Allegiance Academy
August 5, 2022
Birthday Celebrations
Happy Birthday to:
Please visit the FACTS FAMILY Portal to access the school calendar and important dates.
8/11/22 Back to School Night
8/15/22 First Day of School
8/19 Workshop with the Nutritionist
8/22 PTO
No Class DOJO
We will not be using ClassDojo this year. All of our communication will be through the FACTS Family Portal.
Updated Cell Phone Policy
Next year, students will not be able to have cell phones on them during the school day. Cell phones are strictly prohibited in the locker room and classrooms. Students will be required to turn in their cell phones to the front office at the beginning of the day. They will be able to retrieve them for use during lunch and at the end of the day. If there is an emergency, please call our front office at 520-900-6056.
A Word from our School Nurse
All students must be up-to-date on immunizations and have a completed sports physical prior to the first day of school. If they do not have one, they will not be able to start on 8/15/22. Please send all immunizations and sports physicals to Lucas Farris at
Over the Counter Medication
If you would like your child to receive any over the counter mediations (ex: tylenol, motrin, cough drops, etc), you must label and provide the medication to our school nurse, Lucas Farris. There will not be school supplied medications.
Enrollment Documents
Have all your child's student records (report cards, transcripts, test results) emailed to Bianca at
- Transcripts (high school and 8th graders who took high school courses)
- Report Cards
- Any standardized test results
- Birth Certificate
- Parent ID
All school supplies and laptop will be provided by the school.
Students will need the following items for the first day of school:
1. Water bottle labeled with student name
2. White bath towel for shower
3. Shower toiletries
4. Indoor flats and outdoor cleats
5. Soccer bag with clothes
6. Sunscreen
Please make sure all of your student belongings and clothes are labeled.