Schultz's Super Stars
Room 205
We have been talking about our families the last two weeks. We discussed who lives in our homes and even the different names we call our grandmas and grandpas. There were some real creative ones :)We have also been trying to recognize our names around the room and working on the first letter of our names.
I mentioned this at home visits this week- We started a new program in class this week called Reading Academy. It took us a bit to get used to it and get it going. It is something we try to do atleast twice a week on our tablets. It is a program that reads to your child and works on reading comprehension and even letter sounds/recognition. I will be laminating a QR code for each of your children and stapling it in their yellow folder. It is not mandatory for you to do at home with your child. It is just an educational program to connect home and school learning.
* Just a reminder- If your child has an accident ( wet/soiled pants or spilled milk/juice/water) we wash their clothes here at school. It may take a few days to come back to you, but I will get them in your child's bag when they do. If they started out as extra clothes they may be place back in your child's cubby for later use. Let me know if you would like me to send them home.
*Please check your child's back pack every day. If their folder is not in their backpack, we didn't have anything important to send home that day.
Our favorite book this week <3
Dates To Remember
9/25- No School
9/26- Kyce turns 4!
10/6- Last day to turn in picture money/forms