November 12 - November 18, 2023
Upcoming Dates
11/15/23 - Fall Recital 7pm - 9pm
11/18/23 - JROTC Devil Dog Competition 8am - 10am
11/20/23 - Bridging the Gap 40th Anniversary
11/21/23 - Deck The Halls
11/22/23 - End of Term 1
11/22/23 - Early Release 12:30 and Pep Rally
11/23/23 - No School Thanksgiving #GoWitch
11/24/23 - No School
Tardy to School Procedure
To be counted present, students must attend the required number of hours each day. Therefore, students who are tardy or leave before the end of the day must be present for at least one half of the instructional day, excluding lunch to be counted for the instructional day.
Listed below is the progressive discipline cycle for tardy to school that will restart at the beginning of each term:
1st tardy: Warning
2nd tardy: Warning
3rd tardy: Administrative Detention
4th tardy: Administrative Detention
5th tardy: Parent Meeting and Student Success Plan
*If there is a hardship creating a barrier to attending school on time please reach out, gburns@salemk12.org . Salem High School will look to create a plan that removes as many barriers as possible.
Join Winter Colorguard
Salem High School Clubs / Activities
Community Office
LEAP For Education - College Success Program
Free college access program for juniors and seniors after school at SHS through LEAP for Education’s College Success Program.
For questions, contact Norma Ramirez, Site Coordinator, at nramirez@leaap4ed.org or 978-414-5383.
Sign Up Now: https://leap4ed.formtitan.com/high-school-registration#/
LEAP for Education - Homework Help
Completely free after school program for students grades 9-12 where you can get homework help, try different activities, go on fun field trips, explore your career interests and meet new people! We are a drop-in center therefore you can come whenever you are available, perfect for those who have a busy schedule as well!
If you’re interested or you have questions, contact Ivana Buenopena, Teen Center Manager, at ibuenopena@leap4ed.org or 978-228-1196.
It's A Great Time to Be A Witch!
Be About It!
Winter Sports Registration
Winter sports registration at Salem High School is open. Winter sports at SHS include:
- Basketball: Varsity, JV, Freshman (Boys & Girls)
- Gymnastics: Varsity, JV
- Hockey: Varsity, JV
- Indoor Track & Field: Varsity, JV (Boys & Girls)
- Swimming: Varsity, JV
- Wrestling: Varsity, JV
- Cheer: Varsity, JV
- Unified Strength & Conditioning: Varsity
Volleyball Family
Career Technical Education Advisory Board Dinner
Advisory Board Meeting at the @_SalemHigh_ Black Cat Cafe. Amazing opportunities within this program and such a bright future.
A big Thank You to all the members of the advisory board and Salem High School staff that have worked so hard to elevate the CTE Program.
Athletic Department
Pujols snags four picks as Salem drubs Cardinal Spellman 55-0, advances to Final Four
Salem News Article: https://www.salemnews.com/sports/pujols-snags-four-picks-as-salem-drubs-cardinal-spellman-advances-to-d6-semifinal/article_05157a8e-8012-11ee-ab1a-f30bd3e8a585.html
Salem News Slideshow: https://www.salemnews.com/cnhi_network/slideshow-the-salem-witches-advance-to-miaa-division-6-final-four-blank-the-cardinal-spellman/collection_0bbff40e-7fe5-11ee-8c61-3b3ddc49f9d0.html
Large Photo Credit: Salem News
Halftime Music by the Pride of The North Shore - Click on Below Image
Witches Compete Against Stoneham in Final Four
Salem High School Fall All Stars
College and Career Counseling Corner
Meet with Your College and Career Counselor
How to Access your College and Career Counselor:
1) Scholars can ask for a pass from their teacher to see a counselor
2) Scholars can email their counselor regarding a concern or to make an appointment.
3) Scholars can also use the counselors' YouCanBookMe Links below
Kerry McHugh - https://kmchugh.youcanbook.me
Alice Ryan - https://msryansalemhigh.youcanbook.me
Maureen Beaudet - https://maureen-beaudet.youcanbook.me
Rachael Kozlowski - https://mskoz.youcanbook.me
Claribel Paulino - Coming Soon
Grade 9 Counselors
Maureen Beaudet Last Names A - K
Alice Ryan Last Names L - Z
Grade 10 Counselors
Kerry McHugh Last Names A - K
Rachael Kozlowski Last Names L - Z
Grade 11 Counselors
Maureen Beaudet Last Names A - L
Alice Ryan Last Names M - Z
Grade 12 Counselors
Kerry McHugh Last Names A - K
Rachael Kozlowski Last Names L - Z
Multilingual Learners Newcomer - Intermediate Counselor 9-12
Claribel Paulino
Meet your counselor! No matter where your scholar is on their journey in high school, their counselor can help provide valuable and useful information to guide them to post secondary success. Your scholar’s counselor will meet both individually and in groups to create a high school and postsecondary plan that meets your scholar’s unique needs. Please feel free to make an appointment anytime to get to know how this department can help your family and scholars in any way!
Scholarship Highlight
Cell Signaling Technology: Local Community Science Scholarship
This program awards four students enrolled in a STEM-related major at an accredited, four-year college with a $10,000 scholarship. When CST first launched the Local Community Science Scholarship program, it was offered to qualifying students in four communities closest to CST headquarters in Danvers, Massachusetts, US. Now, the program’s availability has expanded to include additional underprivileged local communities and continues to grow.
Scientific endeavor is instrumental in solving critical social, environmental, and technical challenges that we face worldwide. The mission of CST is to deliver the highest quality research tools to progress biological research and enable personalized medicine. We depend on local schools to inspire young students to choose a career committed to science, and that's why we are glad to help support the education of future STEM graduates. CST recognizes the need to encourage those from backgrounds underrepresented in science fields and encourages high schools to consider diversity when presenting applicants for this scholarship.
Deadline: Annually on April 10. For questions, email scholarship@cellsignal.com.
Eligibility Requirements
Scholarship candidates must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Must be at least 18 years of age or the age of majority in jurisdiction of residence at the time of application or have documented permission from a parent or legal guardian, if a minor.
- Must be in 12th grade of high school.
- Possess strong English skills.
- Must be attending a four-year, public high school in Lynn, Salem, Peabody, Danvers, Beverly, or Gloucester, Massachusetts.
- Be eligible for free/reduced lunch or be the first in their family to go to college (neither parent went to college). Additional criteria for financial need may be defined by the CST Scholarship Committee, if necessary.
- Must have completed, by the end of their senior year in high school, an upper level AP class in one of the following courses: biology, chemistry, physics, or environmental science.
- Must enroll as a full-time student attending a four-year accredited US-based college or university, and pursue one or more majors in qualified science fields of study. This includes majors from the following areas: Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Math, Physics, and Engineering.
- Recipients of the CST scholarship must maintain a GPA of 2.8 or higher during their freshman year of college and a 3.0 GPA the following three years in college to qualify to continue receiving the annual scholarship.
Recipients agree that, at all times during their enrollment in the program, they will conduct themselves with due regard to public morals, conventions, laws, and academic policies and bylaws. If at any time during the years in which they are a scholarship recipient, and in the sole opinion of CST, the Recipient does any act or conducts themselves in any manner contrary to or in violation of a rule, law, or regulation, that is offensive to standards of decency, morality, or social propriety, resulting in public scandal or ridicule, or should the recipient do anything to disparage CST or its products or services, CST will have the right to terminate and/or withdraw the scholarship at its sole discretion.
How to Apply: https://www.cellsignal.com/about-us/environmental-and-social-responsibility/local-community-science-scholarship
College Visits in the C3 Conference room are now available!
Salem High School has many college representatives to meet with prospective students during the Crew block Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday during the school year. This is a wonderful opportunity for scholars to learn more about specific colleges that may align with their interests and post secondary career plans. Any junior or senior is able to sign up through Naviance or at the C3 desk to meet with a representative. A full list of schools are available on Naviance under the College Tab - Visits.
Upcoming colleges are:
Norwich University: Tuesday November 14th
Fisher College: Thursday November 16th
University of Southern Maine: Friday November 17th
Pick Your College
College and Career Highlight
Purdue University
Location: West Lafayette, Indiana (2 additional campuses located in Indiana)
Website: https://www.purdue.edu/
Enrollment: 33,646 undergraduate / 10,095 Graduates
About: Purdue University is a large, co-ed, public university. Its main campus is located in West Lafayette, a small city in a suburban setting and it is primarily a residential campus with many housing options. There are two additional campuses in Indiana, Purdue Northwest and Purdue Fort Wayne, as well as a robust online university.
Fast Facts:
- Student Faculty Ratio: 13:1
- 92% retention rate of first-year-freshmen returning as sophomores
- More than 400 study abroad opportunities for students in 60 countries.
- Purdue offers over 200 majors that cover a huge range of topics and careers. The most popular majors are in Engineering and Business, other options include: Agricultural Production Operations, Soil Science and Agronomy, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Tourism and Travel Services Management, Early Childhood Education and Teaching, Nuclear Engineering, Human Development and Family Studies, Pre-Dentistry, Aviation/Airway Management and Operations.
- NCAA Division I Athletics
- Over 900 student clubs/organizations
- Purdue has one of the nation's largest Greek-life communities, with around 40 fraternities and 30 sororities on campus and about 16% of students are members
- Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon graduated from Purdue, and since then 23 other NASA astronauts have been Purdue graduates.
What is Needed to Apply:
- Completed Common Application and Personal Essay
- Official Transcript
- Purdue Specific Application Questions
- SAT/ACT Scores (Flexible)
Average GPA: 3.66
Average Standardized Test Scores:
SAT- Reading and Writing 590 - 680 Math 590-730
ACT 25-32
Virtual Visit:
Union Carpenter
Salary: varies significantly but the average is $70,000
Typical Tasks Associated with this Career:
- Weld metals, mold plastics, saw wood, form concrete
- Build scaffolds and layout the tallest buildings
- Install doors and windows, build cabinets and lay floors
- frame commercial and residential buildings
Basic Requirements:
- Must be 17 years of age or older
- Must be in good physical condition; may require a physical
- A high school diploma or G.E.D scores are preferred
- Must pass drug and alcohol test
- Must pass interview
Length of Apprenticeship:
- Four years - Apprentices attend one week training every three months for sixteen sessions
- Apprentices must attend 640 classroom hours of training
- Apprentices must complete 5,200 on-the-job hours to graduate from the program
Application Process:
- Applicants must attend an informational session, which runs approximately an hour
- Apprenticeship applications are distributed at the conclusion of informational sessions
- Attendance for the entire information session is mandatory. Late arrival will be denied admission to that session.
- To receive an application, you must attend one of the information sessions listed below.
Boston, MA:
1st Monday of the month at 9:00 A.M. or 3:00 P.M.
Boston Carpenters Training Center
750 Dorchester Avenue, 2nd Floor
Dorchester, MA 02125
Millbury, MA:
3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:00 P.M.
New England Carpenters Training Center
13 Holman Rd
Millbury, MA 01527