August 2021 Newsletter
Off to a Great Start!
Band Camp Info Below!
All practices are mandatory.
Mon-Thurs 8/2-8/5 (ALL) 9:00am-9:00pm
Fri 8/6 (ALL) 9:00am-6:30pm
Come see the Band on Friday 8/6! And Eat!
Remainder of August Practice Schedule
All practices are mandatory.
Mon 8/9 Evening Rehearsal 6:00-9:00pm
Tues 8/10 Evening Rehearsal 6:00-9:00pm
Thurs 8/12 Evening Rehearsal 6:00-9:00pm
Beginning 8/16 After school rehearsals until 6:30pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays
Help Needed! Sign-ups and items below:
Desserts for Band Camp: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4da9a922a1f5c61-band1
Kitchen Supplies: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0448a4ab22a7fc1-kitchen
***Water and Gatorade donations are needed - please drop off in the Band room.***
All volunteers working with the Band will need to register with Secure Volunteer: https://bib.com/SecureVolunteer/Fort-Mill-School-District/. Once you have registered, please notify Rick at president@crhs.band, so that the school can run your background check.
Health Forms
Health and Medication forms were sent via charms email and can also be found on the band app.
Parent Meeting on 8/26 - be there!
Meeting for all Band parents will be on Thursday 8/26 at 6:00 pm in the auditorium.
Band Fees and Charms Info
Charms is a website that the band uses to post fees and keep track of Charms Points. Charms Points may be earned through various fundraisers (Panthers, Sam’s Cards, etc.) that can be used to pay for band fees. Rising 9th and 10th grade students will also see an Accessory Fee for show shoes and section specific items (gloves, mallets, etc.)
To access Charms for the first time:
Go to the Charms website (https://www.charmsoffice.com/).
Click Login in the upper right corner.
Choose the Parent/Students/Members tab
The School Code is crhsband
Click "Enter Charms"
The "Initial Student Area Password" is the first three letters of the first name and the first three letters of the last name. Example: John Smith's Student Area Password would be JohSmi. The capital letters are required.
The system will prompt you to change the password.
If you have logged in previously and know your password, go to the crhs.band website and click on the Charms logo on the righthand side to take you to the login screen
If at any time you get locked out of the system or forget your new password, please send Nicky an email so that it can be reset. Nicky’s email is charms@crhs.band.
To make a payment:
We have three ways to pay your band fees:
1. Write a check to FMDBBC and mail it to: FMDBBC PO Box 1114 Fort Mill, SC 29716 *Please include your student’s name*
2. Pay online through the band website:
Go to https://crhs.band
Scroll down the screen and you will see a section titled “PAY FEES WITH PAYPAL"
Click on the drop down arrow and choose the type of payment you are making (ex. Marching Band Fees, Instrument Rental Fee, Accessories, etc).
Type your student's name in the box called "Student Name"
Click the yellow "Buy Now" button and follow the PayPal steps. A fee does apply.
3. Write a check to FMDBBC and send it with your student. There is a box for payments in Mr. Butler’s office. *Please include your child's name.*
**If you would like Charms points applied to your band fees, email Nicky at charms@crhs.band
Please email questions to Nicky at charms@crhs.band
Fees are $750 per student ($50 per student discount for multi-child families).
Payment Schedule:
Due July 22nd: $150
Due August 22nd: $200
Due September 22nd: $200
Due October 22nd: $200
Please note: there is also a Fort Mill School District Band Fee of $100, separate from the above Band fees. https://www.studentquickpay.com/fort-mill/
Blood Drive 8/21
The Band receives a donation for every person who gives blood.
Mattress Sale Coming in September - 9/25!
Stadium Events - Earn Charms Points while Raising Funds for the Band!
Band Store
We are working on getting the website all set up with some wonderful CR Band Wear!! Our Shopify website is the only place to get authentic CR Band merchandise! We do not get any money from the athletics website that sells band wear. The show shirt design is coming along and we can’t wait to show it to everyone. Katie will post when the store is open but she will have some items at the band store at the end of band camp!!
Stay Connected!
Band app:
Please sign up using your first and last name here: https://band.us/n/aea056c55ap4A
We would like all parents/guardians and current students to join as it contains practice and competition schedules (among many other things).
At this time it is intended for current students and parents/guardians only. We will still be using emails and the facebook group.
Band Parents/Students: Search for “Catawba Ridge HS Band Boosters” and answer membership questions.
Family/Friends Facebook Page: