North Cedar Elementary
February 2022
100 Days of School
Mrs. Jensen's Preschool
The preschoolers added heart counters to a plastic heart boat to see how many hearts it would take to sink it. We graphed the results and found out that most of the class used 10 hearts to sink their boat.
Kindergarten News from Mrs. Green's Class
3rd Grade Visits the Dubuque Symphony Orchestra
On February third the 3rd grade students from Lowden and Mechanicsville traveled to Dubuque to see the Dubuque Symphony Orchestra at the Five Flags Center. They were all excited to see an orchestra in real life and hear them live! They even got to sit in the balcony!
Each year the DSO provides a free concert to local 3rd grade classes as part of their Arts Trek Series. Students learn about each family of instruments: strings, woodwind, brass and percussion. They get to hear individual instruments as well as small group performances and there is also a guest soloist from their concerto competition. Concert etiquette is also a big part of the learning process. Students learn appropriate audience behavior and also when it is okay to yell “Bravo!” and”Encore!”
This year students heard music from the movies including the Star Wars Theme and the Pirates of the Caribbean. The soloist was a cello player, and they were impressed that she had her solo memorized. The DSO, as well as myself, hope that these performances encourage and inspire students to get involved in music as they grow older!
News from Mrs. Jackson & Third Grade
We have spent some time in February celebrating our classroom growth in reading. We had the best time painting crafts. We painted wooden magnets, sun catchers, and painted on canvas. We finished a read aloud that we really enjoyed, A Dog Called Kitty. We are enjoying lots of different reading genres and are busy trying to finish our 25 book reading challenge!
We started a new unit in math that involves fractions. We are loving learning about fractions and continue to strengthen our multiplication and division fact fluency.
We enjoyed a small and simple classroom party for Valentine's Day. It is nice to receive kind messages and candy from each other.
Cold, wet, and icy days left us inside for recess at times. We enjoyed some new, hands-on, toys purchased by the foundation! We thank the foundation. We need to get some more Lincoln Logs and Tinker Toys, we love them!
We are patiently waiting for Spring!
4th Grade News from Mrs. Farrington's Class
Classroom news from Mrs. Rolwes's 5th Grade
Mrs. Haye's Classroom visits Dinosaur Adventure in Cedar Rapids
Mr. Greene's Class has been busy learning how to bowl and keep score!
Peace out 2/22/22
Knight Pride
Photos from around the buildings
Contact Us:
Phone: 563-941-5383