Capital High Newsletter
Welcome to November!
As the season of gratitude is upon us, we want to take a moment to say thank you for the incredible students you trust us to prepare for college and career. Our students constantly impress us with their display of our Eagle PRIDE values in our school and community! Many thanks to all of you for allowing us the privilege of educating them on a daily basis.
We also want to take a moment to update you on our SMART Goals for the school year. Every year we evaluate achievement data, feedback from students and parents (please see the parent survey below for this year) and surveys of our staffulty to determine our goals for the year. Our school has selected three areas which we have determined will help us meet our goal of meeting the learning needs of our students. The three areas we will develop, monitor and assess this year are in the areas of deepening our academic vocabulary to increase level of achievement in all content areas, implementing a system of focused note taking to assist students in retaining learning and developing goal setting strategies school wide. Throughout the year our staffulty will utilize PLC time for professional development and reflection on the implementation and success of the goals in our daily practice. We will update you periodically on our progress.
Again, thank you for your engagement in our outstanding school. We feel honored and blessed to be a part of our students journey towards being college and career ready for their lives beyond high school.
Go Eagles!
Sandy Winters
Parent/Guardian Survey
2018-2019 Make-A-Wish for Remmy
Welcome Remmy
Remmy & Mom (Sonia)
Remmy & The Incredibles
DECA Students, Remmy & Mom (Sonia)
Remmy & Tre
DECA 2018-2019 Make-a-Wish Fundraising
Star Sales:
Sophomores: $470.00
Juniors $1,025.00
Seniors $605.00
Total Star Sales $2,100.00
Personal Donations (Tomas Idoeta) $100.00
Volleyball Team Donations $200.00
Profit from Powder Puff shirts $150.00
Buttons from Library $35.00
Shirts from the Guard $300.00
Total Donations $785.00
Miracle Minute Collections
Sophomores $475.00
Juniors $922.50
Seniors $1,293.00
Total Miracle Minute Collections $2,690.50
Donations from Football Game
Homecoming Football Game $641.19
Total Funds Raised for Make-A-Wish
Goal for 2018 $6,180.00
Raised 2018 $6,216.69
+/- from Goal + 36.69
In the past 12 years we have raised $42,485.00
Brenda Wright New ELL Tutor
Hilary Jacobs part-time ELL tutor
My name is Hilary Jacobs and I am excited to be supporting students as a part-time ELL tutor at Capital. I grew up in Bend, Oregon and graduated from the University of Oregon (go ducks) with a Bachelor’s in Political Science and minor in English. I spent my post-undergrad years engaging in advocacy work in New Orleans and teaching ESL in Cancun, Mexico. I recently moved to Boise and I’m currently pursuing my Master’s of Social Work at Northwest Nazarene University. I’m thoroughly enjoying exploring this beautiful city and the surrounding trail systems and I’m looking forward to getting to know the Capital family this year!
Bailey Germann - Attendance Admin
Students & Staffulty of the Month
ACADEMICS: Hanna Ball-Murkle
ACTIVITIES: Kayla Laufenburger
ACTS OF SERVICE: Nevena Tulilov
ARTS: Ethan Rollins
ATHLETICS: Jack Vering
ATTITUDE: Chase Miller
EAGLE PRIDE: Caden Anderson
Nominated by: Ms.Francis
Hanna is doing a super job as our webmaster! She carefully works through all the tasks and responsibly checks with me with any concerns. Thank you Hanna!
Nominated by: Mrs. Winters
Kayla does a super job cheering on our Eagles at every function she is at!! We love our Kayla!
Nominated by: Miss. Peck
Nevena is a joy to have in class with her amazing spirit & willingness to participate. She is always helping those around her and asking questions. She is doing an awesome job!
Ethan Rollins
Nominated by: Mr. Ritzer
Ethan is committed to striving for excellence in his own work and generous with sharing his knowledge and expertise with other students.
Nominated by: Mr. Sosnowski
Exemplary student athlete, hard worker, team oriented, solid leader.
Nominated by: Mr. Twiss
It has been a pleasure having you in class this year! You are always on the ready to learn. and you have perfect attendance in all your classes! This is Impressive! Thank you for such a great start to this school year
Nominated by: Mrs. Winters
Chase emulates Eagle Pride in everything he does and he does A LOT! Thank you for your positivity and leadership at CHS.
Nominated by: Ms. Zumwalt
A Student in my class was having a hard time emotionally, and Caden volunteered to have the student be with him during the period and the two of them worked together all period. The other student left happy.
Nominated by: Mrs. Uriarte
I am not sure Kara's picture isn't permanently in the hall way. She is always so kind and helpful, even when shes got a million other things going on. I never feel like helping me is an inconvenience. She is efficient and kind and we are so lucky to have her.
Reminder all visitors must sign-in in main office
Upcoming Events & Reminders from Golden Eagle Booster Club
Capital Parents –
- Parents of Capital Seniors - We will be holding an information meeting for parents about the post-graduation party for the Class of 2019. The meeting will be held on Monday, November 5, at 7:00 p.m., in the school cafeteria. If you are not able to attend the meeting but would like information or want to be involved, please send an email to
- Online Auction - The booster club’s annual fall online auction will be held November 6 – 15. We need additional items for the auction. If you can provide any goods, services, or gift cards, please send a message to Thank you, in advance, for your support.
- Booster Club Meeting – Please join us on Monday, November 12, at 7:00 p.m., in the school cafeteria.
- Fred Meyer's Community Rewards Program - The booster club is enrolled in the program. Family and friends of Capital High School can support our fundraising efforts by linking their Fred Meyer Rewards Card to the booster club’s account (NPO # ET677) at The booster club will receive a donation when you shop using your Rewards Card, and you will still earn your rewards points, fuel points, and rebates. We currently have only 32 households linked to our account. Please link your card today.
- Thank You to our families who donated items and/or volunteered for the Homecoming Tailgate Party!
Mental Health Corner:
'Tis the Season: Watch for Winter Blues
To staff and students, the Counseling Office would like to remind you to watch for signs of sadness and depression during the winter. Many people struggle with days that are darker where we spend more time inside. Here are some helpful hints that we found online...
Common signs of depression include:
- Being in a depressed or sad mood most of the day nearly every day (in children, it may look more like anger or irritation) for at least two weeks
- Loss of interest in activities you typically enjoy
- Weight loss or weight gain
- Sleep problems (either too much or too little)
- An inability to focus or concentrate
Steps that can help out:
- Get out of bed each day and get dressed first thing, including fixing your hair and make-up
- Have an activity to do outside your home each day, like going to the store
- Call on a support system of people—your friends, family or church members—who can help you stay involved and active
- Eat healthy foods and avoid alcohol, which is a depressant
From an article at:
Forms for the Nurse's Office
If you have any other questions or concerns regarding your student's health, please contact Jennifer Howard via email or telephone. or 208-854-4519
Please see links below
Energize Our Neighborhoods
Energize Our Neighborhoods is a community collaboration to help make our neighborhoods unique and desirable. By aligning resources, we can improve livability and make measurable change.
We want to hear from you! No idea is too big or small – the goal is to think creatively and passionately about future investments that support the neighborhood’s shared vision. This is your opportunity to help identify future projects and programs for your neighborhood!
Whether you are a resident of the West Bench Neighborhood, have a child who attends school in the neighborhood , or work/own a business in the neighborhood, your feedback will help us in this process! Please take our short online survey to share your thoughts: . You can learn more about Energize Our Neighborhoods by visiting or calling 208-570-6849.”
Main Office 854-4490
Counseling Office 854-4499
Attendance Office 854-4493
Attendance office PTL Line 854-4494
Attention Capital Parents:
If you need to call in an absence for the day or period, please call 208-854-4493 and leave a message on voicemail with your information and student’s information. If you need a return phone call, I will return it as soon as possible. The attendance office is a busy place and I appreciate your patience, thank you Capital Parents!
If you need your student to leave campus for any reason, they must have a permit to leave called in by a parent/guardian or emergency contact at
208-854-4494 -ONE HOUR before the release time. Our student assistants try their best to deliver these permits in a timely manner so please give them that time to do so. If a student leaves campus without a permit, they will be marked TRUANT and may have consequences to follow. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
November 19th thru 23rd
Winter Holiday Break
December 24th thru January 4th
Dec. 18th
Semester Final for 0 hour 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Break 10:30 am - 11:00 am
Semester Final for 5th period 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Dec. 19th
Semester Final for 1st period 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Break 10:30 am - 11:00 am
Semester Final for 2nd period 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Dec. 20th
Semester Final for 3rd period 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Break 10:30 am - 11:00 am
Semester Final for 4th period 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Dec. 21st
Semester Final for 6th period 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Break 10:30 am - 11:00 am
Semester Final for 7th period 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Choir News
November 8 at 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria
Tickets are $6/adults, $4/students, or $20 for a family pack
Orchestra News
Tuesday, November 13
7:00 PM, Capital Auditorium
Free admission
Band News
November 16 - Jazz Variety Show in Auditorium at 7:00pm
November 26 - Fall Jazz Night in Auditorium at 7:00pm, features jazz bands from Boise, Borah, Capital, and Timberline.
Novermber 29-30 - DIII Jazz Festival, band from the Treasure Valley perform to receive clinics, comments and ratings.
Drama News
State Drama - Friday, November 30th & Saturday, December 1st.
Drama will be selling Crucible posters for $5. Please pay Mrs. Atkins in the business office.
Debate/Speech Team Tournament Results
Congratulations to Sarmad Talib and Cosette Van Cleve on being finalists in Congressional
10/26 & 10/27 - Debate/Speech Patriot Debates Centennial High
Jordyn Walhof 1st place in Oratorical Analysis
Wesley Capps 1st place in Retold Story
Wesley Capps 4th place in Congressional Debate
Isaac Page 6th place in Congressional Debate
Sarmad Talib finalist in Congressional Debate
Boys Basketball Tryout Information
Tryouts for the 2018-19 Season will begin on Friday, November 9th and run for three days. The full schedule is as follows:
- Friday, Nov. 9th (Freshmen/Sophomores from 4:00pm-5:30pm, Juniors & Seniors 5:45pm-7:15pm in the Aux Gym)
- Saturday Nov. 10th (all players 10:00am-12:30pm in the Aux Gym)
- Monday Nov. 12th (all players 4:00pm-6:00pm in the Aux Gym)
Teams will be announced following tryouts on Monday. Practices will begin on Tuesday, November 13th.
If you plan on trying out, please visit this link to fill out some information for our coaching staff:
And, if you have not already completed your Medical/Insurance information, please visit the following link for instructions:
Please contact Coach Moore with any questions. Go Eagles!
Winter Sport Athletes
Winter Sport Athletes - boy's basketball & wrestling: it's time to make sure your sports ware registration & physicals are up-to-date. All athletes need to do sports ware registrations yearly & all juniors need a new physical completed before tryouts or the first day of practice. If it is not done, you will not be able to practice.
Please see links below
Capital High School
Location: 8055 West Goddard Road, Boise, ID, USA
Phone: 208-854-4490