Wolf Call Weekly
Welcome to this week!
The mission of West Hills High School is to graduate critical thinkers and problem-solvers who contribute positively to society as productive, responsible citizens.
Spring Dance Information
Spring Dance: We will be utilizing our school gym to host this year’s Spring Dance. The ASB Class has been planning this event and they are confident it will be an evening the students won't ever forget! Click HERE for more details!
Ticket sales end April 27th! No tickets will be sold at the door or the day of the event.
Summer School Information
West Hills plans to offer two sessions of Summer School this year! Any grade 9,10, or 11 student who earned an "F"/failed a course that is needed for graduation or a grade of a “D” that must be retaken for 4 year college admissions will be enrolled in summer school.
West Hills is planning to offer ONE four week session of Summer School.
The tentative dates are June 6 - June 30.
Students will have the opportunity to be enrolled in 1 or 2 courses depending on the level of courses needed.
Period 1 is 7:30am-11:00am
Break/Lunch: 11-11:30am
Period 2 is 11:30-3:00pm.
In order to inform our Summer School plans, we are asking our West Hills parents and guardians to complete this survey. The survey only needs to be completed if your student earned an "F"/failed a course that is needed for graduation or a grade of “D” that must be retaken for 4 year college admissions.
We will NOT have any home, online learning options. PLEASE NOTE: Completion of this form does not guarantee Summer School enrollment.
If you have any questions regarding the course and/or summer school requirements, please email your student’s Guidance Information Specialist or Summer School Assistant Principal Mr. John Hoadley.
Thank you!
Cami Correa (A-LAM)
Ja’Nee Womack (LAN-Z)
John Hoadley
jlhoadley@guhsd.net (note the l after the j)
Attention Seniors!!
Hello Wolf Pack Seniors and Families:
We hope you are healthy and doing well in our last few months of high school! As we continue to get closer to graduation, we need your partnership! Please see our Class of 2022 Update that contains important event information and how to purchase your chromebook.
If you would like to nominate a peer for Prom Court, please use your guhsd.net email to access the criteria and nomination form here. Any questions, please see Mr. Hoadley in the Admin building or Class of 2022 class officers or Advisors Mrs. Reid (SS-9) or Ms. Edwards (E-7).
Go Wolf Pack!
Your WHHS Grad Bash ticket includes:
All Day entry to the theme park
Access to the evening event
A meal ticket
A souvenir bag
Bus ride leaving West Hills High School the morning of 6/10/22 and returning 6/11/22 in the early morning.
This is a WHHS Seniors (Class of 2022) Only Event! All Sales are Final and no refunds will be issued unless minimum attendance number is not attained. Tickets on sale through May 6, 2022.
Maximum attendance is 200 WHHS Seniors, minimum attendance is 50 WHHS Seniors in order for this event to occur.
See www.whhsptsa.com for required forms due May 20, 2022.
Attention Juniors: Senior Portait Information
Class of 2023,
You are just weeks away from being a SENIOR! Your senior year is full of memorable events and moments, and this exciting year begins with taking your senior portrait for the yearbook!
Please note this senior portrait information so that you can schedule your appointment and mark your calendars.
Finish strong juniors! Senior Year is just around the corner!
Go Pack!
Navy ROTC Scholarship Program
See Something, Say Something
Hello Wolf Pack Families and students:
Just a reminder of the English classroom presentations our Principal and Assistant Principals gave first semester regarding behaving according to the West Hills Way and being respectful, responsible and honorable.
THANK YOU to everyone who does the right thing each and every day! We are so proud of our students, parents, faculty and staff who ALL make West Hills a great place to work and learn!
We wanted to remind everyone we welcome the opportunity to support each student in every way. If you notice anyone acting in a damaging or unsafe manner, please follow one of our ¨See something, Say Something¨ protocols to report to get help. These include:
(1) Tell an adult immediately what you see or are concerned by. They will help you.
(2) Send an email to your counselor or site administrator. We want to help you and know sometimes an email is best.
(3) Walk into the Admin office and ask to talk with an administrator.
(4) Walk into the Counseling office and ask to talk with a counselor.
(5) Call the Assistant Principal's office and make a report: 619-956-0424 or 619-956-0425.
(6) Use the P3 App and report anonymously. In the google toolbar in student Chromebooks, they will see this icon to the left (P3) which is an anonymous tip line. If students click on this icon in their tool bar, it takes them to a new window where they can report problems on campus with theft, vandalism, or other possible criminal acts, or simply let us know there is a concern about a person in our school community or their world.
Thank you for helping us keep our campus safe, clean and operational. We are "ALL IN" together!
Loss of Privilege Policy
Loss of Privilege (LOP) List: This exists to support the idea that our primary function is “Academics First” and that student behaviors and choices need to prioritize attendance and following school rules. Students may earn their way off of the LOP list through attendance at detention and / or Saturday school after talking with their Assistant Principal. They can also lose a privilege that was granted (i.e. serving Saturday School to be eligible to purchase a Dance Ticket, but then repeat actions (or new actions) that put them back on LOP so that attending Dance is no longer available to them and a dance ticket refund is issued). All students begin Semester 2 off the list. Totals from Semester 1 do not count for Semester 2.
See our Loss of Privilege Policy HERE.
Mental Health Resources
Our Teacher Librarian Mrs. Sannwald, has created a wonderful Mending Matters Resource Library page! Click HERE to check it out!
In the event you are in crisis after school hours,
please call 9-1-1 or go to a hospital immediately to get professional help.
Mrs. Miller's Earth Classes
Check out the photos below!
Wolf Pack Boys Tennis
West Hills High School boys tennis team will be playing a playoff match vs Mater Dei Catholic @ Olympian High School. Good luck to the following athletes!
1) Zig Soriano
2) Finn Shannon
3) Noah Klein
1) Jake Koussa / Nahin Rahman
2) Case Ferraro / David Teran
3) James Johnson / Ethan Kawczk
4) Aaron Hunt / Ryan Sherman
Multi-year Calendar
Hello Wolf Pack Students and Families:
Recently our school board approved a three year calendar. For ease of reading and planning for students and families, we brought them together in one document for you. If you could please plan your family time around our announced Summer, Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring breaks, this would help your student stay on top of classroom instruction and learning. We know this is not always possible, but we just wanted to share this for possible advance planning.
Multi-year Calendar for Students and Parents: 2022-23; 2023-24; 2024-25.
Thank you....let's go Wolf Pack!
Tutorial Schedule: Semester 2
Our Semester 2 Tutorial Schedule can be found HERE.
If you have questions on whether your student has attended tutorial, please contact an Assistant Principal Secretary at 619-956-0424 or 619-956-0425 or stop by the Administration office.
Weekly Club Meetings
Scholarship Club
Chess Club
PS- Shout out to Coach Ash (pictured) for stopping by to show off his skills!
Looking to upgrade your Wolf Pack gear??
Take a look at our West Hills Spirt Gear vendor for additional choices in you WH wear! Shop first at our own ASB Store and if you still want more, then go to this vendor. Proceeds benefit WH Athletics!
When you shop online, please consider using smile.amazon.com to easily benefit our terrific PTSA! It is free, doesn't add anything to your normal Amazon costs, and you only need to link an existing Amazon account to it with these directions:
Go to Smile.Amazon.com.
Log in as usual to your Amazon account.
From the "Your Account" page click the "Learn More"
on the top left of the screen.
When the AmazonSmile Donation box comes up, click the "Learn More button" to go to the "Your AmazonSmile Impact" page to change your charity to 3997 West Hills High School PTSAas your designated non-profit. Then make your purchase through smile.amazon.com as usual.
Amazon will donate a percentage of qualified sales to your West Hills High School PTSA.
Prices, discounts, Prime, etc. are the same as "regular" Amazon but WHHS PTSA gets a donation.
Every penny raised goes directly to WHHS students and staff via our many programs. Check out our website for membership or more information.
Thank you for your support!
Observances This Week and Month
We celebrate our diversity and multicultural population within our school community.
This week, we observe the different holidays and celebrations that are acknowledged around the world!
April Full Month ARAB AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH Celebrates the Arab American heritage and culture and pays tribute to the contributions of Arab Americans and Arabic-speaking Americans.
April Full Month GENOCIDE AWARENESS MONTH A month that marks important anniversaries for past and contemporary genocides. Throughout the month, individuals, communities and organizations join together to remember and honor victims and survivors of mass atrocities.
April Full Month NATIONAL POETRY MONTH Introduced in 1996 by the Academy of American Poets as a way to increase awareness and appreciation of poetry in the United States.
April 3–May 2 RAMADAN • Islamic Observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting to commemorate the first revelation of the Qur'an to the Prophet Muhammad.
April 20–May 1 FESTIVAL OF RIDVÁN • Bahá’í Annual festival commemorating the 12 days when Bahá’u’lláh, the prophet-founder of the Bahá’í Faith, resided in a garden called Ridván (Paradise) and publicly proclaimed his mission as God’s messenger for this age. The first (April 20), ninth (April 28), and twelfth (May 1) days are celebrated as holy days when Baha’is suspend work.
April 27 LAILAT AL-QADR • Islamic Commemorates the night that the Qur'an was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. It is known as the “Night of Power.” Often set on the 27th day of Ramadan, Sunnis may observe it on the 21st, 23rd, 25th or 29th and Shīʿite (Shiite) observe it on the 19th, 21st or 23rd day of Ramadan.
April 28 YOM HASHOAH • Jewish “Holocaust Remembrance Day” memorializes the heroic martyrdom of six million Jews who perished in the Nazi Holocaust.
Connect with WHHS
Main: @whhswolfpack
Seniors: @whhsclass2022
Juniors: @packof2023
Sophomores: @whhsclass2024
Freshman: @wolfpackclass2025
Athletics: @westhillsathletics
ASB: @whhsasb
Guidance/Counseling: @whhs.counseling
Library: @westhillslib
Yearbook: @wolfpackyearbook
AVID: @whhsavid
Mending Matters: @mendingmatters
Cheer: @westhills_cheer
Homepage: http://wolfpack.guhsd.net
Email: jlhoadley@guhsd.net
Website: wolfpack.guhsd.net
Location: 8756 Mast Boulevard, Santee, CA, USA
Phone: 6199560400
Twitter: @WHHSWolfpack