Shannon Tobias Memorial Christian Lending Library
Welcome to Our Newsletter
Treasured Pages Book Club
Tuesday, Feb 21, 2023, 06:30 PM
917 Westwood Court, Farmington, MN, USA
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Teen Corner
Sasha recommends...
Title: Vanished!
Author: James Ponti
Genre: mystery
Location: juvenile fiction
Rating: 4.5 stars
This book is about...
a 13-year-old boy that works for the FBI. He and his friend go on a mission to stop someone named Loki from continuing to damage things at a famous school that the president's daughter goes to.
My favorite part of this book is...
when Florian visits the White House and meets the president.
It was cool. The president was really nice to Florian, and he even got to enjoy a free meal with the president and his family!
Find it here...
Tween Corner
Hope recommends...
Title: The Moffats
Author: Eleanor Estes
Genre: classic
Location: juvenile fiction
Rating: 4 stars
This book is about...
four kids and their adventures.
My favorite part of the book is...
when they turned Madame into a ghost
it was really funny when Peter Frost got SCARED.
Find it here...
The 2023 Reading Program for Kids is Here!
100 Things to Know About Numbers, Computers & Coding
Did you know there's a single spot on your brain that recognizes numbers? Or that the first computer bugs were actual insects and that most of the internet is under water? This fascinating book is filled with 100 fascinating facts, bright, infographic illustrations, a glossary and index and links to specially selected websites to find out more.
Unplug and Play:50 Original Group Games that Don't Need Charging!
Unplug and Play! 50 Original Group Games That Don't Need Charging brings people together for hours of hilarious, interactive, technology-free fun that requires virtually nothing more than pens and paper. This compact, travel-friendly book guarantees hours of engaging entertainment with fifty original, rigorously tested games that challenge each playerÂ’s ability to strategize, bluff, read minds, memorize, think quickly, and solve puzzles. No texting, tweeting, or surfing allowed!
https://www.librarycat.org/lib/ShannonTobiasLibrary/item/232540223Ari's Poetics
Aristotle "Ari" Clay has been invited to apply for Scholastics, a gifted and talented program for exceptional students at Parkside Middle School in Dilmun, Indiana. His mother is thrilled. Ari isn't so sure. To be eligible for the program, he must submit an original poem in ten days. While he's been jotting down poems privately for a while, he is anxious about submitting poetry for others to read-and judge. Following an unsuccessful first day of poem hunting, Ari mistakenly leaves his writing journal on a boulder, known as The Stone Table, across the road from an abandoned mansion (which some claim is haunted). After his journal vanishes and then reappears later that same night, Ari receives a series of unexpected poetry lessons. These lessons transform his understanding of how reading, writing, and sharing poetry can enrich his life and strengthen his mind. Ari's Poetics offers practical steps to creating original poetry and invites anxious young writers to value their own creative writing.
Women's Corner
From Jolene...
2023 Book Log #9
Title: Sisterhood of Sleuths
Author: Jennifer Chambliss Bertman
Genre: part mystery
Location: juvenile fiction
Finished: January 28, 2023
Rating: 4 stars
I found this book mostly enjoyable and fun. Maybe a little hung-up on girl power, but a good story otherwise. I like Maizy and her family. They are fun. I thought Nell and Cam were delightful as well. The story has heart, mystery, and a lot more. Also, it has some great conversation points for discussion.
Book quote...
"'...but my mom could use a friend these days. And a friendship like theirs isn't easy to come by. But I knew she wouldn't want to reach out.'" -Page 272
*Coming soon to the Shannon Tobias Memorial Christian Lending Library collection.*
2023 Book Log #7
Title: Mothering by the Book: The Power of Reading Aloud to Overcome Fear and Recapture Joy
Author: Jennifer Pepito
Genre: non-fiction
Location: adult non-fiction
Finished: January 19, 2023
Rating: 4 stars
Some parts of this book (most of it) really engaged my interest. Some parts even felt like they were specifically written for me in this time and place in my life. I appreciate the author tying her life circumstances/situations to books she read that spoke to her. I would recommend this book to many women, especially those that love to read, are mothers, and, most especially, are homeschool moms. I found this book encouraging and life-helping.
Book quote...
"'Forgiveness isn't about the person who's betraying you or lying to you or denying you; forgiveness, for me, is about me taking my power back and not allowing them to affect me emotionally.'" -Page 200
*Coming soon to the Shannon Tobias Memorial Christian Lending Library collection.*
The 2023 Shannon Tobias Adult Reading Challenge is Here!
Men's Corner
From Tony...
Book Log #29
Title: Durable Trades: Family-Centered Economies That Have Stood the Test of Time
Author: Rory Groves
Genre: non-fiction
Finished: January 11, 2023
Rating: 3 stars
Rory does a good job of showing how we as a society have gone the way of automation, commoditizing, and a post-human future when it comes to jobs. Our modern culture is so intricately intertwined that one problem can bring the whole system to a stop. He reviews 61 jobs that are "durable" and can be family-centered, set to be around for a long time to come.
*Coming soon to the Shannon Tobias Memorial Christian Lending Library collection.*
Upcoming Book-Related Dates...
February 1 - World Read Aloud Day
February 4 - Take Your Child to the Library Day
February 14 - International Book Giving Day
February 26 - Tell a Fairy Tale Day
That's it for now. Please let me know if you have ideas for things you would like to see in future newsletters.
How to find us
Email: shannontobiaslibrary@gmail.com
Website: shannontobiaslibrary.com
Location: Farmington, MN, USA
Phone: 651-214-9395
Facebook: facebook.com/ShannonTobiasLibrary