IECHS Parent Connect
Oct/Nov Edition
From the Principals Desk
I can't believe we are in November. Before you know it, the Class of 2022 will be walking two stages to pick up their degrees. I have many accolades and announcements to share below. As always, should you have any questions, feel free to email or call the school. I believe in open communication so that we can all navigate this journey together! #weareconnected
Have a great rest of the week,
Mrs. Beal
PTO Meeting
Tuesday, Nov 9, 2021, 06:30 PM
Infinity Early College High School, Sorters McClellan Road, Porter, TX, USA
Also, congratulations goes out to Junior Joel Gomez and Frehsman Orin Baker for qualifying for the boys regional cross country meet. We are super proud of all of our athletes.
Thank you coach Burgess and Groen for your endurance, support, and love.
Regional Qualifiers
District Champions and placed in TOP10
Graduation-Class of 2022
Cap and Gown orders were placed last week with Balfour. If a senior did not order, here is the link to order: https://www.balfour.com/graduation-packages-cap-and-gown?smi=134849 Please remember to do this sooner than later. Students will use this cap and gown for LSC-KW... 3 weeks prior to IECHS graduation.
Friday, May 27, 2022, 07:00 PM
Randall Reed Stadium, Valley Ranch Parkway, New Caney, TX, USA
Picture Day is THURSDAY, Nov. 11, 2021
Reminder about COLLEGE DROPS
Dress Code, Absences, & Tardies
Additionally, final exam exemptions are affected by absences and tardies:
NCISD Semester/Final Exam Exemption Criteria
- Students are allowed to exempt 3 finals regardless of grade level if they meet the criteria.
- If the semester grade is 80 or higher the student is allowed 0-3 absences.
- If a student has 6 or more tardies in a class, that student will not be eligible to exempt that class. [Tardies will reset each semester.]
- If the semester grade is 79 or below the class is not eligible for exemption.
- Students may not exempt EOC tested subjects in the fall semester.
- AP courses can be exempt from the spring final exam with participation in the AP exam.
- Students who are exempt MUST attend the class they exempt in the first semester. For second semester the students do not have to attend class if they exempt a final.