Curtis Chronicles
April 26, 2021
A Message from Curtis Principal, Sonya Pitcock
Cougar Families,
As we approach the end of the year, we will have lots of communication about specific STAAR testing day procedures, final exams and device retrieval procedures. Please mark your calendars for our STAAR testing dates listed below. Our final exam week is May 17-20. Students will need to be in attendance to complete their final exams/presentations. We will be retrieving district-owned devices the afternoon of May 21, the last day of school. May 21 is an early release day for students at 12:35. We will be serving lunch that day, with C lunch having the option to take a sack lunch with them. As we approach each specific day, we will be sure to send details of everything you need to know. Thank you for reading through all the information we send out so you can stay informed and help us end this year smoothly.
We are so thrilled to honor our Teacher of the Year and our PTA Lifetime Membership recipients in this newsletter. We are better together!
Have a great week,
Sonya Pitcock
STAAR Testing Dates
May 4 – Algebra I EOC – 8th grade
May 6 – STAAR Science – 8th grade
May 7 – STAAR Social Studies – 8th grade
May 11 – STAAR Math – 7th and 8th grade
May 12 – STAAR Reading – 7th and 8th grade
Congratulations to Mr. Stolp: AISD's Secondary Teacher of the Year!
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK IS MAY 3-7 We have lots of fun things planned to spoil the teachers and staff and we need your help!
Click here to sign-up for Chalk the Walk:
Click here to donate items for lunch:
Allen ISD will hold a special election, known as an Attendance Credit Election, on May 1 seeking voter approval for the district to pay recapture by purchasing attendance credit from the State with local tax revenue. An attendance credit is simply the name given for a district to equalize its wealth through recapture payments.
The district has paid recapture funds by purchasing attendance credit from the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Until this year, the district has used a state exemption to have recapture funds taken out of its annual state funding without the need for a special election.
The special election is required by the state due to changes by Texas House Bill 3 in the 2019 legislative session. Allen ISD will only have to hold this election one time.
For more information: https://www.allenisd.org/2021attendance
PTA Lifetime Membership
Jennifer Adams
Jennifer is a selfless volunteer who has worked extra hard this year supporting Curtis' staff. Starting with last spring, she came up with unique ideas to show the Curtis staff how much they are appreciated all within a lot of constraints. She has also served on Council and an elementary PTA this year as well. Jennifer is an incredible board member that works hard to support the needs of our community.
Alison Gullo
Alison has been a terrific member of our PTA board. She always helps wherever needed with a positive attitude. In addition to helping coordinate volunteer sign ups, she also offers her home as a drop-off point to make it easier for Curtis families to be involved. Alison is also involved in her elementary PTA and is a wonderful community volunteer.
Wendy Kahn
Mrs. Kahn has been an integral part of the CMS team for many years as a math teacher. She not only leads her classroom and her team, but her department as well. Wendy works with administrative staff to consider how she can help her team grow and find ways to impact all students. She works with district staff as well to partner for Allen ISD.
Tracy Spruell
Mrs. Spruell supports many different classrooms in her role on campus. She provides support for students who need a little extra guidance alongside the classroom teacher. Mrs. Spruell steps up to meet any of the campus needs that arise and can always be counted on to do whatever it takes to serve our campus.
NJHS Sponsors ACO Food Drive
Donate to the ACO food drive from Monday, April 26 through Friday, April 30. ACO is requesting the following items to help with increased demand during the summer months:
- instant oatmeal
- jelly
- fruit cups
- individual mac n cheese cups (4pack)
- juice boxes
Items may be dropped off in the plastic crate outside the front entrance of CMS or in room A113 before/after school. NJHS students, PALS, and others needing service hours: a donation of 3 items equals 1 service hour. Ms. Dimoulakis (room A113) can sign service forms, or parents can sign for donations from At-Home Learners.
Notice of Change to PTA Standing Rules
To view those proposed changes please visit:
Questions? Please contact the Parliamentarian, Suzanne at suzanne96@me.com
STEAM Ambassador Program
CMS has loved the partnership with the STEAM Ambassador Program this year and are excited to share they are offering sign ups for STAAR review/help. Click here for more information about STEAM Ambassadors.
Junior Police Academy
Junior Police Academy is open to students entering grades 7-12 this fall!
For more information and registration info, please visit: https://www.cityofallen.org/1009/Junior-Police-Academy
Middle School Parent Chats - Hosted by AISD Support Counselors
Dear Parents and Guardians,
During these uncertain times, we understand that you may be struggling to balance your child's at-home or in-person learning along with your own work and home commitments. We are here to support you! Join us at one of the times listed by clicking on the date/time links below. We are here to provide a space for you to discuss your challenges and identify healthy ways to cope & problem solve. It will be a great way to connect with other parents facing similar struggles. We hope you will join us! Facilitated by the Allen ISD Support Counselors.
Please note: Registration will open 2 weeks prior to each event.
Middle School Parent Chats
Hope you can join us!
AISD Support Counselors
CMS Announcements Posted to CMS Website
If you are interested in CMS Announcements, you can access them directly on the CMS website.
Be sure to check back often! CLICK HERE
Curtis Middle School PTA
Email: ptacommunications.curtis@gmail.com
Website: https://www.allenisd.org/curtisms
Location: 1530 Rivercrest Boulevard, Allen, TX, USA
Phone: 972-727-0340
Twitter: @CurtisCougars