The Weekly SharkBeat!
SJHS Weekly Parent Newsletter - August 20, 2023
First Day of School 2023!
We had a great Open House, new Parent meeting, and Meet the Sharks night. The halls were filled with excitement, laughter, and much conversation. We were truly overwhelmed by the number of parents and students who came out to make this night a success.
Tomorrow is the big day! In the morning our doors will open up at 7:50 am and our staff will be ready, anticipating the arrival of our Shark students. Our teachers have worked hard to get their classrooms ready, along with the guidance department making schedules, and custodians making sure our building is beautiful and ready to welcome our 1900 students. I am so excited for another year to serve the families of our community as principal of SJHS.
Thank you for taking the time to review the Weekly Sharkbeat Newsletter. Please check the school website and Facebook page for additional updates and information. Thank you for choosing to be a part of the Shark family. Have a great evening, keep swimming forward, and as always, Go SHARKS!
Ryan Poston
Orientation, Open House, & Meet the Sharks
23-24 SJHS Bell Schedule
Student Drop-off and Pickup Procedures
Please review our drop-off and pickup procedures below, and thanks so much for your patience.
STUDENT DROP-OFF: Parents will enter the drop-off loop on Salem Road by entering the FOOTBALL STADIUM GATE directly next to the football field. The drop-off loop will lead parents around the back of the school and towards the front of the building (see attached map). Parents will drop their students off when prompted by administration near the crosswalks in front of the school. Students may only be dropped off at this location. Parents will then continue along the parent loop to the FOOTBALL STADIUM GATE and exit the campus onto Salem Road. Parents may not enter the school from HWY 707, and may not enter the school’s Bus/Faculty Entrance Gate or the Student Driver Entrance Gate off Salem Rd. Please use the FOOTBALL STADIUM GATE next to the football field only.
STUDENT PICKUP: Parents will enter the student pickup loop on Salem Road by entering the FOOTBALL STADIUM GATE directly next to the football field. The pickup loop will lead parents around the building and towards the pickup area in the back of the school (see attached map). Parents will pick up their students when prompted by administration in the back of the school. Students may only be picked up at this location. Parents will then continue along the parent loop to the FOOTBALL STADIUM GATE and exit the campus onto Salem Road. Parents may not enter the school from HWY 707, and may not enter the school’s Bus/Faculty Entrance Gate or the Student Driver Entrance Gate off Salem Rd. Please use the FOOTBALL STADIUM GATE next to the football field only.
Important Dates
August 21 - 25
First 5 days of the semester
Schedule changes can be requested. Instructions on requesting this will be sent out through email.
Schedules changes are only made for the following reasons:
1. The student is scheduled for less than 4 classes.
2. Two sequential courses in the same term (ex. Alg 1 and Geometry)
3. Scheduled for a course where prerequisites have not been met (ex. Art 2, failed Art 1)
4. Scheduled for a class previously passed/completed.
A Note From the Nurse
Medication Reminders from the School Nurse:
- Please do not send medications to school with your child. A parent will be called to pick up any medication that is brought in by a student. Medications must be brought to the school nurse by a parent or guardian.
- Prescription medications must be brought in the original labeled container from the pharmacy. Non-prescription or over-the-counter medications must be brought in the unopened, original container with the manufacturer's label. Forms are located on the school website.
- Prescription and non-prescription medications require a medication permission form. These forms can be obtained from the Horry County Schools website or from the school nurse. Forms are located on the school website.
We are looking forward to a great year keeping our Sharks safe & healthy. Please call the School Nurse if you have any questions.
Online Registration
All returning students are required to complete registration each year. Returning Student Registration is completed entirely online and provides the district with updated residency documentation and contact information.
Please take time to register your child as we prepare for a new school year. For more information and to begin the Academics at HCS / Registration (
Please contact our Registrar, Kathy Reagan at 843-650-2093 if you need further information or have any questions.
Student Parking
Any student wishing to park on campus must register their vehicle with the school and purchase a $30 parking decal by Friday, September 1 to avoid a parking ticket. Senior decals are free for the first week of school, but still must be registered. Vehicles may be registered by using the attached google link and payments should be made via My Payments Plus. For more information, go to SJH Student Parking 2023-2024 ( or contact Wynnette Smith at
My Payments Plus
Parent and Student Handbook
Dress Code
Please click the dress code picture to view the SJHS Dress Code.
Bus Transportation
The online map for identifying bus stops is currently unavailable. If you have questions about your bus stop, please call the SJHS main office during regular business hours.
For attendance information please go to the school web page below:
From the SJHS web site go to “Our School” then Click on Attendance.
For further information please contact DeAnna Zirkelbach at 843-650-2448 or email her at
School Lunch
All students in Horry County Schools will receive free breakfast and lunch during the 2023-2024 school year as part of the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program.
School Supplies
School supplies vary from course to course. Students will receive a list of needed supplies in the course syllabus the first few days of class. General supplies needed include pens, pencils, and notebooks/paper in addition to course specific supplies.
Guidance Department
St. James Athletics
Please click the Sharks Logo to access our Sharks Athletics Page.
St. James High School
Location: 10800 South Carolina 707, Murrells Inlet, SC, USA
Phone: (843) 650-5600