SMS Weekly Update
Go Stevenson Saints!
As we wrap up another exciting week here at Stevenson, I am thrilled to share the incredible interactive lessons and engaging instruction our dedicated teachers have been delivering to our students. From hands-on science experiments to lively history debates, our classrooms have been filled with curiosity and enthusiasm. To catch a glimpse of these inspiring moments, I encourage you to visit our social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram, where we have been sharing pictures and videos showcasing the dynamic learning experiences your children are enjoying.
Thank you for your continued support in fostering a love for learning in our middle schoolers.
No School for Students on Wednesday
Welcome Our New Staff!
Ms. Morell, Counselor- Last Names A-Cl
Email: morelle@wwcsd.net
Phone: 734-419-2350
Mrs. Shecter, Counselor- Last Names Co-Me
Email: shecterc@wwcsd.net
Phone: 7344192350
Attendance Protocols
Wayne-Westland Community Schools K-12 Attendance Protocol
- One (1) absence and every absence thereafter - An automated call will be sent to indicate that the student has missed an attendance period. If a call was made to the school to excuse the absence, this call does not go out.
- Three (3) absences or equivalent - A teacher will make a phone call to discuss the reason(s) for the absences and seek to support the family in getting the child to school.
- Six (6) absences or equivalent - An attendance letter is sent to communicate the district’s concern about attendance and highlight the steps in the attendance protocol.
- Nine (9) absences or equivalent - A meeting will be set up between the family and an administrator or support staff member to discuss attendance barriers and to highlight the urgency of regular attendance.
- Twelve (12) absences or equivalent - Student’s name and address are submitted to Concentric to conduct a home visit. The school will notify parents of the upcoming visit. The details of that home visit are shared with the school to support the student’s regular attendance in school. The middle and high school students’ names and addresses will also be submitted to Westland Youth Assistance or Wayne Youth Services for enrollment in their programming. The second attendance letter is also mailed home at this time.
- Fifteen (15) absences or equivalent - Final attendance letter is sent home.
- Eighteen (18) absences or equivalent - Student is referred to Wayne County through formal petition for chronic absenteeism.
Tardy Policy
Students will be held from passing time for each hour that they are tardy to class. This will help to remove them from the distractions of their friends in the hallways during passing time and focus on getting to their next class quickly. Of course if a student is struggling to get to their class on time and is doing their best, we want to be made aware of it so we can help them to problem solve.
Please talk to your student and make sure that they are getting to all of their classes on time so they don't miss any of the engaging instruction our teachers put together each day.
Electronic Use Policy
If a student is found with their phone on during the school day, their phone will be confiscated and a parent/guardian will need to pick it up. We do not return it to the student.
Early Pick Up Procedures
If you need to pick up your child early, please arrange to pick them up prior to that time.
Thank you!
RAPS at Stevenson- Next week is Arrival & Dismissal RESPECT
This is awesome, isn't it!?! Parents, you can help to support our focus areas in our building by reinforcing these at home. Talk to them at dinner and ask them if they earned any RAPS points today and for what tasks. These are great conversation pieces and teachable moments that can be used at home in support of our school focus areas. Thanks team!
Military Appreciation Football Game
Wayne-Westland Community Schools will honor all active and veteran military members at the John Glenn vs. Wayne Memorial rivalry game. Join us on September 22, 2023, at 7 p.m. at Wayne Memorial High School (3001 Fouth Street, Wayne 48184). Tickets can be purchased here: https://gofan.co/event/1071713?schoolId=MI10119
This event is open to the public.
Suicide Prevention Awareness Week
Join us 9.26.23 for Wayne Westland vs. Stigma Kevin Fischer, executive director of the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) - Michigan Chapter, will discuss the stigma around seeking mental health help. After his son died by suicide, Kevin Fischer experienced his own mental health crises. Leading him to the NAMI for resources, then as a volunteer, and eventually as its leader. He uses his story to help others break the stigma of mental illness. * Due to the topic's sensitive nature, this presentation is appropriate for adults and youth ages 12 and up.
Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
Please remember that while picking up your child at the end of the day, you can bypass the line and traffic by coming at 2:50pm. At that time, the lot is almost all cleared out and the buses are gone, so you can pick up your child in the front of the school.
Parents- Get Involved at Stevenson
If you have questions about the roles or other ideas with getting involved at the school, please contact our Parent Coordinator, Paula Adamczak at adamczakp@wwcsd.net.
Thank you!
Michigan Career Pathfinder
Wayne-Westland Community Schools is pleased to announce the introduction of Pathfinder, an online career exploration and planning tool to help increase the number of Michigan residents with high-quality, in-demand degrees and credentials. Pathfinder is the result of a partnership with the Michigan Department of Education (MDE), Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO), and other statewide stakeholders. This valuable resource helps students to make informed choices about educational and career options that include reviewing college information, finding financial aid information, securing a job, serving their community or county, assessing their skills if unsure of their path, and exploring opportunities to earn college credit or receive training while in high school. Pathfinder houses the compilation of these resources and in so doing, creates a centralized location for decision-making information. The utilization of Pathfinder will engage students and their families in the creation and continued review of Educational Development Plans (EDPs) that should entail career exploration.
We encourage you to have your student utilize the Pathfinder tool linked below.
Family Resource Center Information
Mental Health Support
Follow us on Facebook: Stevenson Saints Middle School
Follow us on Instagram: @StevensonSaints
If you ever have any questions or concerns, please reach out to one of us directly at domank@wwcsd.net (Student Last Names: A-Lei) or phillipsae@wwcsd.net (Student Last Names: Lel-Z).
Mrs. Doman and Ms. Phillips