The Connection Week 8 Term 3
Huapai District School 15th September 2022
Emails. At times we are faced with dreaded anticipation of what can of worms we are opening up. Other times we see the subject line and it makes our hearts sing.
Last week our Year 6 students headed off to camp - the first Year 6 camp in 3 years! I watched my own son, his nervousness obvious, as he headed off with his friends. As the days went by it was great to see photos coming through of growth in confidence, friendships and responsibilities. Any child that attends camp returns home with experiences that they will never forget, Motutapu was no exception.
On Friday afternoon, we received an email from the hosts of Motutapu Outdoor Education Camp stating how exemplary our school community conducted themselves.
“The students should be extremely proud of themselves. Whatever strategies are in place within your school community are evidently working very well. We observed this first hand and enjoyed instruction across your camp.” - Kim Matheson - MOEC
This is testament to the growth, grit and resilience our children have experienced over the last few years and the ability to transfer these skills into the wider outdoor world. As parents, teachers and school leaders, we couldn’t be more proud to see our children thrive as we gain these adventures back into our school lives. We also couldn’t do these sorts of things without the help from the amazing parents who take time out of their busy lives to support our teachers in making camp the best it can possibly be. Thank you.
Keryn Annan
Deputy Principal
Upcoming Events
- Monday 19th September - Board Meeting
- Thursday 22nd September - Mufti Day
- Monday 26th September - Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day
- Friday 30th September - Last Day Of Term 3
- Monday 17th October - First Day Of Term 4
- Monday 17th October - School Photos
- Friday 11th November - Quiz Night
Student Of The Week
Brody (Year 5) says: “It’s lots of fun at Huapai! I like climbing trees and playing sports, like rugby. There are really nice teachers here and always lots of activities. My favourite thing to do with my friends is playing tag. I like it when we go to the music room to play the piano. I really enjoy spelling in class. .”
Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day - School Closed
Monday 26th September
Remembrance day for Queen Elizabeth II. This has been identified as a national holiday here in New Zealand. School will not be open on this day. The sports camp planned for that week will proceed.
Board Meeting
Monday 16th September - 6:30pm
This meeting will be held in the school staffroom.
Parents are welcome to attend.
School Photos
This year, our school photos will be held on the very first day of term 4. We are aiming to have our class photos taken outside this year. Please ensure any uniform orders are made in the next few weeks to ensure everyone is looking sharp with their collared school shirt and correct shorts / skorts for the photo. Sibling photos will take place at 8:30am-9am. You do not need to book for siblings photos, it’s first in first served.
St John Mufti Day
Thursday 22nd September
St John New Zealand is a charitable organisation that provides ambulance services, first aid training, event medical services and care for people in need. They support our communities in so many ways!
In appreciation of the incredible First Aid training they provided for us earlier this year, we will be holding a Mufti Day next Thursday 22 September. Help us to support this brilliant charity by joining in on the fun throughout next week, as well as bringing a gold coin donation next Thursday and wearing an awesome outfit!
Breakfast Club - We Need Your Help
We urgently require volunteers to put their hand up to operate the breakfast club next term. Without personnel, we are unable to continue with breakfast club. The times needed are 8:30am-9am. Duties would involve ticking names off a register, serving weetbix and milk then tidying up / doing the dishes afterwards. If you are able to donate your time on any day of the week, please contact stephanie.wale@hds.school.nz before the end of next week.
You will have seen the recommendations around wearing masks has now stopped. We will continue to support and respect any person who feels they should wear a mask. However, there is no expectation to wear a mask in any activity within or associated with the school.
COVID Isolation Update
As per the Government's recent announcement, household contacts no longer need to isolate for seven days. Household contacts are recommended to test daily for five days from when the case in their household tests positive and wear a mask when they are out.
Household contacts who have COVID-19 symptoms should stay home regardless of the result of their rapid antigen test (RAT).
People with COVID-19 must continue to self-isolate for seven days.
School Production
Helping In The Library
We were promoting Monday 26th as a day to strip the Library as we prep for some upgrading of the library. We will now shift the day we needed parent help to Tuesday 27th. We need help packing up books into boxes. If you can assist please contact Cathy Gray: cathy.gray@hds.school.nz or mention you can help to the School Office or Cathy directly. It should take a morning to pack away the books.
NorthWest Mall Prize
A huge thank you to everyone who placed a ping pong ball into the community fundraiser at NorthWest mall earlier in the year. We placed third and received $1,000.
Pie Day Friday
Friday 23rd September
Orders will close TOMORROW, Friday 16th.
Final call for our $5 pie and cookie combo fundraiser for our Year 3/4 camp. Forms were handed out to students to bring home last week. Cash orders can be returned to Room 2 or alternatively orders can be made through KINDO.
To be distributed on Friday 23rd September.
Important: The ordering window will not be extended beyond Friday 16th September and there will be no on the day sales.
Ice Blocks Are Back!
After school ice blocks will be for sale at the school gate on Tuesdays and Fridays until the end of term. The ice-blocks will be $1 each. Proceeds go towards school camp costs.
Quiz Night
Friday 11th November
Our annual quiz is on Friday November 11th. This is week 4 of term 4. Tables are $300 and can seat up to 10 people. Tables can be purchased either through KINDO or at the School Office.
Apples For School
Each year we have the opportunity to collect Apple stickers in order to “cash them in” for Sports gear through the Yummy Apple Sticker Promotion.
Below is a link to the website for more information.
The stickers are found on the Yummy branded apples and there are also cut out labels on the bags of apples. Each classroom has a sticker chart for the apple stickers if the children bring them to school. A copy of the sticker chart for home use is also available online or by popping into the School Office.
CLOSES TOMORROW. Please return full sticker sheets to the front office.
Summer Hockey
If your child would like to play summer hockey next term, please use the google form linked below to register interest. Summer hockey is a great way to keep fitness for all sports up over summer. There is no need to have played hockey before. Registrations close TOMORROW.
Kumeu Touch Rugby
The registrations for this have now closed. Our year 1&2 team and 5&6 team are both oversubscribed. We are unable to enter any more teams due to registration limits from the club. We have three places available in a year 3&4 team. If you are keen for your child to join this year 3&4 team, please email: maree.lloyd@hds.school.nz
Summer Cricket For Kumeu
Registrations opened on August 1st. Please click the link below if you would like to register your child(ren) to play summer cricket.
Huapai Plus Holiday Programme
Bricks 4 Kidz
Aroha Skate Lessons
Music Lessons With MusiqHub
MusiqHub are looking forward to another awesome year of music in 2022 at Huapai School! They will have some slots available for Guitar, Drums, Piano and Ukulele lessons in Term 3. If you're interested, be sure to get in touch to reserve your spot or ask any questions you may have. Contact details below:
Drums - paul.barry@musiqhub.co.nz
Guitar, Keyboard and Ukulele - scott.wotherspoon@musiqhub.co.nz
2023 Term Dates
These are the Term Dates for 2023:
Term 1: Thursday 2nd February - Thursday 6th April
Term 2: Monday 24th April - Friday 30th June
Term 3: Monday 17th July - Friday 22nd September
Term 4: Monday 9th October - Tuesday 19th December
There will be one Teacher only day and this will be held on Friday 2nd June (Queens Birthday weekend). This day will be for a combined schools teacher only day.
2022 Term Dates
Our 2022 Term dates are:
Term 1 - Thursday 3rd February - Thursday 14th April
Term 2 - Monday 2nd May - Friday 8th July
Term 3 - Monday 25th July - Friday 30th September
Term 4 - Monday 17th October - Friday 16th DecemberHERO Notifications
We use HERO to send classroom updates, to share regular learning posts and now for payment on all in-school costs. HERO sends push notifications or emails. You can now choose how you receive HERO notifications as well as manage devices that receive them.
To set your own notification preferences:
Click on your profile image
Scroll down to My Devices and select your preferences.
Or please see the full instructions linked below.
Contact Us
Email: office@hds.school.nz
Website: https://www.huapaidistrict.school.nz/
Location: Huapai District School 40 Station Rd, Kumeū, New Zealand
Phone: +64 09 412 5042
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/huapaidistrictschool