Friday, January 15, 2016
In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, I wanted to include a quote that I thought fit well with our Vanguardian Personalized Learning journeys. Though we may not be able to see the end of the road just yet, I applaud all of you for having the faith to take the steps in the right direction. Your work with teachers and students will help everyone to eventually "see the whole staircase."
Have a wonderful long weekend!
~ Heather
Bear Creek Middle School: Redefining Learning Conference
On Friday, March 11, Bear Creek Middle School is hosting a Redefining Learning Conference as part of their commitment to being a Microsoft Showcase School. The school's goal is to have a great deal of attendees, which also means there is a need for individuals to present during breakout sessions.
Please review the website and application linked below and consider applying to present. It is a wonderful opportunity to share your knowledge and dip your toes into the world of presentation. The Vanguard team is filled with incredible talent and your efforts to support Bear Creek and our Fulton community will be greatly appreciated.
Redefining Learning Conference
TIM-O: Cohorts 1, 2, 3
Please be sure to enter your first set of TIM-O results. If you have any questions, be sure to reach out.
TIM-O: Cohort 4A
Your next tutorial is available on It focuses entirely on the Technology Integration Matrix and how to complete an observation using the TIM-O. Please be sure to access and review the tutorial before the end of February. If you have not already joined the Sophia group, the code is listed below.
Vanguard PD Day - Post Work
If you attended one of our PD locations on January 5th, be sure to submit your final product. You can email me a link or post a link on the coaching reflections blog page.
Be sure to check out the products that have already been posted! Fabulous work, as always!
#fcsvanguard Twitter Chats
Don't forget to sign up to moderate a chat for #fcsvanguard!
Professional Development & Helpful Links
Hack the Classroom. Register now!
KSU iTeach Center - Instructional Technology for Personalized Learning
The instructional coaches from KSU that are currently working in our schools have designed a website to support schools as the coaches are moved from one rollout group to another. The site (linked below) is intended to provide schools a resource with which to continue the work started by the KSU coaches. Please feel free to share with those who may be interested. If there are additional items of support that may prove useful to your schools, please email me at to share your suggestions.
About Us
Our mission as a Vanguard team is to build the capacity of FCS educators and leaders to provide innovative instruction which meets the needs, skills and interests of all students.
Twitter: @FCSVanguard