Rāmere Friday 4th of Piriri June (Term 2: Week 5 of 10)
Our Tumuaki Principal
Kia ora koutou.
From the Principal's desk:
- Vandalism: Unfortunately last weekend, most probably on Saturday night or early Sunday morning, one of our values signs (integrity-ponotanga) was ripped off the fence and all bent up. We have logged a police report and would appreciate any information that would assist with this. They are not cheap to produce. Contact the office on 03 206 6959 if you can help with this investigation.
- Principal's Challenge: Entries are coming in from authors and illustrators. It's very exciting. I'm looking forward to seeing and reading more.
- Cross Country: The Lower Mataura Valley Zone Cross Country was held this week. Thank you to all the families that came along and supported our children. We were thrilled with their efforts. Thank you to Laura McVicar who worked to support our end of the arrangements. A big well done to Zoe Muir and Diesel Ross who took out the trophies for the second year in a row. Impressive.
- Long Weekend: Friday 4th June is a TOD and Monday 7th of June is Queen's Birthday. This creates a long weekend for the children in the middle of Term Two and the start of winter. Enjoy.
- Paid Union Meeting: On the afternoon of Friday 25th of June there is an NZEI (the teacher's union) meeting for teaching staff. Our teaching staff are heading along to this. School will remain open but we would encourage parents to pick children up from 12.30 pm onwards. Please let us know if your child is staying with us in the afternoon so that we have suitable supervision.
- Privacy of Information: We hold information here at school in relation to your child. You are welcome to contact us to ensure that what we hold is accurate. Being part of the Lower Mataura Valley Community of Learning means that we share information that is useful for the learning journey of children through our schools. Upon enrolment, we request your consent for this. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Thank Yous - Team Edendale
- Andrea Russell: Andrea is doing a great job as our Office Manager. It is a big and diverse role with lots on the go all the time. It involves both 'back room' finances and admin and 'front of house' support. Each day is different from the next and Andrea comes to it with a great attitude. A big thanks for all the work that she does and is doing.
Ka kite
David McKenzie
Principal's Term Two Challenge - Being Authors and Illustrators
The Challenge
Become an author or illustrator OR BOTH by entering the Term Two Principal's Challenge.
Section Two: Become an Illustrator - In a style of your choosing, create an original winter-themed picture that can be put alongside our poems as illustrations.
Age Groups: There will be pages dedicated to...
- New Entrants
- Year One
- Year Two
- Year Three
- Year Four
- Year Five
- Year Six
- Open Section (mum, dad, grandma, grandad, teacher, etc)
The End Result
Successful entrants (authors and illustrators) will be put into a book that we will print for the school that will go into our school library and a copy for each class.
We will then sell copies to the general public.
The Requirements and Rules
- The theme is WINTER so the poem and/or picture must reflect this.
- The word limit for the poem is 200 words.
- The illustration style can be of your own choosing, A4 in size (landscape or portrait) but it must be able to be scanned into a jpeg.
- The entries are due by Friday 11th June.
- On all entries make sure you put your name, age, year level and room on the back. (Unless you are in the Open section where your name will suffice)
- You can enter as both an author and illustrator.
- You can only enter one piece of work for each section.
Our Events Coming Up
Week Five (of 10)
- Friday 4th June - Teachers Only Day First Aid Training (School closed)
Week Six (of 10)
- Monday 7th June - Queen's Birthday Public Holiday (School closed)
- Wednesday 9th June - Kapa Haka (Y4 - 6)
Week Seven (of 10)
- Tuesday 15th June - Sports Activator
- Wednesday 16th June - Toi Maori and Kapa Haka (Y4 - 6)
- Friday 18th June - Southland Cross Country (Waimumu)
Week Eight (of 10)
- Tuesday 22nd June - BOT General Meeting, 6.00pm, school staffroom
- Wednesday 23rd June - Toi Maori and Kapa Haka (Y4 - 6)
- Friday 25th June - Union Meeting (Children can be picked up from 12.30pm)
- Saturday 26th June - Jump Jam Competition
Week Nine (of 10)
- Monday 28th June - Edendale's Got Talent; Mid Year Interviews with Reports
- Tuesday 29th June - Edendale's Got Talent; Mid Year Interviews with Reports
- Wednesday 30th June - Edendale's Got Talent; Mid Year Interviews with Reports
- Thursday 1st July - Edendale's Got Talent; Mid Year Interviews with Reports
- Friday 2nd July - Edendale's Got Talent; Mid Year Interviews with Reports
Week Ten (of 10)
- Tuesday 6th July - Sports Activator
- Wednesday 7th July - BOT Strategic Planning Day
- Friday 9th July - Senior Remarkables Ski Trip
- Friday 9th July - Last day of Term Two
Our Kaitiaki Board of Trustees
Situations Vacant - Relief
We are looking for a person or people who could be a relief cleaner or relief After School Care coordinator. Email: with your CV if you are interested.
Our Home and School
Office Bearers - 2021
Thank you to those who are stepping up and stepping forward to support the Home and School.
- Chair: Louise Duffy
- Treasurer: Cindy Power
- Livestock: Hamish Blackmore
- Parent Support: Taryn Walsh
There are several other positions to fill. Let us know if you can help.
Home and School Fundraiser - Winter Wood
The Home and School has cut 50 cubic metres of old man pine. This is $70 per cubic metre.
If you want to put an order in please contact Hamish Blackmore 027 636 0421.
Our Kura News and Information
Senior Whanau Clubs - Can You Help?
We'd love to have some interested community members join us for Senior Whanau Clubs.
Are you crafty and can work with children, spanning eight lunchtimes (two lots of four weeks one in Term Two and one in Term Three) in the winter months, 30 minutes each time?
Please contact the office
LMV Zone Cross Country - 2021 Results
5-Year-Old Girls
- 4th Erica MacBeth
6-Year-Old Girls
- 2nd Madden McKelvie
- 5th Kyra Cripps
- 7th Aria Power
- 8th Poppy Laurence
- 10th Penny Blackmore
7-Year-Old Girls
- 1st Grace Webber
- 2nd Ella Bryson
- 5th McKenna Clarke
- 6th Eva Chapman
- 9th Ally Webber
8-Year-Old Girls
- 1st Piper Muir
- 4th Ashley Smith
- 5th Chloe Martyn
- 7th Libby Blackmore
- 10th Summer Tay
9-Year-Old Girls
- 1st Ida Jukes
- 2nd Miriam Pemberton
- 6th Jada McKinnel
- 7th Pippa Clarke
- 8th Aisha Raluto
10-Year-Old Girls
- 1st Iyland Roberts
- 2nd Erin Wallis
- 3rd Fleur Blackmore
- 4th Quinn Tuhao
11-Year-Old Girls
- 1st Zoe Muir
- 3rd Kadence Hunter
- 6th Caitlin Wallis
- 7th Lucy Smyth
- 8th Sophia Gorton
- 10th Natalie McKenzie
5-Year-Old Boys
- 1st Caden Dobbie
- 2nd Jake Tay
- 5th Liam McCullen
- 7th Winston Wallis
- 8th Cooper Hutton
6-Year-Old Boys
- 1st Marty Clarke
- 2nd Karsden Latta
- 3rd Jackson Miller
- 4th Nile Walton
- 5th Fletcher Martyn
- 8th Jacques Quilaton
- 9th Johnny Davey
- 10th Baz Hoekstra
7-Year-Old Boys
- 1st Cooper Dobbie
- 2nd Finn Wallis
- 4th Brock Gorton
- 5th Hudson Latta
- 6th Bayden Waite
- 10th Angus McRae
8-Year-Old Boys
- 1st Nixon Cripps
- 2nd Taite Clarke
- 5th Hudson Howe
- 7th Robson McKenzie
- 8th Wyatt Sell
9-Year-Old Boys
- 1st Liam Bryson
- 4th Charlie Frantz
- 5th Felix Trevithick
- 6th Joshua Smyth
- 7th Kieran Waite
- 8th Jack Duffy
- 9th Boston Haenga
- 10th James Webber
10 Year Old Boys
- 1st Stan Hunter
- 3rd Ryan Boogerd
- 5th James Smith
- 7th Case Dickson
- 9th Jack Chapman
- 10th Chase Chambers
11 Year Old Boys
- 1st Diesel Ross
- 2nd Beau Pemberton
- 3rd Kingston Trevithick
- 4th Arlo Weston
- 7th Daniel Smith
- 8th Wylie Clarke
- 9th Archie McKinnel
- 10th Denzel Taylor-Farrell
Interviews and Reports - Week Nine of Term Two
From Monday 28th June to Friday 2nd July we are holding our Mid Year Interviews.
At these interviews, you receive and discuss your child's first half of the year report.
The interviews are for 15 minutes and we encourage the children to attend as the learning is a three-way partnership - school, home, child / kura, whanau, tamariki.
You are also welcome to bring a whanau support person with you as there may be people in your child's life who have a lot of input that would be valuable partners in the formal learning from school.
The link is: School Interview with Report Link
The Event Code is: hyqsg
Book Club - Issue 4
Scholastic Book Club Issue 4 has gone home.
All orders need to be returned to the office by Wednesday 16th June.
Jump Jam - Subs
A friendly reminder Jump Jam payments are due. They are $24. Please contact the office if there are any problems.
Our Team for this Week - Team Kea
Kia ora,
Team Kea has had a wonderful start to Term 2. We have 15 awesome children in our class at the moment. We are looking forward to welcoming some new children who will be joining us soon.
This term has already been busy with lots of exciting things including, Sports Activator, Elgrego and The LMV Zone Cross Country.
Each morning we enjoy singing. We have been singing a song that teaches us about all the important things that happen during Matariki. The other song we have been learning is a phonics song. We have been learning all the letters, sounds and some sign language that goes with it.
- Piper – “I like doing sign language. It has been cool learning about Matariki”.
- Erica – “I know a for apple and e for elephant. I am in those videos showing everyone what to do”.
One thing we love doing is art. We learnt about what colours and patterns are used for Māori art. Last week our letter of the week was Kk and we made koalas.
- Jacques – “I liked making the koalas and colouring in the korus”.
- Caden – “It was fun making the koala and koru”.
Every week we do lots of reading, writing and maths learning.
- Karsden – “I like reading everything. I am on Level 7 for reading. We have been doing the Bookathon at home”.
- Jake – “I enjoy writing numbers and counting”.
Nga mihi,
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) - Term Two Haepapa Responsibility
When we come from so many different families our values draw us together as one big school whanau.
We show haepapa responsibility when we...
Are ready for our learning
Work right through from start to finish.
Care for people, property and places.
Look after our belongings.
Involve ourselves in our school whanau community.
Every time these are shown they make our school a great place to be for children and adults.
Term One - Manaakitanga Respect
Term Three - Tohungatanga Excellence
Term Four - Ponotanga Integrity
Principal's Values Award
This week the Principal Tumuaki would like to acknowledge Ruben Raath for being a contributor of values to our school.
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kiwi
Aria Power is Team Kiwi’s MVP this week for the value of Haepapa – Responsibility
We are blessed to have this caring, kind, thoughtful girl in Team Kiwi. She walks in every morning with a friendly hello and a smile on her face.
Aria without a doubt has everything she needs to start off the day correctly to make the most out of her learning.
Aria demonstrates responsibility by always doing her homework and returning her reading book each day. Aria always tries and completes tasks to a high standard.
Aria shows our school values by always listening and following instructions with a great attitude. You can often see Aria helping put our class equipment away therefore others can enjoy and help keep our classroom tidy.
Aria you are a pleasure to have in Team Kiwi. We can rely and trust on you and you are such a great friend to many. Thank you for being such a great role model in Team Kiwi.
Keep up the great work!
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kahu
Natalie comes into class each morning ready for school and for learning. Bag, pencil case, books and work space are all ready to go and is her first commitment when she arrives, along with a lovely good morning and big smile.
Natalie works systematically to complete her work; she is dedicated to completing tasks and activities in the time given.
Natalie is a great learner and knows how important it is for her to fully participate in her learning to ensure she becomes an independent learner and makes progress. Natalie is aware of her next steps in learning and focuses her energy on completing these.
Natalie involves herself quietly in the whanau of the school, always joining in on class and school activities.
Natalie is extremely organised and committed to our learning program knowing what she needs for each subject. She listens intently to instructions.
Ka pai Natalie!
It is awesome to have such a responsible member of Team Kahu.
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Pukeko
Robson McKenzie. This young man is a fantastic role-model in Team Pukeko, as he consistently demonstrates the value of Haepapa - Responsibility.
Robson leads the way in making sure he is doing the right thing, at the right time and in the right place; he is often a step ahead of the instructions I am about to give and will be ready for action before I need to say anything.
Robson is always ready for his learning tasks, having the right equipment and tools at hand, and later putting materials away in the right places so the next person can find them. He sticks to his learning tasks from start to finish and he does not let distractions get in his way.
I am really appreciating the way Robson is so reliable with carrying out his class duties, as well as being quick to help others with theirs, and often showing the initiative to do something useful that the rest of us have not thought about doing because we hadn’t spotted that it needs done.
Thank you for being a wonderful, friendly and hard-working member of Team Pukeko, Robson - you have a fantastic personality and I enjoy our interactions.
Keep being awesome!
Writer of the Week - Stan Hunter
I walk into the boat, it’s really big and musty, we have our own bunks.
I think at night about if I’m going to make it back home. I’m feeling a bit scared because I might get hurt or die.
In the morning the sun is bright, we have our breakfast and get ready to land.
I walk on the sand, we start to walk over to the field to build our trenches, it is hard work, but we are happy when we are finished. All of us could fit in our trench. The trench is about fifty feet long. I am pretty excited, but that fades, we have to fight tomorrow.
We wake up early, we get all our weapons ready. I have to carry a gun and shoot from the trench. We quickly go to our places, the air is filled with loud noises, I load my gun. Bang! It makes a loud noise.
The next days carry on the same. I almost get hit.
There weren’t many people that survived. I was really lucky.
Community Notices
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool