Bulldog Bulletin
March 3rd, 2023
#Masterpiece #BulldogBest 💙
Happy snowy e-learning day! It is hard to believe that spring is just around the corner.
- As temps do rise, lost and found items increase. Please label your child's items so we can easily reunite lost items with their owners.
- Though attendance is a critical factor in your child's success, we want to keep our community healthy. Please monitor for signs of illness. If your child is not feeling well enough to learn and engage in school, please do not send them to school sick. Call the attendance line at 708-647-2200 with their absence.
- Finally, we are not able to make transportation changes the last 45 minutes of school. If you need to change your child's transportation, it must be done by 2:30pm each day.
Mrs. Gardiner and Winston were spotted around campus on Tuesday as they encouraged family participation in our 5Essential survey. They also want to remind you that we have a dedicated and talented staff. In this season of the school year, kind words and encouragement go a long way. Click that shout-out button to let them know!
Clubs - Session 3 🎨
We are very fortunate to be able to offer enrichment opportunities like clubs to all of our students. Please see the information below about our final round of clubs for this school year. If you have already participated in one or two opportunities, allow for others to sign-up for this final round. Clubs take place on designated days from 3:15-4:15pm. Students must be picked up at 4:15pm. The sign-up email will be sent out Saturday, March 11th at 1pm and close on Wednesday, March 15th at 12pm.
Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) 💻
Please see the letters below which contain important information about the upcoming state assessments. Churchill (3rd, 4th, and 5th) will be taking the Illinois Assessment of Readiness starting Tuesday, April 11th. The assessment provides us information on how students are performing on grade level standards as compared to other students across the state.
In addition to IAR, our 5th grade students will also be taking the Illinois Science Assessment (ISA).
Positive Office Referral Celebration
Dressed to Impress - Spirit Week Fun!
Bump, Set, Spike - Volleyball in PE
5Essentials - March Madness 🏀
Nice work, Bulldogs! Our family response rate is already at 20%, but we want to to hear from everyone. If we can reach certain participation rates before Friday, March 31st, students will get some special incentives along the way:
- 35% participation - EXTRA RECESS
- 55% participation - HAT DAY
- 75% participation - Silly String/Soak the Principal!
In addition, Churchill will host a 5Essentials March Madness open gym event on Saturday, March 18th from 1:30-3:30pm. Students must be accompanied by their guardians. We will have laptops set-up so those who attend can take their 5Essential survey before jumping into a game of around the world, knockout, or 3 on 3.
Upcoming Events
Institute Day (No Student Attendance)
Monday, Mar 6, 2023, 08:30 AM
Trimester 3 - BEGINS
Tuesday, Mar 7, 2023, 08:30 AM
Severe Weather/Tornado Drill
Thursday, Mar 9, 2023, 08:30 AM
Trimester 2 Report Cards
Available Online - Parent Portal