Pirates Post
Week of May 2nd
Message from Principal Drew...
What an amazing week we just had at PCHS. On Tuesday we held two incredible events for our students. The mock crash event was powerful and helped our Juniors and Seniors understand the impact of their choices. Our college fair was attended by over 15 colleges and universities as well as our military branches and provided every student that attended the opportunity to gather information and make connections with the representatives on hand as they plan their next steps after high school. We completed Pre-ACT and NC Check-ins testing. The students in our academic success class presented their journey through this year of high school in powerful and moving demonstrations of determination and perseverance. We also had engaging field trips for our AIG, FFA, Science, and Aquaculture students. Finally we had an outstanding prom. A special THANK YOU to Mrs. Kelly Russell and her helpers for the hours of planning, preparing scenery, and organizing such a wonderful event for our students. PCHS is blessed to be able to offer so many opportunities to our students.
This week at PCHS offers a new set of opportunities for our students to be engaged and to grow.
Monday we wish our golf team well as they compete in the Regional finals in Little Washington.
Tuesday our Men's and Women's track teams will compete in the conference championship meet at John A. Holmes in Edenton and our baseball and softball teams will travel to Gates County for their games.
Thursday we will have Senior night for our Spring sports teams prior to the start of their games. Women's Soccer will host Camden at 5:00 and our baseball and softball teams will host Gates County at 6.
Friday we will administer the AP US History Exam. A Regional Job Fair will be held in the media center at PCHS for our Seniors. We have a variety of businesses coming on this day to recruit and potentially hire our Seniors for career building opportunities. The job fair will be from 10 to 1. Finally on Friday our AIG students in grades 11 and 12 will go on a field trip to King's Dominion.
Along with all of the great things happening at PCHS this week there are some important dates you will want to be aware of over the next month.
May 6 - PCHS Job Fair and AP US History Exam
May 12 - PCHS Band Spring Concert
May 24 - Senior Walk - All Seniors should report to school at 8:00 AM in their cap and gown for a class photo. We will then travel to each of the schools in our district for the walk.
May 31 - Athletic Awards Banquet
June 1 - Baccalaureate
June 6 - PCHS Booster Club Senior Athlete Dinner
June 6-10 - Final Exams in all classes
June 8 - Graduation practice at 1:30 on the football field. This is mandatory for all Seniors. Graduation Tickets will be given out at the end of practice.
June 10 - Graduation at 7:30 on the football field
We have 24 instructional days left. We can and will finish strong. Keep pushing Pirates and we will be successful together in the end.
PCHS Highlights...
- Math Department> Math Students of the Week...
Carver - Ny'Kea Spellman
Craddock - Elizabeth Gregory - Math 2 Honors
Riddick - Keara Sauvageau - Math 2
Tyson - Areyona Jacox - Math 3
- FFA> FFA participated in the Northeast FFA Regional Rally.
For the Northeast Region:
We placed 1st in Junior Livestock Judging.
Miranda Stallings placed 1st individual in Junior Livestock Judging.
We placed 2nd in Forestry.
Lilah Byrum placed 2nd individual. LeighAnne Bass placed 3rd individual.
We placed 2nd in Nursery / Landscape.
- Poetry Night> PCHS students participated in a poetry night, "Expressing Ourselves through Poetry," on April 28 at the Public Library. There were original poems shared and songs sung. It was an enjoyable evening. Thank you to the Public Library for hosting this event! Thank you to Ms. Sutton, Mr. Fipps, and Mrs. Mathis for helping to bring it all together!
- Football Team> Spring football practice on Monday at 4:00 for everyone interested in participating. Stop by and see Coach Rapanick if you have any questions.
-Athletic Department> I wanted to inform you that the Athletic Awards Banquet will be on May 31st in the auditorium at 7:00 and the Athletic Senior Banquet hosted by the Athletic Booster Club will be on June 6th at Open Door Church in Edenton, NC at 6:00. Each senior athlete will receive tickets next week for themselves and two other individuals.
This Week @ PCHS...
-Tue, May 3rd> Track & Field Conference Championship Meet @ Edenton; Softball & Baseball @ Gates HS 6:00 PM.
-Wed, May 4th>
-Thur, May 5th> Softball home vs Camden 5:00 PM; Softball & Baseball home vs Gates 6:00 PM.
-Fri, May 6th> Job Fair for Seniors in Media Center 10:00-1:00 PM; AIG Field Trip for Juniors & Seniors.
Counselors Corner: Student Services...
College Center with Ms. Gray...
I want to thank the following College and Universities, as well as Recruiters for attending, and sharing information regarding their respective programs with students!
University of Mount Olive
Martin Community
Barton College
Roanoke-Chowan Community College
East Carolina University
College of the Albemarle
North Carolina Central University
North Carolina State University
Chowan University
Elizabeth City State University
North Carolina Wesleyan College
Saint Augustine's University
Air Force Recruiter
Army Recruiter
Marine Recruiter
***Students who attended the event please check your email for a survey from Ms. Morgan Gray regarding your experience at the College Fair. Students who respond will be entered into a raffle for a $25.00 Visa Gift Card ***