DVE Principal Update
March 8, 2022
Important Dates coming up:
Friday, March 11th- No SCHOOL- elementary grading day
March 22nd & 23rd- Spring Conferences- Half-day elementary- dismissal @ 11:40am
March 28th- April 1st- NO SCHOOL- Spring Break
April 13th- Spring Pictures/ Class Pictures (more details to come)
Masking is OPTIONAL starting March 12th
Approximately two years ago, students were sent home for an extended period of time in which remote/distance learning and hybrid learning were soon to follow. We started this school year bringing all the students back together for the first time in a year and a half while also asking students to follow COVID protocols such as mask wearing and social distancing. While our students are resilient and amazing, this two-year experience has been challenging and has impacted each child in a variety of ways.
This historical perspective is shared because on Monday, March 14, our students will be experiencing a new chapter in this story. As we all know, masks will be optional in our building and buses starting next week.
What this means to our staff, students and visitors:
Every individual gets to choose whether or not they will wear a mask without fear of being judged or teased
No bullying, harassment or intimidation will be allowed based on an individual’s choice to wear or not wear a mask
Masks will still be provided for those who choose to wear them
Spring Conferences
We have our Spring Conferences approaching. Teachers will be reaching out to specific families about conference times/dates they would like to meet.
- Conferences will be held Tuesday, March 22nd & Wednesday, March 23rd.
- We will be dismissing our students at 11:40am on those 2 days.
Lahar Drill Scheduled for April 29th
At 9am on April 29th the staff and students at Daffodil Valley Elementary will participate in a valley wide Lahar Drill. We will be evacuating our school and walking all staff and students to a staging area at the YMCA. As the date draws closer we will continue to share information and keep you informed.
Here are a few key details:
School Districts participating:
Orting School District
Puyallup School District
Sumner-Bonney Lake School District
White River School District
Carbonado Historical School District
Private Schools located within those jurisdictions
Puyallup Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Bonney Lake Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Buckley Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Exercise Number One priority: “Provide for the safety and accountability of all participants and responders throughout the East Pierce County Evacuation Drill”
Exercise Number Two priority: “Evacuate all participating schools’ students and staff and jurisdiction staff on foot to their designated evacuation locations”
DVE Field Trips
Wednesday, April 6th- Petting ZOO/Reptile Man
Wednesday, April 20th- Planetarium
Yearbooks on SALE NOW!
Kindergarten Registration is open!
Daffodil Valley Elementary
Email: DVE@sumnersd.org
Website: sumnersd.org/dve
Location: 1509 Valley Ave, Sumner, WA, USA
Phone: (253) 891-4600
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DaffodilValleyElementary