Our Lady of the Cape Primary School
Newsletter - Friday 24th September 2021
2021 Important Dates
Term 4 Commences Mon 11 Oct
Week 1:
Wed 13 Oct: Yr 3 Parish Mass
Fri 15 Oct: Y4 'Taste of St Mary Mackillop Day'
Sat 16 Oct: Yr 2 Family Mass
Week 2:
Wed 20 Oct: Yr 4 Parish Mass
Thurs 21 Oct: Interschool Athletics
Fri 22 Oct: PP Assembly
Please go to our calendar for more dates: https://www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au/calendar.php
Term 3 is often thought of as the “quieter” term. Not so anymore! It’s been an action-packed term and final weeks with Cultural excursions, talent show, community documentary viewings, book week and a whole lot more…
I would like to commend the OLC staff on their professionalism and dedication to our school and the children’s wellbeing and learning. In particular the way they have taken on a new formal reporting process – Digital Journals using Seesaw, and their thoughtful approach to make this a world-class aspect of our communication with parents. I sincerely hope parents have enjoyed the weekly or fortnightly posts they have been receiving, demonstrating our students learning.
I would like to thank Mrs Chrissy Casella for all her expertise in both Kindy, the Spell it program and teaching in a variety of classrooms this year. Chrissy will be an amazing mum and we wish her well in starting her family. All the best Chrissy.
We also are very sad to see our wonderful canteen manager, Sara Drmota finish at OLC from the end of this term. Sara has been a much-loved staff member and exceptional canteen manger and we wish her all the very best for the future. Thank you Sara.
And finally we wish Kathy Holt a wonderful and restful long service leave in Term 4. We welcome Mrs Serena O’Brien to continue with myself in 5H next term.
It has been a privilege leading the school while Mr Lee has been on leave this week. I spoke to him yesterday and he was enjoying the delights of Hamersley Gorge in the Karijini National Park.
Wishing everyone a wonderful and safe holiday and we look forward to seeing everyone back for Term four.
Adrian Torrese
Acting Principal
Peace Poster
What an afternoon of non stop entertainment! Congratulations to all Performers from Years 3, 4, 5 & 6. The audience were blown away by the level of talent that hit the stage, a lot of hidden talents, variety and originality shone through in each act which was a delight to see! Special thank you to the amazing Year 6 Hosts, Backstage Crew and incredible Judges- Mr Torrese, Miss Lombardi, Mrs Marrell and Mr Wielgus (I did not envy your job!).
Year 3 Winners: Flossie Armstrong & Milla Patterson with an original song played on piano and lyrical dance performance ‘Drooping Swan’
Year 4 Winners: Lily-Eve Blechynden & Tiare Dorizzi who played piano and sang ‘Let it Be’
Year 5 Winners: Piper Huxtable, Chloe Halloran, Xavier Armstrong, Ava Lewis & Miah Adams with a comedy skit ‘The Duck Song’
Year 6 Winners: We had a tie! Congratulations Sian Roberts with her Whip Cracking performance & Noah Brice & Tieg Whitcombe with an original rap about the OLC Teachers!
Judge’s Choice Award: Violet Clift (Year 5) who sang 9-5 by Dolly Parton.
Congratulations to all involved- Mrs Haines AKA proud Mumma Bear
Hover over the images to enlarge!
Year 3 Excursion
Kaya! Last week the Year 3 students were lucky enough to meet with Josh Whiteland of Koomal Dreaming to help build their cultural understanding of the local area. Students learned about how we and observe changes in the environment that signal the shifting of the six seasons. Some students were luck enough to see whales breaching in the background and hear the dreaming story of Marmung the Whale. Mr Whiteland shared the dreaming story of how the entrance to Ngilgi Cave was formed by Wolgoine and the Good Spirit Ngilgi. Students experienced a tour of Ngilgi Cave with Mr Whiteland playing digeridoo in the cave. Up at the meeting place, Mr Whiteland shared traditional fire lighting techniques, tool such as boomerangs, shields, digging stick and once again played the digeridoo with students joining in on tapping sticks. Such a wonderful opportunity for the Year 3’s to learn about Wadandi Boodja.
Year 4 Excursion
This Monday the Year 4 students set off for an adventure to Margaret River Rotary Park to learn more about the cultural significance of this river and the connection to local Wadandi culture. They had the opportunity to spend time observing the wonderful local flora and fauna on our bushwalk to Barret Street Weir.
We learnt about the story of Wooditj and Milyan and with Mr Ryan’s expertise, we were guided to the main types of tree found in the park and we spent time making observations about the bark, leaf shape and height as well as working out how many students wide the trunks were!
It was a wonderful excursion and the students were absolutely amazing, super engaged with our learning and were excellent ambassadors for our school. We would like to thank Beck Torr, Leah Reilly, Justin Ryan, Bianca Todd, Laura Colombo-Smart, Jordy Hall, Jules Thompson, Bret Jeffrey and Susie Opie for coming along with us. It was a fantastic day for the Year 4’s!
Pre Primary Excursion
The children all had ‘the best’ day.
Y6 Excursion
As part of the new OLC Aboriginal Scope and Sequence, the Year 6’s went on their Cultural Day to Mokidup where they learnt about the interwoven histories of the Bussell family who built the Ellensbrook Homestead on this land. For thousands of years prior, this area was used as a Wadandi summer camping ground. During our time here, the students had the opportunity to learn about the story of Meekaderibee cave, interpret the six seasons art by Sandra Hill, immerse in the local flora of the area and explore more the uses of the Ellensbrook homestead. It was a wonderful day had by all.
RE Update
Our first week of staff and student volunteering commenced last week at the St. George’s Family Church Manna and Mercy Dinner. All OLC families are welcome to participate in either a sit down or takeaway meal every Tuesday evening between 5.00 – 6.00 pm in St George’s Family Centre on Gibney Street in Dunsborough. The number of diners is limited by the seats available inside the Family Centre. If you are picking up a take-away meal, please bring your own containers. The cost of the meals is covered by donations made when diners collect their meals. This service is offered in line with Covid-19 pandemic arrangements. Thanks to last week’s helpers!
Well done to several students who have achieved success in their outside sporting pursuits recently. Joel Peterson and Ruda Alves were both selected for the Country Week Soccer tournament this coming weekend, with Joel having the additional honour of being selected as Captain of the team. Way to represent boys!
First Eucharist Boys
Congratulations to Ari (Year 6), Stellan (Year 4) and Marley (Year 4) on the celebration of their First Eucharist last Saturday evening. We were so blessed that Fr. Israel was able to stand in for Fr. Francis while he is away in the Philippines to celebrate this special sacrament.
Acknowledgement of Country
With the help of our local cultural custodian Josh Whiteland, and Ewan Cameron from Timber Grooves, we are very excited to share our new entrance statement acknowledging country. We especially love the translation of our school motto “Many Hearts, One Voice” into Noongar: “Bornung, Koort Dombart Wongi”. Josh’s beautiful artwork is engraved on the sign and represents families gathering on country together.
School Photos - Message from MSP
We would like to advise the online ordering for Our Lady of the Cape PS has now closed and your school photos have gone into production. All orders will now incur an archive fee of $30.00.
Late orders can now be placed by visiting www.mspwa.com.au
Did you know
- Mr Torrese asked Mr Rob to dig the holes for the new Wadandi Entrance Statement in the wrong place. Mr Rob filled them in and dug new holes with a smile!
- Joe (Y6) used great manners to some adults that Mr Torrese was showing around the school.
- Maisey (Y5) is a Richmond Tigers fan.
- A small group of Y1-6 students cut flowers and delivered them to OLC staff members to make them feel special.
- Our "Shout Out" board has been full of gratitude comments each day this week.
- Mrs Haines once lived in California
- Mrs Sorgiovanni makes a fantastic orange and poppy seed cake.
- Duke (Y1) did his own design art for his book week costume.
- Harry (3M) painted, researched and created his Celtic Soccer shirt for "Wear your footy colours" day, just because Mr Mac is a Celtic Football Club fan.
- Yesterday Mr Lee went swimming at Hamersley Gorge at Karijini National Park.
- Sullivan (Y6) knows that Borung Koort dombart Wongi means Many Hearts, One voice in Noongar.
OLC Art Exhibition 3-5th June 2022
The P&F will be running an Art Exhibition fundraiser in the June long weekend of next year. The exhibition will be similar to the annual Fine Art @ Hale School Exhibition and engages and showcases artists in the southwest region. With your help the event will raise money to assist with the visual arts program at OLC with funds going towards artist in residence programs, equipment, and activities to foster the creativity of our students and provide opportunities for engagement, critical thinking, and community connection. The P&F are looking for a sub-committee to be involved in the inaugural OLC Art Exhibition. If you would like to be involved, please email olcparentsandfriends@gmail.com or touch base with Annie Mussell 0408940560.
P&F Committee Members 2022
The OLC Parents and Friends committee raise funds for the purpose of providing amenities and enhancements for the benefit of all our students. OLC’s unique community spirit is evident in our vast network of committed parent volunteers. We are currently looking for volunteers; parents, grandparents and family members to join the P&F committee. There is an array of opportunities to be involved and support OLC. If you would like to be involved, please email olcparentsandfriends@gmail.com.
Term 4 Uniforms
Please note, due to shipping issues, Permapleat are out of stock of all sizes of grey shorts. If you are able to donate any items to the second hand uniform shop, it would be much appreciated.
Canteen News
We will have new Summer menu next term.
Sporting Schools Program - Term 4 with Mrs Sinclair
Last week two Bunnings' staff members, the wonderful Debbie and Garry arrived with two wooden planter boxes, 32 bags of soil and 10 bush tucker plants free of charge as part of their community and activity support. The spent the hour, making the planter boxes and teaching the students about these plants. Our Year 6 students were so thrilled and loved every minute despite the weather. These new additions have been put beside our new outdoor classroom at the back of the school for the whole student body to learn and enjoy over the many years ahead.
Bush tucker included:
Bush Pigface Round Baby
Blubosa – Native leek
Sea Celery
River Mint
Bush Basil
Sea Parsley
Native Red Back Ginger
Warrigal Greens
community news
More about us
Email: admin@ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Website: www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Location: 245 Cape Naturaliste Road, Dunsborough WA, Australia
Phone: 9781 3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OLCDunsborough/