Burbank Bulletin
October 18, 2021
Dear Luther Burbank families,
I hope everyone was able to enjoy the weekend. Fall in New England never gets old, does it? The trees are stunning and the colors are just so vibrant. Every day when I walk into school, I marvel at the beauty of our school grounds. Our teachers are taking advantage of the nice weather and seizing the opportunity to move their classroom lessons outdoors, too. Check out the pictures, below, of our 8th graders outside in Art Class just last week. Love it!
With fall squarely on our doorstep, school is certainly bustling. Academics are in full swing, and we have a good number of students participating in extra-curricular activities after school. It feels good for all of us at Luther Burbank to be in this school routine, and we love to see our students extending themselves and making connections with their peers and teachers after school.
We are looking forward to discussing the ins and outs of school with you during parent teacher conferences next week. Conferences will be held virtually on the afternoon and evening of October 28th and the full day of October 29th. If you haven't signed up for a parent teacher conference, it is definitely not too late. Please sign up. A link to our conference scheduler, Pick-A-Time, can be accessed on the Luther Burbank website. We can't wait to talk with you!
In partnership,
Dates to Remember
October 18: XC Meet, Home v. St. Anna, 3:30
October 21: LBMS School Council, 3:00
October 22: Early Release Professional Development, 11:30 Dismissal
October 22: Purple Pinkie Day
October 26: Picture Retakes
October 27: District XC Meet @ Nashoba
October 28: Early Release, Parent-Teacher Conferences, 11:30 Dismissal
October 29: No School, Parent-Teacher Conferences
October 29: Nashoba Band Day, 7:00 PM, NRHS Football Game
November 11: Holiday, No School
November 18: LBMS School Council, 3:00
November 24-26: Thanksgiving Break, No School
ALICE Safety Protocol Drill this Week
From the Health Office
Please be reminded that we request that you notify the school if your child is going to be late or absent. You can do so easily by emailing LBMSattendance@nrsd.net Please remember to include any/all symptoms that your child is experiencing. We continue to monitor for symptoms of Covid-19 and this communication is essential to maintaining the health and safety of our community. Please feel free to call Darlene Perkins at 978-365-5629 if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Purple Pinkie Day
Join us this Friday, October 22, as we help promote understanding and support of Rotary International’s effort to eliminate the disease of polio for good. Why is it called Purple Pinkie? When a child is vaccinated for polio, he/she has a purple stamp placed on their little finger. Building on this symbolism, our students will learn about the efforts to raise funds for oral vaccine in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nigeria the three countries where polio still remains and become part of the solution. Since one dollar is the estimated cost to immunize a child from polio, students are encouraged to bring in a dollar or more to help with the cause. Best of all, the donations will be matched by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation so every donation will go even farther.
Cross Country Update
The XC teams enter the final 2 weeks of the season with a home meet today, Monday, Oct. 18 vs. St Anna and the annual District meet vs. Hale and Sawyer at NRHS on Wednesday, Oct. 27. The boys team is in search of their first team victory while closing the point gap with improved times by all the runners with every race. The girls continue their winning streak improving to 5-0 with victories over Lunenburg and Overlook last week. Thursday they ran at Hollis Hills Farm and finished 8 of the top 9 places. Monday’s race begins at 4:00pm. Great views of all the runners through most of the course. Come out and cheer the teams on!
Socktober! Student Council Looking for Sock Donations
Did you know over 600,000 people live on the streets? Do you know how bitter the autumns are and unforgiving the winters can be? This month there is a fundraiser at LBMS called Socktober. For this fundraiser, the Student Council will collect socks to give to a local shelter who will then distribute those socks to those who need them most. Any and every new pair of socks counts!
The donation will start on Wednesday, October 20, and end on Friday, October 29. This is convenient for you as parents and guardians due to parent-teacher conferences at the end of next week. Each grade will have a designated drop-off bin under the monitor in the main hallway of LBMS. Please donate today!
Upcoming SEPAC Events
Virtual SEPAC Business Meeting, October 26, 7 PM; Link and Agenda to follow
Kerrigan Classroom Presentation, Reading Comprehension Made Simple, November 4, 7 PM; Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/exg-fqaf-mud; Downloadable Flyer
Anxiety Presentation, Dr. Cutillo, November 17, 7 PM; Link to Follow
New Settings for Student Access to Google Suite Applications
A Message from our Technology Department
You may be aware that Google Educational Services recently changed its settings to reflect that users under the age of 18 would not have access to some content. We appreciate the educational value of the vast content available through Google Educational Services. Our children are fortunate to live in an age where online content has become a valuable tool for students to develop their individual interests and passions. At the same time, please know that we will continue to provide our learners with an optimally safe learning environment in the classroom and beyond.
Students in grades 6-12 will be given access to approved Google Suite applications which include the common core applications as well as additional services offered by Google through their platforms.
The table below identifies the current suite of both core and additional services offered through our district platform. Please note that Google Chat will be restricted for students in grades K-8 and open for our high school students in grades 9-12. YouTube will be restricted for students in grades K-5. Students in grades 6-12 are granted access to YouTube with their NRSD GSuite account with monitored, controlled content settings.
We will make these essential changes to our Acceptable Use policy and continue to update our policies and inform our communities.
If you have any questions regarding the use of the Google Platform, the use of applications or privacy concerns, please contact your child's principal or refer to the links below offered by Google.
Additional Information regarding GSuite for Education:
GSuite for Education Privacy Center: https://www.google.com/edu/trust/
GSuite for Education Privacy Notice: https://gsuite.google.com/terms/education_privacy.html
Google Privacy Policy: https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/
Google’s Apps for Education agreement: https://www.google.com/apps/intl/en/terms/education_terms.html
2021-2022 LBMS Student and Parent Handbook
Interested in Substitute Teaching for the 2021-2022 School Year? We Need You!
Substitute teaching offers flexibility and a direct interface with our awesome students. It also offers interested community members a way to contribute to our school. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a substitute teacher and/or are interested in applying to become a substitute teacher, please email Laura Friend at lfriend@nrsd.net or call our main office at 978-365-4558. Substitute teaching offers flexibility and a direct interface with our awesome students. It also offers interested community members a way to contribute to our school.
Luther Burbank Middle School
Email: lfriend@nrsd.net
Website: burbank.nrsd.net
Location: 1 Hollywood Drive, Lancaster, MA, USA
Phone: 978-365-4558
Twitter: @LBMSPrincipal