Oregon ACTE Newsletter
December, 2022
Oregon ACTE wins national award. We're growing!
Oregon ACTE Student Scholarship 2022-23: Now taking applications!
- Apprenticeship programs
- Community College CTE programs
- Certification programs
- Trade schools (Culinary school, Cosmetology, etc.)
What can the money be used for?
Students can use it for items or services needed to be successful in their program such
as child care, safety equipment, tools, computers, and transportation in addition to
tuition expenses.
Applications due MARCH 15. Encourage students to apply!
Application available HERE: https://forms.gle/n27CtEfAV1Gb1ydu6
Nominations for Oregon ACTE Awards
Nominees can be made at this site:
In Oregon, we are focusing on the following awards for the 2022-23 year:
- CTE Teacher of the Year
- Counselor and Career Development Professional Award
- Postsecondary CTE Professional of the Year
- CTE New Teacher of the Year
We want to be sure to recognize amazing individuals in our state, so if you have someone to nominate, please do so. Nominations should be entered by February 1.
Oregon ACTE Conference: High Desert, High Expectations!
Call for Presenters
The Oregon ACTE is looking for presenters in a wide variety of CTE topics. If you have a program or topic you would like to present, fill out the form below. Our conferences are made great when we get to learn from presenters from all over the state.
Link here:
Online CTE Learning Available
Oregon CTE Data
- Alan Kirby, President, North Santiam SD, CTE/Pathways Coordinator
- Caitlin Russell, VP, IMESD, CTE Regional Coordinator
- Lisa Klingsporn, Secretary, PPS, Strategic Business Partnerships Manager
- Lee Kounovsky, Lane ESD (Eugene)
- Luis Juarez, Higher Education Coordinating Commission
- Regine Childs, Administrator at Sheldon HS, Eugene, OR
- Robin Taylor, Chemeketa Community College Director
- Art Witkowski, Oregon Department of Education
- Toni Zikmund, Business Technology Teacher, Baker City, OR
- Sandi Kellogg, Dean of Health Sciences, Chemeketa Community College
- Tom Goodhue, Executive Director (contact, tgoodhue@obcweb.com)