Marysville Message
September 2, 2022
Dear Marysville Community
Happy Labor Day weekend.
I'm so impressed with the hard work that our students and staff have already begun, despite the hot weather.
I'm looking forward to the cooler temperatures and to having all of our kindergarten students join us on Tuesday September 6th.
Our preschool students will be starting on September 12th and then our year will be completely underway.
We will connect with all of our families at the Marysville Back to School Night scheduled for Tuesday September 20th from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm. Please join us!
I am always available if you have any questions or suggestions.
We are also looking for 2 - 3 parents that would be interested in participating in our school site council. The site council meets once a month and we will alternate between morning and afternoon meetings.
The site council is collaborative effort of teachers, classified employees, principals, family members, students, and community members, to plan for school improvement.
Let me know if you are interested , or 971-413-1090
Thank you,
Cathy Murray
Kindergarten Families
Please come to our:
Family Kindergarten Welcome
Tuesday, September 6 from 8:50-9:30am in the school cafeteria.
Please drop off your student in their classroom and then join us so that we can get to know each other better.
Communicable Disease Management Resources
Family Case Notification Protocol:
If 20% of absences were related to symptomatic illness or a communicable disease diagnosis, we will send a Health and Safety Reminder to the students, their parents, and staff in the affected group. The Reminder will allow our school community to make informed decisions about personal mitigation measures they might take.
OHSU K-12 COVID-19 Screening Program Year 2
OHSU will provide free, weekly COVID-19 testing for the 2022-23 school year. Testing is voluntary and available for students without COVID symptoms. Parents can enroll their children at any time during the school year using OHSU’s new online registration.
Enrollment for the OHSU Screening Testing for the 2022-2023 school year will be online and parent-led. Schools will continue to be collection sites for OHSU on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Your school will communicate to all families the specific day for test collections.
Changes for 2022-23:
All enrollment will be done online through OHSU’s Online Portal (link pending).
Parents will enroll each student by creating an account through a secure portal.
OHSU will ship test kit bundles directly to student homes throughout the school year.
Each student will receive a delivery of test kits.
Schools no longer will hand out kits to students.
Each school needs a cooler for students to drop off their specimens. Ice packs in the coolers are no longer required.
Sample Collection:
Students can now collect their spit test either the night before OR the morning of their school’s testing day.
Collection Sites
Students will bring their kit back to their school and place it in the collection cooler.
In addition, OHSU has added 3 drop-off sites around the Portland metro area:
CDRC - 707 SW. Gaines Street, Portland, OR 97239
Gabriel Park - 4411 S Vermont Street, Portland, OR 97219
Richmond Family Health Center - 3930 SE Division Street, Portland, OR 97202
Collection days will be scheduled on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. We will have more information soon.
Missed collections or questions about courier pick-ups should be directed to the OHSU support email:
Communication & Results:
Parents will get an email telling them when the test results are ready.
Student test results will be found in the online portal.
OHSU will communicate directly with parents through the online portal.
Parents and schools should direct all inquiries about the screening program to the OHSU support email: