Golden Eagle Newsletter
February 10, 2023
Glenwood Ridge Elementary
Location: 17550 157th Terrace Basehor, KS 66007
Phone: 913-724-3536
Principal's Message
The following message is from our PTO regarding the meal they provide for teachers on Wednesday evening of P/T conferences:
PTO always provides the staff at GRE a meal the Wednesday evening of Parent/Teacher Conferences as a thank you for all they do for us! We are going to cater in the meats, shells and salsa for a taco bar. We are asking for store bought items like shredded cheese, shredded lettuce and chopped tomato, chips, desserts, drinks and paper goods! Please click the link below to sign up to help feed the staff.
It has certainly been a fun Chiefs spirit week this week! As you heard from district,
Just in case...
As you are most likely aware, the Kansas City Chiefs will play in the Super Bowl on Sunday, February 12th. You may also remember that in 2015 and 2020, we canceled school for the Royals and Chiefs Championship Parades. This was necessary due to the high number of staff and student absences, along with the availability of substitutes.
If the Chiefs win the Super Bowl on Sunday, we would plan to cancel classes on the day of the parade, which is currently scheduled as a full day for students in grades Pre-K-12 on Wednesday, February 15th. February 15th is also our currently scheduled date for evening Parent/Teacher Conferences. It is our plan that teachers would be in touch with any parents scheduled for Wednesday evening conferences to reschedule to an alternate date.
Kansas City identified Thursday, February 16th, as a rain date for the celebration/parade. There are already no classes scheduled for students on Thursday, February 16th, due to Parent/Teacher Conferences.
Official notice of any school cancellation will be sent on Monday, February 13th (for Wednesday, February 15th), along with any changes in our schedule for Parent/Teacher Conferences.Thank you for your flexibility as we make plans to allow students and staff the opportunity to celebrate another Kansas City Championship!
Greyson "Mahomes" Glass represented on Mahomes Monday!
Mrs. Fitzgerald's class showing a lot of Chiefs pride!
Mrs. Clanton's class created Mahomes' head artwork!
Celebrating "Red Friday" style in Mrs. Smith's class!
Odle's class showing off their Chiefs red!
5th graders in Toomey's class are ready for the Super Bowl!
It's time to purchase your yearbook!
You can log onto your Skyward account and pay the $15.00 to make sure and reserve a yearbook for your child. The deadline to order your yearbook is February 21st.
GRE events for the week of February 13, 2023
Monday, Feb 13
6:00 BOE meeting
Tuesday, Feb 14 - HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!
1:05 All school BINGO
3:00 Valentine's Day parties
Wednesday, Feb 15
*Notice will be sent following the SuperBowl if a change is made to our Wednesday schedule.
4:00-8:00 P/T Conferences
Thursday, Feb 16 - NO SCHOOL
1:00-7:00 P/T Conferences
Friday, Feb 17 - NO SCHOOL
Upcoming Events:
Feb 20 - NO SCHOOL; PD/Collaboration day for staff
Feb 21 - last day to order a yearbook
Feb 27 - PTO mtg
Mar 2 - Spring picture day
Mar 3 - GRE Books for Breakfast
Mar 5 - GRE mother/son event
Mar 10 - NO SCHOOL, Teacher collaboration/work day
We would like to wish a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students and staff!
Daunte Walcott - February 11
Brandon Noland - February 14
Books for Breakfast - Less Than A Month Away!
Any Questions? Email Mrs. Kelly -
Friday Friendly ELA Tip - Rhyming - Hearing Sounds & Spelling Patterns
Don't forget - GRE StuCo is collecting POP-TABS!
Here is a message from Alan Lubert, Community Relations Manager at Ronald McDonald House:
A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams. Ronald McDonald House is reinforced by gazillions of pop-tabs! On behalf of RMH families, we are grateful for your stick-to-it-tive-ness collecting pop-tabs. Pop-tabs teach an important lesson: even little things make a big difference. In 2022, RMHC Kansas City recycled 18,400 lbs. of tabs, earning $10,600. RMH staff members appreciate your leadership, "pulling" for The House That Love Built.
Thanks to dedicated pop-tab collectors, RMH parents can focus on what's important -- reading a story, sharing a giggle, or drying tears -- care that makes a world of difference in a child's recovery. Good things happen when people work together. By supporting our families you give the most vital gift of all: hope.
Spring Picture Day is coming on 3/2/23!
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