THE's Weekly eBlast
April 16, 2017
Principal Message
Thank you to all that came out Tuesday night to support our Eat for a Cause at Chipotle. We profited for our school $1, 017.38. It was a great night and we are so appreciative of your support!
We will be hosting our first annual Multicultural Day on April 20th. Some of our student leaders will be sharing information about a country of choice. We hope that you can share in this exciting event to learn about the various cultures that make up our Tuscany Heights Families. We are opening the door to community members as well. The students will showcase true leadership as they teach about different cultures.
Take a look below for the EPI Supply list for the upcoming school year.
We hope that you had a great 3 Day Weekend.
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Safety Reminder
Recently we have had a few clinic situations that required parents to access through the back to get to their child during dismissal, so I would like to remind parents using the back parking lot of a few things to aide in keeping the curbside open and handicapped spaces vacant. Please ensure that you park and use the crosswalk to assist your child across or to pick them up at the back rotunda door. The curbside is reserved for buses and a fire lane in the event there is an emergency situation. We ask that parents not park along the curb to pick up their child. Also, please be sure that you have the proper handicap tag if you are using the handicap parking spaces. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
Library Corner
Upcoming Events
April 20th- Multicultural Day
Trash Free Lunch Today
Earth Day Plastic Bag Collection at HEB, April 20th- 22nd
April 25th- Volunteer Appreciation Brunch 9-10
April 27th- 1st Grade Fiesta Float Parade, 2nd Grade Fairy Tale Bowl 8am-9am
April 28th- Battle of the Flowers Holiday
May 12th- 4th Grade Battle of the Books, Qualifying ROund for District Battle
May 18th- 5th Grade Battle of the Books, 8am-9am
May 22nd- 4th Grade DISTRICT Battle of the Books, Redland Elementary, 5pm-8pm
May 26th- 3rd Grade Battle of the Books, 8am-9am
Dr. Gottardy met with one of our Tuscany Student Leaders, Jaxson Hover.
PTA News
Eat For A Cause: Way to synergize THE families and Chipotle! It was a packed restaurant but loads of fun to see everyone. Chipotle gave back 50% from last Tuesday’s spirit night. They will cut THE PTA a check for over $1000!!! Please support Chipotle and say thank you for their support.
Presidential Volunteer Service Award: It’s the last weekend to log your volunteer hours into the PVSA website: www.presidentialserviceawards.gov Hours must be turned in by April 18th.
Parents, each student in your household needs a separate email address and password to begin logging hours. When creating your student's account, please enter Tuscany Heights' Record of Service Key: QMT-49670
Full instructions are located on the PTA website. For questions please contact Anne Lilly or Sarah Perez at: communityservice@tuscanyheightspta.org
For more info, please visit: www.tuscanyheightspta.org/presidential-volunteer-service-award.html
School Supplies for 2017-18: Save Time & Money by ordering your child's 2017-2018 school supplies through EPI. You can start ordering now through July 10, 2017. Supplies will be delivered to your child's classroom at our Meet the Teacher Nights in August.
Click on the link below and when prompted enter the code below for our school.
enter the TUS005
Want to get involved? With the election of our new PTA officers, we are filling PTA board chair positions for 2017-18. If you would like more information or have any questions about any of the volunteer opportunities please don’t hesitate to ask. Alana Harris, our incoming president, or I would be happy to visit with you.
Mandy Howland, PTA President
Warmer weather = Overflowing Lost and Found
Parents, as the weather warms up we find lots of sweaters and jackets around the school with no name on them – they end up in lost and found and it is OVERflowing! Help us out by checking closets and then sending your students on a mission to find what is lost and bring it home! ALL items will be donated to the NEISD Clothes Closet at the end of the semester.
5th grade students – 5th grade spirit is popping up all over campus. Don’t forget to show off your 5th grade spirit shirt on WILD Wednesday!
Plug in with PTA and Back the Future!
THE PTA Website www.tuscanyheightspta.org
Run for the Heights Website www.runfortheheights.tuscanyheightspta.org
Tuscany Heights Volunteers Link http://www.signup.com/group/35885320036