A Message from the Principal!

A Message from the Principal!
December 10, 2023
The Week Ahead
Monday, December 11th - Basketball - Our Lady Eagles will play at home. Our boys' basketball teams will travel to Shepherdstown Middle to face the Cardinals. Our gates open at 5:30 p.m. in the back of the school by the gym/cafeteria and the JV game will begin at 6 p.m. Cost to attend is $5.
Tuesday, December 12th - Handbell/Choir Concert @ HHS Auditorium @ 7 p.m./HMS Science Fair Set Up
Wednesday, December 13th - HMS Science Fair; Open House 5:30 - 6 p.m.; Awards @ 6 p.m.
Thursday, December 14th - 2-hour delay for students
Thursday, December 14th - Basketball - Our boys' basketball teams will be playing at home. Our Lady Eagles will be traveling to face the Musselman Applemen. Our gates open at 5:30 p.m. in the back of the school by the gym/cafeteria and the JV game will begin at 6 p.m. Cost to attend is $5.
Friday, December 15th - Band/Jazz Band Concert @ HHS Auditorium @ 6 p.m. (6th grade) @ 7 p.m. (7th grade, 8th grade, Jazz Band)
Hedgesville Middle School will be having a spirit week 12/15 - 12/21!
Show your holiday and school spirit by participating!
Friday 12/15 - Flannel Friday! Wear your favorite flannel
Monday 12/18 - Color War! 8th graders wear red, 7th graders wear white, and 6th graders wear green
Tuesday 12/19 - Ugly Sweater Tuesday! Wear your best ugly holiday sweater
Wednesday 12/20 - The Star on Top of the Tree! Wear gold (gold-out)
Thursday 12/21 - Polar Express Day! Wear your pajama pants
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, December 20th - Day Basketball game vs. South Middle Trojans - Boys are at home, Girls play away.
Thursday, December 21st- 2-hour early dismissal, Nest Note Rewards
8th Grade: High School Scheduling Information
8th graders are in the process of choosing their high school courses. For more information, click the link to view the scheduling catalog: https://www.berkeleycountyschools.org/programofstudies.
Scheduling forms are due back to school counselors by Thursday, December 21st.
Click here to view/download/print the HHS Scheduling form: https://tinyurl.com/HHSScheduling24