Four Nests... One Family News
December 1-15, 2022
Rockledge Vision & Mission
Every Child, Every Day...We are Rockledge
Every Eagle will soar! Together we will become resilient learners flying to new heights. We will discover and impact the world.
Rockledge Elementary School
Website: rockledgees.pwcs.edu
Location: 2300 Mariner Drive, Woodbridge, VA, USA
Phone: (703)491-2108
Facebook: facebook.com/rockledge.elementary
Twitter: @RockledgePWCS
School Hours: Monday thru Friday, 9am-3:40pm
The doors of the school open at 8:55am daily. Staff will be outside to monitor arrival at that time.
If arrival is after 9:00am, families will need to sign their child in through the front office.
Hello Rockledge Families,
We have already begun the month of December strong, and there is much going on here at Rockledge. Please see the details below including celebrations and upcoming events. This will be a busy two weeks until the start of winter break on December 19th. We hope your families are staying healthy and safe during this time of year.
#Every Child Every Day
Your Principal & Assistant Principal,
Mrs. Steptoe-Coleman
Mrs. Everett
Upcoming Important Dates
12/7: Winter Strings Concert @ 7pm
12/10: Rockledge Community Give-Away @ 9am-11am
12/13: PTA Spirit Night @ Panera
12/14: Staff Cookie Exchange (Sponsored by PTA)
12/15: Winter Music Club Concert @ 6:30pm
12/16: Parent Impact Aid Forms Due (in ParentVUE)
12/19- 1/2: Winter Breaks (Schools Closed)
Click on the picture to see the Year-At-A-Glance PWCS Calendar
On Saturday November 19th our Rockledge Robotics Team participated in the Northern Virginia/DC regional competition. These amazing, creative, dedicated, and critical thinkers walked away with some amazing accolades!
Wish them well as Team Gold and Team White head for the state competition in Harrisonburg in December!
Team Gold won the 1st place Innovation Project Award.
Team Green won the Gracious Professionalism Award.
Team White won the Champions Award.
Ms. Oden won the First Lego League Challenge -Volunteer of the Year Award for 2022.
Empatico Nest Community In Action
Thank you Rockledge Families for your support of our Empatico Nest and PTA in the collection of non-perishable food items. Our amazing Eagles were able to collect 474 lbs. of food to donate to the ACTS organization!
This food drive will help to feed many families in need within our community. Thank you for your generosity!
Community Collection & Give Away
Since we’re entering the season of giving, wouldn't it be great to clean out those gently used winter coats, shoes, boots, clothes, games, toys, household goods, kitchen items, and decorations? Now you can donate these items to Rockledge for our Community Collection & Give Away.
Rockledge will be collecting donations:
Thursday and Friday (12/8 and 12/9) during school.
Friday after school 4-6pm, and on Saturday 8-9am.
We invite all our families and community to the BIG GYM on Saturday, December 10th, 9am-11am
to shop for Free!
Parents, please collect your students’ lunchboxes and coats from lost and found…
Items remaining in Lost and Found will be put out for donation.
Winter Music & String Concerts
The String Concert will take place on December 7th at 7:00pm
in the Rockledge cafeteria.
The Music Clubs will be having a combined evening Winter Concert on Thursday,
December 15th at 6:30 pm in the Rockledge cafeteria.
Lost and Found
We have many items in our lost and found, including many coats. If your child has lost an item, please encourage them to stop by the Lost and Found and look for the item. Any items not claimed, before our Community Give-Away, will be marked for donation. We will also set out the items for collection during this month's winter concerts.
Please make sure to label all personal items as we continue into the winter season.
Preparing for Inclement Weather
Code Red: Schools Closed For Students And Employees
- Schools and offices are closed.
- Virtual classes are canceled. Optional catch-up or voluntarily work on assignments already assigned.
- The School Age Child Care (SACC) program will not open.
- All school activities (day and evening) are canceled.
Code Orange: Virtual Learning Day For Students & Remote Work For Non-Essential Employees.
- Asynchronous Learning Day for students and remote work for non-essential employees.
- School buildings, office buildings and The School Age Child Care (SACC) are closed.
- Buses will not operate.
Code Green: Schools Closed For Students And Teachers
- Schools are closed. Offices are closed to the public.
- Virtual classes are canceled.
- The School Age Child Care (SACC) program will not open.
Two-Hour Delayed Opening: Schools Will Open Two Hours Late
- In-person and virtual PWCS classes will begin two hours late. School will begin at Rockledge at 11am.
- Morning bus transportation will operate on a two-hour delay.
- The School Age Child Care (SACC) program will open two hours late.
- A simplified breakfast will be offered. Lunch will be served.
*Parents/guardians please do not bring students to school early when a delayed opening is in effect because school staff members may also be delayed in getting to school.
*Parents/guardians have the option of not sending their child to school. However, the student is expected to make up all assignments.
Federal Impact Aid Forms
Parents and guardians please complete the Impact Aid Packet which is now available in ParentVUE. The requested deadline for completion is December 16, 2022.
Impact Aid is a federal program that provides PWCS with significant funding. All parents and guardians who are military-connected or work on federal property in Virginia are asked to complete the Impact Aid Survey.
Instructions for completing the packet in ParentVUE can be found here.
Rockledge PTA Updates
Read-a-Thon Success!🤩
Thank you families for all of your support during our Read-a-Thon! As a result of your support, our students read 73,093 minutes and raised a total of $5,127.25. Way to go Eagles!
As a reward for their accomplishment, students earned pictures with Rocky, Lunch with the Principal, and a chance to be the Specials Teacher Assistant! And there is even talk about the Principal working from the roof for a day :).
Annual Rockledge Cookie Exchange
Announcing our Annual Rockledge Cookie Exchange! This a special event our staff look forward to every year and will be on Wednesday, December 14th. They especially love enjoying your favorite family recipes. Here is the link for how you can help: https://signup.com/client/invitation2/secure/154714280878956031/true#/invitation
Content & Learning Updates
Employment Vacancies
- Part-time PE Teacher (3 days a week)
- Classroom Teacher Assistants (Program for Students with Autism)
- Small group tutors (Teacher Assistant)
- Security Assistant
Please reach out to Mrs. Steptoe-Coleman at steptoNK@pwcs.edu to learn more about a specific position.