CCOG Newsletter
Weekly Updates
Reflections from Pastor Jennifer
Thank you so much for your continued support of the Gideons! In yesterday's offering you all gave $1,556! That means 331 Bibles will be distributed because of the generosity of our church! Those are 331 seeds, but who can tell how many souls that will become?
- Next Wednesday, Nov. 16 is our packing night. Join us to place the collected items into the shoeboxes
- 9 spots are available for volunteering at the Samaritan's Purse facility in Charlotte. If you have friends or family who do not attend CCOG, we would be happy for them to volunteer with us
Thanks Day
Gideon Training
* Show appreciation for police/firefighters in our community
* Visit elderly people
* Provide basic needs for homeless individuals
* Encourage one another through calls/texts/emails/visits
We are each able to encourage one another at any time. That can be a way of ongoing involvement.
People have volunteered for the month of April to "Shower Down Blessings" for the homeless. More information will be coming for ways that we all can be involved.
If the other ideas - blessing the elderly or blessing police/firefighters sounds like a job for you to lead, please let me know. We want to "Show Love" in the month of February and either of those groups would be perfect candidates for that love!
Visit Us
Email: jwilliams@churchofgodcornelius.org
Website: churchofgodcornelius.org
Location: 19525 Oak Street, Cornelius, NC, USA
Phone: 7046510310
Facebook: facebook.com/corneliuschurchofgod