Rockets Report
September Newsletter
Principal's Post
There is certainly a crisp, cool fall feel in the air today and the 2018-2019 school year is well under way. Thank you for everything you do at home with your children to help them be successful here at school. During the opening months we have seen our students excited and engaged on a daily basis. It is a proven fact that the more schools and homes work together, the better the results will be for all students. First quarter parent-teacher conferences are coming soon and and this is a great time to discuss how your child is doing and how we can work together to meet your child’s needs. Being involved and knowing where your child is academically and how you can support their learning is critical. In addition to first quarter conferences, you can always contact your child’s teacher to schedule a conference any time during the school year.
One of the most important things parents can to do to support learning is to make sure your child is at school and on time every day! We only have 180 days to help our students reach their highest potential and we need every instructional minute. Research has shown that your child’s attendance may be the biggest factor influencing academic success. Students who attend school regularly are more likely to achieve grade level expectations than students who have absences. Students who miss just two days a month (18 days in the school year) may struggle to catch up academically. Studies show many children who have chronic absenteeism in early elementary school struggle to master reading by the end of third grade. In addition, they often struggle academically throughout later years. Regardless if considered excused or unexcused absences, they all represent lost instructional time in the classroom and a lost opportunity to learn.
Your commitment to school attendance will also send a message to your child that education is a priority for your family! Here are ways you can help your child be successful:
- Teach your child that school is important and don’t negotiate school attendance.
- If your child misses school due to illness, contact the teacher for missed assignments. Also, realize that worksheets and assignments will never replace the value of in-class instruction with the teacher.
- Schedule doctor/dentist visits and vacations when school is not in session.
- Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and arrives to school on time.
- Limit early check-outs to emergencies. The end of the day minutes in the classroom are just as important as the rest of the day. Lost minutes add up!
Please help us provide the outstanding education your child deserves by championing for your child with great attendance!
Curriculum At A Glance
- In reading, students will be developing storybook language as they begin to identify characters, setting, and major events, using the illustrations and text details. They will tell what happened in a story using the 5 Ws and H questions (Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How?)
- In math, students will count in order to recognize patterns. They will also continue to describe and sort objects, including 2d and 3d shapes.
First Grade:
- In reading, students will be using word-solving strategies to help them as they read higher level texts. They will also be focusing on the endings of words, including 's', 'ed', and 'ing' and how they impact the word's meaning. They will continue to work on retelling the story with the beginning, middle, and end.
- In math, students will be adding and subtracting numbers up to 20 using multiple strategies. They will also begin to solve word problems with numbers up to 20.
Second Grade:
- In reading, students will begin analyzing characters--their point of view, how they react to major events, how they grow or change throughout a story.
- In math, students will be building fluency with addition and subtraction using a variety of strategies, including doubles, counting on, and making tens.
Third Grade:
- In reading, students will begin to focus on nonfiction texts and their text features. Students will analyze text structure, and use context clues to determine word meanings.
- In math, students will begin collecting and analyzing data in frequency tables, picture graphs, or bar graphs. Students will also begin using multiple strategies to solve addition and subtraction multistep word problems.
Fourth Grade:
- In reading, students will continue to analyze characters throughout stories. They will identify problems that characters face and how they respond to their challenges.
- In math, students will add and subtract numbers up to 100,000 and will analyze place value by comparing numbers. They will also represent numbers in multiple ways.
Fifth Grade:
- In reading, students will compare and contrast nonfiction texts by examining the text structure, including print and digital texts. Students will summarize the text and use specific details from the text to support the main idea.
- In math, students will use properties of operations to solve equations involving multiplication and division. They will also find volume of solid figures using manipulative and the volume formula.
- In science, students will begin learning about genetics and heredity, focusing on acquired traits versus inherited traits. They will also compare the characteristics that are transferred from a parent to its offspring.
Upcoming Events
1st: September’s School Improvement Team Meeting at 3:20
2nd-4th:Concord Reads from 5:00-7:00
4th: PBIS Paid Event (Glow Party)
9th: District Program Choice Fair from 5:30-7:30 at JM Robinson
10th: Fall Picture Day
15th: School Improvement Team meeting at 3:20
17th-19th: 3rd-5th grade Mastery Connect Benchmark Tests
18th: Soul Street Schoolwide Performance
19th: Hat Day (Send in $1.00 with your student if they choose to wear a hat!)
26th: PBIS Transportation Celebration
29th: Teacher Workday (No School)
29th-Nov. 2nd: Book Fair
1st: Book Character Day
1st: Hornet's Book Bus at 1:00 pm
1st: Literacy Night 5:30-7:00
2nd: PBIS Quarterly Celebration (Fall Carnival)
2nd: Artie Parties
6th: Election Day (No School)
7th: Report Cards Sent Home
12th: Veteran's Day (No School)
14th: McDonald's Night from 5:00-7:30
16th: Pajama Day (Send in $1.00 with your student if they choose to wear their pajamas)
19th: School Improvement Team Meeting at 3:20
21st-23rd: Thanksgiving Break (No School)
29th: ROES Program Choice Night from 5:30-6:30
Communities In Schools-Ms. Allen
Hello Rocket Families! I want to formally introduce myself to all of you all my name is Meredith Allen and I work for Communities in Schools of NC as a Student Support Specialist. Communities in Schools is a nonprofit organization whose mission is, “To surround students with a community of support empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life”. I work with students and families on our ABC+P Framework: (A)Attendance,(B)Behavior, (C)Coursework, and (P)Parental Involvement. I work with students individually as well as in groups. I will also be providing information about local community resources at curriculum/performance nights, as well as in some of your communities. If you are interested in getting your student involved with CIS, please feel free to contact me via email or phone. I look forward to getting to know your student and family. Be on the lookout for upcoming events and check out my page on our school website to learn more information. Together as a community we can help our students become the best versions of themselves!
-Meredith Allen MSW
Work Cell: (704)794-2847
Counselor's Corner
My name is Hillman Brown and I am so excited to be the School Counselor at Royal Oaks Elementary! I am here to help ALL students be successful socially, emotionally, behaviorally, and academically so they may access their education without barriers. I also work to get to know all students so they may feel connected and safe while they are at school!
This quarter I am teaching classroom lessons introducing my role as the counselor, kindness, and conflict resolution. I see each class once per month! I am also facilitating small groups focusing on emotional regulation, self-esteem, and resiliency skills. I meet with students individually on a short-term basis to work through problems affecting them at school as well.
I am available to meet/talk with teachers and parents to help support students and provide resources and education about issues affecting children. Please feel free to reach out to me with questions, concerns, or to share positive things about your child!
Congratulations to our Character Education Award Winners for September!
Celebrate Our Staff!
Follow Us!
Contact Us
Danielle Lucas, Assistant Principal
Location: 608 Dakota Street, Kannapolis, NC 28083
Phone: 704-260-6310