Lakewood School District
August 2023
Thank you to our staff, who have been hard at work getting schools ready for the first day of school!
Superintendent’s Message: Citizen's Guide to the Budget
Greetings! It is hard to believe that it is officially August and that the first day of school, September 5, is only a month away. Within the school district, the summer months provide time for district staff to focus on small and large maintenance projects and prepare our facilities to welcome our students, staff, and families back to school. In addition, the summer is a time when our district creates our budget for the coming year.
The development of the budget is significant. We work to ensure that the use of our resources is in alignment with our district priorities and ensuring high levels of learning and growth for all students. It is imperative and our duty to maximize our use of available resources so that each student in the Lakewood School District experiences a world-class educational experience.
Lakewood School District has — and continues to be — committed to being strong stewards of taxpayer dollars and ensuring financial transparency to our community. I firmly believe that creating open lines of communication supports both clarity and the development of trust. With this focus in mind, our staff has spent time over the past month developing a Lakewood School District Citizen’s Guide to the Budget. This document is also available on our website under the Business Department tab.
Within the guide, you will find detailed information about school finance in the state of Washington, enrollment history for our district, types of district revenues and expenditures, and information on taxpayer-approved funding (i.e., levies and bonds). The current Citizen’s Guide to the Budget was developed based on the budget from the 2022-23 school year. Our plan is to create a new guide early this fall to share out to the community for the 2023-24 school year. At that point, there will be documents for two years, which will support ease in financial comparison or changes between the two years. Please feel free to reach out to me or our Executive Director of Finance, James Peckham, if you have any questions about the guide or district finances.
While the summer has provided time to get a lot of work done within the district, we miss you and are truly eager to welcome you back. Best wishes for a relaxing and joyous next month, and we look forward to seeing you soon.
All my best,
Free and reduced meal applications for secondary students
Forms to receive free or reduced-price meals for the 2023-24 school year are now available for families of middle and high school students. In order to receive meals at a reduced price, students must have a current free and reduced meal application approved on file at their school. We encourage all secondary families to complete the form to see if your student is eligible.
Please fill out the application completely. Only one application per family is required. There is a 30-day grace period from the previous year to complete a new application. All applications are processed within 10 days of the school receiving them. Please do not email or fax applications as we must have an original (not copied) signature.
If your student receives Basic Food or TANF, you must include the number on the application.
Please note: Those who qualify for free/reduced meals may also be eligible for other benefits or reduced school district fees. It is recommended that you complete the “Consent to Share” form as well to receive benefits such as waived ASB participation fees.
Elementary students will all receive free meals this year as part of the district's Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). Elementary families do not need to complete a free and reduced meal form, but will be asked to complete a short Family Income Survey at the beginning of the school year.
Returning student registration
Help us plan for your student's return to Lakewood School District this fall! Returning Student Registration via Family Access is now open. Completion is required before the start of the 2023-24 school year for returning students.
Parents/guardians who are designated as “primary guardians” are asked to log into Family Access and complete the Returning Student Registration for each child enrolled in the district. To prevent redundant or conflicting data updates, only primary guardians will need to update the Returning Student Registration information in Family Access.
Please take a few minutes to review your contact information and make any necessary updates. It is vital for communications that you provide the district with your most current contact information.
If your student is not returning to Lakewood School District, please contact the District Office to complete the withdrawal paperwork (360-652-4500).
Questions? For more information regarding verification, registration, or login information, please contact your child’s school (after August 14) or the District Office (360-652-4500).
Backpack: The only item on your school supply list
Beginning in the 2023-24 school year, Lakewood School District will provide all school supplies for students except for a backpack. If families cannot provide a backpack, schools will help students access one with the help of our community partners.
Multiyear grants from the Stillaguamish Tribe partially supported this change over the last several years. We are happy to make back-to-school an exciting time for all students.
New student registration: School offices open August 14
Summer registration is available at the LWSD District Office (17110 16th Drive NE, Marysville, WA 98271) until August 10. Summer hours are Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The office closes for lunch 11:30-12:30 p.m.
School offices will re-open for registration beginning August 14. Learn what to bring to register a student.
Summer Health Reminders
The Lakewood Health Services team encourages parents and guardians to check with their student’s healthcare provider to be sure vaccinations and individual health plans are up to date:
- Students are required by state law to be up-to-date on all vaccines (or have exemptions on file). Incoming seventh grade students are required to have a Tdap booster.
- Students with life-threatening health conditions, i.e. (asthma, seizures, allergies, diabetes, etc.) need to have medication or treatment orders renewed and individual health care plans updated with the school nurse every year.
If your student does not meet these requirements, they will not be able to attend school until proof of either immunization is received or updated doctors’ orders and medication are provided before returning to school (WAC 392-380-045).
Update for Skyward mobile app now available
Do you use Skyward’s mobile app? A new version of the Skyward mobile app for Family Access was recently released for Android and iOS devices. Users will be prompted to update the app and should not experience any disruptions after the update.
The new app provides the following enhancements for all users:
- Single Sign On (SSO) for SMS 2.0
- Ability to change a password within the app
- Ability to set up and send push notifications from Message Center
- New validation of PIN
- Improved account setup experience
- Improved navigation and labels
- Ability to continue in the app or switch to a mobile browser at each login
- Improved performance
In the News
Herald: Erin Murphy takes oath of office
The Herald recently published an article about Superintendent Dr. Erin Murphy and the district's rapid growth. It also mentioned the Citizens Facilities Advisory Committee: "An advisory committee has been meeting to review the district’s programs, enrollment capacity and safety. At the board of directors’ request, the committee has been assessing facility needs and creating a guide for capital investments."
LHS teacher wins “Giving Joy” award
Lakewood High School teacher Angelo Mirante knew he wanted to be a teacher by the time he was in eighth grade. “Throughout my life, educators have always had an impact on me, especially when I needed it most. I wanted to be a teacher because I knew the impact and power they hold to inspire the youth and motivate students in the right direction,” he said.
As part of its Teacher Appreciation program, “Giving Joy,” Norwegian Cruise Line awarded Mirante one of three Grand Prizes and a free cruise. Mirante’s philosophy is simple: “If he can make a connection with a student they will succeed in his class.”
Stories from our Schools
Sports camps provide students with leadership opportunities
LHS athletes had the opportunity to coach younger athletes during sports camps this summer. The camps, hosted by LHS sports boosters and LHS teams, provided younger students the chance to try a new sport or improve their skills with LHS student mentors and coaches.
Upcoming Events
- August 16: Regular Board Meeting or online
- September 4: Labor Day
- September 5: First Day of School (Grades 1-12)
- September 5-7: Kindergarten Family Connection meetings
- September 6: Regular Board Meeting or online
- September 8: First Day of Kindergarten
- September 11: Patriot Day
- September 11: First Day of Developmental Preschool
- September 13-14: ECEAP Slow Start Days
- September 17: Constitution Day
- September 20: Regular Board Meeting or online
- October 20: Homecoming football game
Tell your friends: Lakewood is hiring!
See our website and tell your friends about the following open positions:
- Speech and Language Pathologist
- Elementary Teachers (EBD, Music, SPED)
- Bus Drivers
- Campus Monitor
- Health Room Assistant
- ASL Interpreter
- Paraeducator Instructional (Multiple Openings)
- Paraeducator Instructional Specialist (Multiple Openings)
- Secretary
- Student Supervision
- Assistant Coach (cheer, football, tennis, soccer)
- Head Coach (cross country, wrestling)
- Strength Coach
- Payroll Accountant
Substitutes are also needed in multiple positions: bus drivers, paraeducators, food service, student supervision and custodial.
More District News
Wondering if you missed something? Check out our District News page on the website.