Bee Informed
Newsletter from Medina City Schools-October 9, 2020
Bee Informed
October Student of the Month
Medina High School senior Brandon Schramm has been named October Student of the Month. He is intellectually gifted, has a readiness for learning, and a passion for new information. He raises the bar for himself and his peers and is admired for his character and integrity. Brandon is a diligent, committed academic student but more importantly, he is kind and thoughtful. He has the rare skill of sharing his talents with students that he tutors in such a way that they feel confident and valued. He is the epitome of what it means to be a successful student at Medina High School.
Brandon is a 2021 Commended National Merit Scholar and has received a perfect score of 36 on the ACT in his sophomore year. His class schedule consists of Advanced Placement (AP) and College Credit Plus (CCP) courses and he is currently ranked first out of 534 in his class.
In addition, Brandon Is a member of the National Honor Society, has been a Link Crew Leader, and a Student Council representative. He is a member of the Boys Cross Country team, has run track, and plays recreational basketball and Ultimate Frisbee. Brandon volunteers in the Joyce B. Ebner Tutoring Center as a peer tutor, the Mary Grace Memorial Foundation Race with Grace, and at St. Francis as an altar server. In his spare time, he tutors students in Algebra, Calculus, and helps students prepare for the ACT test.
After graduation, Brandon plans on attending college majoring in either biochemistry or molecular biology on the path to medical school. He is the son of Kevin and Sara Schramm.
Ella Canavan Elementary School Turns 60
Unity Day: Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Peer Tutoring Available
Students will be paired with National Honor Society students and other honors students. They will meet one to two times per week depending on their schedules. In addition, optional virtual tutoring will be available.
Tutoring applications are available on line or at Medina High School in the Tutoring Center. All tutoring sessions will be coordinated through Carolyn Grenfell, Tutoring Center Director. Interested students and/or parent/guardians should contact Carolyn Grenfell at grenfellc@medinabees.org.
"When Big Yellow Stops, Everyone Stops"-Distracted Driving
Medina City Schools Mobile App
Board of Education Meeting Calendar
Monday, October 19, 2020
Board of Education Regular Monthly Meeting
6:00 p.m.
The District and the Board of Education feels it is important to continue holding meetings of the Board. During this time, upcoming meetings will be held virtually for the public via Facebook Live, YouTube, and on Armstrong Channel 201. Currently, public comments can be made through Zoom. A link will be provided during the meeting with comments taken during the public comment portion of the meeting.
Replays of the meeting will then be available on Medina City Schools' YouTube Channel Armstrong Channel 201, and MedinaTV Facebook page.
Upcoming Fundraisers
Flyer Central
Website: https://www.medinabees.org/Page/502
Medina Boosters Corner
"Being supportive of the community that supports us is something our organization has always taken seriously in every community we are in," said Jason Anderson, general manager of Serpentini Chevrolet of Medina. "The kids and families that benefit from fundraisers like these are the future of our community. This is something we look forward to doing for many years to come. GO BEES!"
Pictured: Medina resident Jen Hamula celebrates winning the Medina Boosters Car Raffle and a 2020 Chevy Trax courtesy of Serpentini Chevrolet of Medina.
Twitter: @MedinaBoosters
Medina Boosters Corner, Con't.
Pictured: Vice President-Sponsorship Crell Johns (left) and Boosters President Tom Delac '90 (right) presented Athletic Director Todd Hodkey with a check for $50,000 for new uniforms for Medina High School and middle school sports teams.
Twitter: @MedinaBoosters
Medina City Schools
Email: busbya@medinabees.org
Website: www.medinabees.org
Location: 739 Weymouth Road
Phone: 330.636.3030
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MedinaCitySchools
Twitter: @MCScomm1