Dublin High School
Week of August 21 2023
A Note From Dr. Overstreet...
Teacher of the Year! Congratulations to Dublin High School 2023-2024 Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Cindy Scott! Mrs. Scott was selected by her colleagues to represent Dublin High School in this year's district-wide TOTY process. The district winner will be announced September 26th. Mrs. Scott has served students of DHS faithfully for several years. She is highly respected by her colleagues and students. Moreover, she is an integral part of Dublin City School's #1 Goal of "High Achievement & Success for all Students" at Dublin High School.
Chat, Plan, Connect: A big "shout out" to to our counselor, Ms. Jessica Lemon, Graduation Coach, Ms. Antionekio Madison, Ms. Krystal Waller, the Family Engagement Coordinator, Mrs. Melanie Newman, the Work Based Learning Coordinator, Dr. Heather Hartley, the IB Coordinator, and Mr. Ben Lanier, the CEO for the WAY, DHS College and Career Academy for the Chat, Plan, and Connect event that was held last Friday in the school's auditorium. The presenters shared information to students and parents on the many academic programs and career pathways that are available at DHS. Students are now empowered to monitor their individual graduation plans and the progress they are making by viewing their Graduation Plan online in Infinite Campus, the student information platform. More information to come about this new feature in Infinite Campus.
The 9th Grade Academy: The 9th Grade Academy is doing great work with the freshman class. Under the leadership of Mr. Reginald Cordy, the Principal of the 9th Grade Academy, two mentoring programs have been established for 9th grade boys and girls.
Boys 2 Men is a mentoring program dedicated to guide and support our 9th grade boys on their journey to becoming responsible young adults. The group based mentoring program gives our young boys a variety of male role models to support and encourage them through graduation.
G.E.M.S is the mentoring program for the 9th grade girls. The program is designed to promote self-esteem, self-empowerment, and self-awareness. Lead by teachers, young girls are exposed to a variety of successful people to nurture self-confidence, goal setting, and problem solving.
Both mentoring programs are school based with meetings held every other Tuesday from 7:00 -7:20AM. Additionally, both mentoring programs are engaged in career explorations, financial literacy, problem solving, goal setting, dressing for success, and college visits to name a few of the many activities that are planned for both groups throughout the year. For more information about the 9th Grade Academy Mentoring Programs, please contact Mr. Reginald Cordy at reginald.cordy@dcsirish.com
Student Safety & Wellness: Signing out students from school: Students are not allowed to leave campus during the school day without written permission from the parent and approval from the school administration.. No student is allowed to sign out to get lunch and return to school. All students must sign in and out of the school office before departing the school campus. Each student checking out should have a note and should submit it to the Front Office no later than 8:00 a.m. for verification and approval. The note should have the name and telephone number of the parent/guardian to be called. Students shall not be released until a parent/guardian is contacted and the verification process is completed. If a student checks out, he/she must keep his/her check out note and present it to the teachers whose classes were missed when the student returns to school. Under no circumstances should any student leave campus, once the student has arrived on campus, without parent/guardian verification before signing out.
Have a great week!
Don't Stop Believing!
Michael Overstreet
Leadership/Scholarships Opportunities
- 10th, 11th & 12th Graders: Dublin-Laurens International Committee's Dublin-Osaki, Japan Sister-City Exchange Program
- 10th & 11th Graders: Laurens Youth Leadership https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AEHWOR_h74k80TRUE0K3CwVdHoqmpvIs/view?usp=drive_link
- 12th Graders: The Gates Scholarship
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, August 22: Reading Inventory for 10th and 11th Grades Only
Tuesday, August 22nd Lady Irish Softball, @ Bleckley County 5:30PMWednesday, August 23rd, Marine Corps Recruiter on Campus
Thursday, August 24th Fall Picture Day for Staff & 9th-11th Graders ,
Thursday, August 24th at 5:PM Dublin High School JV Football vs Swainsboro
Thursday, August 24th at 5:30 PM Lady Irish Softball, Home vs East Laurens
Friday, August 25, Congressman Rick Allen Visit DHS
Saturday, August 26, at DHS SAT Administration
About Us
Email: michael.overstreet@dcsirish.com
Website: https://dhs.dublincityschools.us/en-US
Location: 1127 Hillcrest Pkwy, Dublin, GA 31021, USA
Phone: 478-353-8040
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dhsirish
Twitter: @dublinhighga