The Navigator Newsletter
Sycamore Junior High's Parent Communication
December 21-January 5
Building Goals
* Provide rigorous learning opportunities
* Respect diversity
* Personalize learning
SJH Reunification Site: Blue Ash Rec Center
COMING UP at the JH!
This Week:
December 20 - January 5: Winter Break, no school
Mark Your Calendars:
January 16: Sycamore High School Academic Fair 5:30-7:00pm
A Message from your Administration
We know that many of our students have valuable items or will receive them over the upcoming holidays. We encourage you to have your child LEAVE VALUABLE ITEMS AT HOME. The school can not be responsible for loss or theft of valuable items a child chooses to bring to school.
Thank you and have a safe, healthy and restful winter break!
8th Graders: Save the Date
Parents and Families of SJH 8th graders,
We're one semester away from your students' transitioning into high school! We are so excited for the Class of 2024 to arrive. There are a couple of events in January that we wanted to notify you about on January 16th, 2020.
First, our Academic Fair is on Thursday, 1/16 from 5:30-7:00 pm at Sycamore High School. The event starts in our Main Gym with an information session. Then, you and your students will be free to walk around our Commons area to learn about various clubs, activities, and academic programs that we're proud to offer. We hope this is a chance to speak with teachers, coaches, and supervisors and get a better feel for what your students can expect next year and beyond.
Second, our annual "8th Grade Day" is during the school day on Thursday, 1/16 Please see the attached flyer for more information. This won't impact any schedules outside of school hours. Rather, 8th graders will be bused from the SJH to the HS for the day, and then return in time for the end of the day at SJH. The flyer can be found at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12ySeyMjkbg_on3DpG5hFfF50TN2tpYUp/view.
We hope you and your students find Thursday, January 16th to be useful and informative! If you have any questions, please contact SHS Dean of Students Ashwin Corattiyil at CorattiyilA@SycamoreSchools.org.
SHS Administration
All 8th-grade students now have access to Overgrad.
Overgrad is a comprehensive future planning tool that includes career information, college planning, and even a high school course planning tool. Sycamore students will be using Overgrad 8-12th grade. Students can now utilize Overgrad to plan out Sycamore High School courses across their 4 years - invaluable when scheduling each year. All 8th-grade students were introduced to the course planner tool to start exploring their 9th-grade course options. Students can also easily "add parents" from within Overgrad to allow parents to assist with college and career planning. Overgrad is a powerful tool and we encourage all 8th-grade students to begin exploring its many features.
Students can access Overgrad through the student launch pad on their Chromebook or by going to overgrad.com/login. When logging in, students need to choose the button "Sign in with Google.
Holiday Support: #SpeakUpAVES
The holiday season is often viewed as a time of togetherness and happiness. But for some, it can be a very difficult time of year. Should you or a loved one need support over this break from school, community support is available.
Sycamore Community Schools is providing local and national resources to support those experiencing crisis:
PIRC (Psychiatric Intake Response Center) Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
(513) 636-4124
Hamilton County Mobile Crisis
(513) 584-5098
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 24 hour crisis text line
Text 4HOPE to 741741
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
800-273- 8255
Talbert House Crisis Hotline
Text 4Hope to 839863
Talbert House Crisis Hotline
(513) 281-CARE (2273)
Lighthouse Youth Crisis Center
(513) 961-4080
As we have shared through our #SpeakUpAVES campaign throughout this year, it is ok to not feel ok. Some people may find themselves feeling especially off amid the holiday season.
While not every difficult situation may rise to the level of a crisis, we all need support at times.
Cincinnati Warmline is a safe, judgment-free way to talk to someone. The crisis prevention measure recently featured on WCPO provides someone on the other end of the line who can provide emotional support. They can also connect you to a peer coach or support group, a mental health agency or general resources that can help with everyday life.
Cincinnati Warmline (24 hours)
(513) 931-WARM (9276)
We wish you a safe and healthy new year!
P.T.O. Corner
Join the PTO! Being a member of the PTO doesn’t mean you have to volunteer and attend meetings, although everyone is welcome to do either/both! Joining the PTO shows your financial support for our programs that recognize students and teachers in our building. PTO membership is $10 ($11 online) and can be done online. Visit http://tinyurl.com/sycamorejhpto for more information!
All information about the PTO can be found by clicking on this link:
Questions? Please email jhpto@sycamoreschools.org
Follow us on Facebook!
Aves Hangar Bookstore & Spirit Shop
Part Time Job Opportunity
The Sycamore HS PTO is looking for an individual to serve as the store manager and merchandise buyer for the Aves Hangar Bookstore and Spirit Shop, located on the school’s campus, anticipated to begin mid to late January 2020. This is a new position and will replace the role currently held by volunteer managers.
Retail experience and knowledge of sales and marketing principles are necessary. This is a contract position, with an average expected work-load of 20 hours/week. Schedule is somewhat flexible. Incentive opportunities are also available.
For more information on responsibilities, time commitment, requirements, etc, please visit: https://www.sycamoreschools.org/Page/3365
In Case You Missed It
Safer Schools Ohio
Safer Schools Ohio is a multi-agency effort created to assist schools in continuously improving the safety of our students. By calling or texting the statewide anonymous hotline parents, students or community members can report anything that is suspicious or endangering you, your friends or your school.
Lost & Found
Order Your Yearbook
Please visit this link to order your 2020 SJHS yearbook . . . https://sycamorejhs.store.creatorstudiopro.com/ . Check this off of your to-do list today!
*Yearbooks will be delivered to students May 20, 2020- make a note on your calendar if you purchase early so you don't accidentally purchase twice.
Questions? Contact Melissa Speelman
AIR Testing at the JH
When will students take the AIR assessments?
Sycamore Junior High will administer the AIR assessments on April 15, 16, 22, 23 and 29.
How can you help?
Please mark these dates on your calendars and make every effort not to schedule your child for appointments or vacation days. Thank you for your cooperation!!
Immunizations for 7th graders
Thank you to all 7th grade families who have turned in immunization records. As we work to process those records received, please continue to be patient before you follow up. If there is a problem, you will be contacted via email by Amy Bonham. If you have not turned in your child's proof of immunizations from a doctor's office, please do so ASAP.
Community Camps and Event Flyers
Spring Rec. Baseball & Softball REGISTRATION OPENS JANUARY 1, 2020
See flier below
Sycamore Junior High School
Email: jhadmin@sycamoreschools.org
Website: www.sycamoreschools.org/sycamorejh
Location: 5757 Cooper Road, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Phone: 5136861760
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SycamoreJuniorHighPTO/
Twitter: @sycamorejrhigh