Lupine Hills Newsletter
September 2022
September Updates
It was great to see so many of you come out to Back to School Night. If you missed it, please check in with your child's teacher and they will update you.
On September 1st, Lupine welcomed Superintendent, Dr. Hurst, Board Trustee Jamela Smith-Folds and the Mayor of Hercules, Mr. Bailey. We discussed a better way to move traffic through our parking lot, shading and safety. Additionally, we visited our 5th grade classrooms where students had an opportunity to ask our visitors questions about their leadership roles.
This month our 4th and 5th graders have an opportunity to run for Student Council. Mrs. Fernandez is our teacher supporting our young leaders. We look forward to elections.
Parent Committees
SSC (School Site Council - 2 parents): The common goal and focus of this elected body are to support student success. The SSC does this by developing and monitoring the implementation of the school’s plan known as the Single Plan for Student Achievement.
ELAC (English Language Advisory Committee -1 parent): The ELAC shall be responsible for the following tasks: Advising the principal and staff in the development of a site plan for English learners and submitting the plan to the School Site Council for consideration of inclusion in the School Plan for Student Achievement.
AAPAC (African American Parent Advisory Committee - 1 parent): Advise the SSC on programs and services for African American/Black students, including reviewing the SPSA.
Please email Ms. Sheldon psheldon@wccusd.net if you have questions or are interested in participating.
COVID Testing Extended
LSA will continue to test registered students weekly until 9/23/22. After this time, LSA will only test students who have been exposed on a case by case basis.
Friday, Sep 23, 2022, 03:00 PM
1919 Lupine Road, Hercules, CA, USA
1. Educational Benefits Form: (Contest ends 9/23)
- Login to your PowerSchool Account (Need help? Call our office)
- Choose 'Forms', then 'Educational Benefits'
- Answer a couple of short questions, then you're done!
2. Get connected on ParentSquare.
- All school communication will only be sent on this platform beginning 10/1.
3. Annual School Forms: (This is how we contact you for emergencies)
- Visit: wccusd.Powerschool.com
- Login to your PowerSchool Account (Need help? Call our office)
- Click the Annual School Forms icon and update your child's information.
Garden Corner with Ms. Elizabeth
PTA Corner
Join the PTA: http://bit.ly/JoinLupineHillsPTA
SWAG (Lupine Spirit Gear) Fundraiser: https://www.customink.com/fundraising/lupine-hills-elementary-spiritwear-3062
September Calendar
9/5 - Labor Day
9/14 - Kona Ice 1:30-3pm
9/15 - Hispanic Heritage Month Begins
9/21 - Student Council Elections
9/22 - Shelter in Place Drill 9:30am
9/28 - SSC (School Site Council)_Zoom Meeting
Contact Us
Email: psheldon@wccusd.net
Website: https://www.wccusd.net/lupinehills
Location: 1919 Lupine Road, Hercules, CA, USA
Phone: 510-231-1411
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LupineHillsElementary