ThunderRidge Weekly Update
August 25, 2023
Patterson's Perspective
Grizzly Families,
We are already through our third week of school, and staff and students are settling into their routines with academics and extra-curricular activities.
Thank you to all who attended Back-to-School Night on Wednesday. It was wonderful to see so many of you there. There was good conversation in the classrooms, and Mrs.Yuhas and our counselors did a great job presenting in their sessions. We received some good feedback and look forward to building from it. Please let me know if you have any feedback for future Back-to-School Nights.
Classroom attendance is imperative to student success and achievement. By attending school, students have access to the resouces they need to be successful in learning. Students that miss school on a regular basis fall behind and do not get the academic support that they need. There are federal laws about attending school as well as district policy. Here is some information regarding attendance policies.
Senior parents - we are waiting to hear back from DU to confirm the date and time of our graduation ceremony for the Class of 2024. Other districts have priority due to the number of schools they have that reserve DU for their ceremonies. Once we have confirmed our date and time, we will send you the information.
Thank you all!
Have a great weekend. Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback.
Sean Patterson
Principal, ThunderRidge High School
Important Dates
📜 Aug. 30 - NHS Induction Ceremony - 6:00pm - Auditorium
⛔ Sept. 4 - Labor Day/NO School
🎓 Sept. 6 - Senior Project Parent Night - 6:30pm - Auditorium
✏️ September 9 - ACT
📷 September 13 - Picture Retakes
🏫 September 20 - SAC Meeting - 4:30pm - 6:00pm - Post Grad Room
🏫 September 22 - Professional Development Day/NO STUDENTS
🎭 September 28-30 - Fall Play - Details to come
🎉 September 29 - Homecoming Parade - Details to come
Bell Schedule for August 28 - September 1
Monday - Blue Day
Tuesday - Green Day with Advisement
Wednesday - Blue Day
Thursday - Green Day with Access
Friday - All Day with PLC
Due to the 4-day school week September 4-8, there will NOT be a PLC on Friday, September 8th. Classes will begin at 7:40 and we will be on a BLUE bell schedule that day.
ThunderRidge Athletics
NSPN.TV is streaming the game with live play by play.
Here is a direct link:
Click the image to keep up with all ThunderRidge Athletics information!
Late Orders for Field Day T-Shirts End August 29, 2023
If you have not already ordered your Field Day t-shirt, please use this QR code to do so by August 29th.
Student Portraits
Planners, Activity Passes and Parking Permits Are Still Available for Purchase
23-24 Student Planner - $7.00
The TRHS 23-24 Student Planner is a valuable time management tool!
Click here or scan the QR code to purchase. Planners can be picked up at the Finance Window during school hours.
23/24 Activity Pass - $50.00
This pass provides entrance to all TRHS home athletic events with the exception of playoff games. Once a pass is paid for in myschoolbucks, students must visit the Finance Office to obtain their Athletic Activity Pass sticker.
23/24 Parking Permit - $50.00 Juniors and Seniors ONLY
AP and IB Exam Registration Information
Attention all AP and IB Students/Parents,
Exam registration for year-long classes for the 23/24 school year is right around the corner.
Any student NOT interested in the taking the exam must communicate this to Ms. Kovack ( for AP exams or Mrs. Lakeland ( for IB exams by Wednesday, November 1st.
If you decide not to test after this deadline, the school is still charged a fee and no refund will be available.
IB Update
The school year is officially back in the swing of things and our new group of IB Juniors are diving head first into the Diploma Programme. The history students have already been working with our IB Seniors looking at the key concepts in history and the ideas of historiography. Meanwhile, the English students are deep in discussions and presentations about their summer reading "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" and discussions of ethics tied up in the literature. Film and art students have been diving right into their content and are already in the thick of analyzing those different mediums. While the Biology, Sports Science, and Environmental Science students are constructing solid foundational knowledge for the year to come.
We also had our Back to School Night meeting for all our IB Diploma parents this past week. We talked through the coming year and all of the different intricacies of the Diploma Programme including exams, core components, and all the other pieces necessary to be a successful IBDP Candidate. If you missed the meeting for whatever reason or want more information about any of these components please do not hesitate to reach out to Mr. Risner at
Finally a quick plug about the CAS Trip meeting on Tuesday, August 29th at 7 PM in the TRHS Library. The CAS Trips are open to any student in an IB class who is interested in expanding their global perspective through the lens of Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS). We will be discussing the options for this year, the cost, and the general itinerary and timeline for sign-ups. We hope to see you there!!
This Week in Advisement
Juniors attended a kick off assembly with Sully and Mr. Patterson.
Service Animal in the Building
We will have a certified service animal in our school helping one of our students/staff members as a form of an accommodation. The handler of the service animal is protected under the American Disabilities Act and has the right to be accompanied by the animal.
Please refrain from petting and touching the animal, since it has to fulfill a certain task for its owner. Thank you for your understanding and support. Should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the school administration.
Community Events and Fundraisers
Support the Amazing TR Marching Band
2 Opportunities:
Mod Market - August 31 - All Day
Panda Express - September 2 - 10:30am-9:00pm
American Furniture Warehouse Back to School Rally - Better Your Home, Better Your School
Mention ThunderRidge at check-out and a percentage of your purchase will be donated back to the school! Purchases count any time of the year, but let’s RALLY in August and $upport TR!
Community Service Opportunities
Grizzly Football Varsity Home Game Volunteers
Please click this Sign Up Genius Link to volunteer to help with concessions, spirit wear sales, and senior banners for our Varsity Home games.
Contact Information is on the Sign Up Genius Link and you can reach out to Tiffany Fisher.
2023 Roxborough Music Festival
Please sign-up here to volunteer on Friday, September 8th or Saturday, September 9th at the Annual Roxborough Music Festival. Multiple volunteer slots are available for a variety of activities.
A 2-3 hour commitment is recommended but you may volunteer more. Please let Chad Bergman know if you have any questions. 303-875-2240,
Teen Reading Buddy
The Highlands Ranch Library is now accepting applications to become a Teen Reading Buddy. Our Reading Buddies program pairs a trained teen volunteer with a current 1st through 3rd grade child who is having challenges with reading. The program also helps teens develop teaching and leadership roles.
Teams meet weekly at the library on either Tuesday or Thursday, 3:45 - 5:15. The fall session will run October 3 - December 7.
Apply now at Applications are due September 1.
For questions, please email, call 303-791-READ, or stop by a branch and talk to any of their friendly staff members!
23-24 PTO/SAC Meeting Childcare for Coyote Creek Elementary
Sign up to help with childcare to school-age children during Coyote Creek's PTO and SAC meetings.
The PTO meetings are monthly from 6-7pm, so on those days the volunteer time slot is 5:45-7:15. During some months the SAC meeting will follow the PTO meeting from 7-8pm. On those days the volunteer time slot is 5:45-8:15.
23-24 PTO/SAC Meeting Childcare for Eldorado Elementary
Sign-up here to help with childcare for school-age children during Eldorado Elementary's PTO and SAC meetings for the 2023-2024 school year. Meetings will be held 8/21/2023, 10/2/2023, 11/13/2023, 2/12/2024, 3/25/2024 and 5/13/2024. Volunteer time slot is from 5:45pm - 8:30pm. Bring volunteer forms to be signed at the end of the meeting.
Click the bar above for the TRHS Seniors 2024 Webpage.
Senior Photo Information
Senior photo upload is now available - school code 7751. Click here for more information.
ThunderRidge is proud to offer a wide variety of clubs and activities!
Click the bar above for a full list including times, days and locations.
About Us
Principal Sean Patterson
Mission Statement:
Empowering Grizzlies through curiousity, compassion, courage, community and service.
Location: 1991 West Wildcat Reserve Parkway, Highlands Ranch, CO, USA
Phone: 303.387.2000
Twitter: @TRidgeGrizzlies