up to three weeks to process your approval.
Volunteers need to submit only one application for volunteering in all LOSD schools. Applications need to be submitted annually to capture changes in background checks, policies, and/or vaccination requirements.
Volunteer Application for LOSD
Thank you for applying promptly, and for your service to our students and schools. We are grateful for our volunteers.
Arrival and Dismissal Routines
Thank you for being patient and considerate during arrival and dismissal. Safety is our top priority. Please do not arrive before 8am as there is no supervision until 8am.
Students will wait outside of the building, in designated areas, rain or shine until the first bell at 8:10 when they will be encouraged to walk to class. Parents need to say goodbye to students at the red gate. Students will be supervised by staff under the covered play area between 8:00-8:10 and as they walk to class until 8:20.
Drivers may not enter the parking lot until 2:30 and must continue circling the neighborhood streets if they arrive earlier than that. We cannot block through traffic by stopping on the streets. There will be no parking, except in special circumstances. Email Principal Knapp if you need to request a parking pass.
Please pull up as far as possible along the route map linked here and have a sign with your students’ first and last name and teacher’s name displayed in your passenger side front window or on the passenger side dash board at dismissal. (We will provide signs during the first week of school or you can make your own.)
If you are walking your child to/from school, please plan to say goodbye/meet them on the sidewalk by the red gate between the building and the field. Parents waiting to pick up walkers should wait in the parking spaces behind the silver fencing. If you are crossing Douglas on foot, please use the crossing guard!
Be sure to communicate your regular go-home plans (and any changes) with your child’s teacher. After school teachers will walk students to the buses, to meet walking parents, or help them into cars for pick up.
Please also note our new traffic directions and crosswalk in the parking lot that are also indicated on the map linked above.
Notes From Our District Nurse
Please DO NOT SEND AN ILL CHILD TO SCHOOL. This page gives examples of when your student should not be in school. If your child is ill, please contact the Lake Grove Office at 503.534.2357 and leave a detailed message, or email or email Jenn Hooper - In order to keep all of our students safe, please do not plan for or send food for birthdays or other special events at school. Many students have food allergies - read more about that in the flyer below. Teachers (or the Office) must send out food notices to parents at least 3 days prior to an event, listing all foods/ingredients that will be offered at any event. Thank you for understanding.
Hispanic Heritage Month pays tribute to the generations of Hispanic Americans who have positively influenced and enriched our nation and society.
Deaf Awareness Month is intended to increase public awareness about the issues affecting deaf people and deaf culture as a whole.
National Suicide Prevention Month is an effort to inform and engage health professionals and the general public about suicide prevention and warning signs of suicide.
Diwali Celebration
Safe Oregon
Parents-guardians who have concerns about a student’s well-being are encouraged to reach out to their principal, and to maintain strong lines of communication and partnership between students, families, staff, and other resources.
SafeOregon is also an effective way to report a tip regarding safety threats or potential acts of violence to our students or schools.
(Students should also be aware that intentionally providing a false report is a serious offense.)
Save the date!
9/20 - PTA General Meeting (Zoom 7pm)
9/22 - School Picture Day at LG
9/22 - Art lit training session (LG Library 7pm)
9/28 - Lake Grove Back To School Picnic (5:30pm-7:00pm)
10/12 - Walk and Bike to School Day
10/14 - No School - Statewide Inservice Day
10/18 - PTA General Meeting (in person at LG 7pm)
10/21 - No School - Conference Prep
10/27 - Parent Teacher Conferences - No School for Students
10/28 - Parent Teacher Conferences - No School for Students
PTA News
Join the PTA General meeting via Zoom on September 20 when all PTA members will be eligible to vote on the proposed 2022-23 budget and the addition of our new executive board member, Friederike Svensson.
Any family who has submitted their dues payment by Monday, September 19 will be eligible to vote. To join the PTA today, simply submit your $20 dues payment via PayPal or fill out the attached form and drop a check in the PTA mailbox in the school entryway. Please consider an additional $25 donation to ensure all students continue to receive a yearbook sponsored by our PTA.
Any LG family (members and non-members) are welcome to listen in to any PTA meetings. You will learn more about our plans for the year in support of our mission to serve the students, teachers and staff at Lake Grove. A link to the Zoom meeting will be sent via text message to all families who are signed up to receive school text messages on the morning of the meeting and the link can be found here. Questions? Contact
Lace up those running shoes and stretch your legs! The Cougar Run Club will start its fall season on Thursday, September 29 during lunch recess. This PTA-sponsored club helps jumpstart a healthy and active lifestyle, helps create a growth mindset, improves self-esteem and self-confidence, and creates a sense of community through a shared experience. Run Club takes place every Thursday during lunch recess weather permitting. No sign up is required for students; kids can choose each Thursday to run or not.
Every runner who completes their first lap gets a charm and special Run Club necklace to wear each week, plus additional charms are earned every 3 miles after that. The PTA also recognizes the top mile-earning runners at the end of the year. For all returning students, if you have your necklace and charms at home, please bring them back on September 29 to continue your charm collection!
The Run Club is looking for parent volunteers to help track laps and cheer on runners! All on-campus volunteers must submit the District Volunteer Application located HERE. To volunteer, sign up here: Run Club Volunteer Signup. Questions? Contact: Heather Zadow, or Russ Parks
For any volunteers planning to get involved in art literacy this school year, the first training session will be held in the LG library on Thursday, September 22 from 7-8:30 p.m. The Art Literacy Program is a completely volunteer-driven program that teaches art to LOSD students using the principles of Discipline Based Art Education. It is based on individual classroom presentations and is offered at Lake Grove K-5. At the elementary level it consists of brief presentations and related hands-on projects. We will present 5 artists at Lake Grove this school year.
Through Art Literacy, students learn to:
- recognize art via increased awareness
- appreciate different styles of art
- identify basic Art Elements, Art Principles, and art media
- identify specific artists, cultures, styles, and periods
- understand that art is a form of personal expression
- use the events of artists’ lives to inspire their own endeavors
If you want to get involved in Art Lit this year, it would be great to attend this first session where you can better understand the art lit program. The training session will focus on Pieter Bruegel the Elder, a Renaissance painter. Training will be available in person and via live stream and the session will also be recorded. The link to the live stream will be sent out prior to the session and the recording will be distributed after. Please visit the SignUp Genius to RSVP for the training. Link to Art Lit Training Session #1 SignUpGenius: Questions? Contact
Fun for the whole family! Music, crafts, face painting…and a bunch of your Lake Grove friends to play with. Food, drinks, and Kona Ice available for purchase (while supplies last; cash preferred) or pack your own picnic dinner. Bring picnic blankets or folding chairs, plus sports equipment like soccer balls or basketballs to share with your friends. Questions? Contact
Paw Patrol is coming to a yard near you
Paw Patrol is a fun way to spread school spirit by posting Cougar “Paw” signs on the lawns of your fellow Grovers. If a Paw shows up on your lawn, then you’ve been Pawed! Once signs are placed, it becomes the family's turn to pass the Paw on to the next family, along with an option to make a small donation to our school. Read the instructions that come with your Paws and after a couple days, pass it on. Watch the newsletter for more information later this month.
Giving Week coming up October 3-7
Give back to your community! Giving Week is sponsored by the PTA’s Community Building and Social Responsibility committee in partnership with Lake Grove Food Friends (our school’s food bank led by Wendy Post). The week helps students learn the different ways they can support their community.
Next Dining for Dollars with Lardo on Saturday, October 8
Thank you to all the Grovers who visited Menchie’s last Saturday. We can tell already this year is going to be a great one and are excited to continue working with local businesses by enjoying great food while raising money for our PTA programs! Coming up…Mercato Grove Lardo will donate 10% of all sales on Saturday, October 8 from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. to the Lake Grove PTA.
Participate in the Walk, Bike & Roll to School Challenge on Wednesday, October 12
Lake Grove will participate in National Walk, Bike & Roll to School Day. Watch the newsletter for more information later this month.
Book Fair October 17-20
Students will have the opportunity to shop at the Book Fair during school hours in the school library. The library will remain open after school on Monday, October 21 and Thursday, October 20 until 3:30 p.m. for families who want to visit the book fair.
Mark your calendar for the remaining PTA General Meetings
Join us! Parents and guardians are welcome to join any or all PTA General Meetings. During these meetings, we hear from our principal and our volunteers report upcoming plans. The link for our Zoom meetings will be published the day of the meeting. In-person meetings will be held in the Lake Grove Elementary library.
2022-2023 School Year
All general meetings are planned for 7-8 p.m.
October 18 at the Lake Grove Elementary Library
November 15 via Zoom
January 24 at the Lake Grove Elementary Library
February 28 via Zoom
March 21 at the Lake Grove Elementary Library
April 18 via Zoom
June 6 at the Lake Grove Elementary Library
Questions about PTA plans for October? Contact
Lake Grove Elementary
At Lake Grove, we are an inclusive school community fostering social, emotional, and academic growth for all students.
Principal: Jennie Knapp
Location: 15777 Boones Ferry Road, Lake Oswego, OR, United States
Phone: 503-534-2357