The Roadrunner Review
September 22nd, 2023
Notes from the Principal
Did you know that September is Deaf Awareness month? We celebrated last week with some special guests on the morning announcements and other activities bringing visibility and awareness to the communication needs and unique identity of deaf and hard of hearing people.
Main Office/Attendance - 715 -261-0030
Bus Garage (First Student) - 715-842-2268
Office Hours 7:45 am-3:45 pm
Upcoming Events
Thursday, September 28th - Kindergarten to Grampa's Farm
Friday, September 29th - Independent Learning Day
Tuesday, October 4th - 4th/5th grade Leadership Conference & Bike/Walk to School
Tuesday, October 10th - First grade to the School Forest
Thursday, October 12th - 4th/5th grade Leadership Conference
Friday, October 13th - Volleyball Jamboree
Volleyball information
Welcome to the 2023 volleyball season! The season will be short, but packed with fun! We’ll start the season with our first practice on Monday, September 25th and end the season with the Volleyball Jamboree on Friday, October 13th. Practices will be held in the Riverview gym from 3:45-4:45. (Thanks in advance for picking your child up promptly as there will not be supervision after 4:45).
There is a $5.00 participation fee. Players must have it in at the start of the season in order to participate.
Mon. Sept 25
Tues. Sept. 26
Wed. Sept. 27
Mon. Oct. 2
Tues. Oct. 3
Wed. Oct. 4
Mon. Oct. 9
Wed. Oct. 11
Jamboree @ Wausau West:
Fri. Oct 13 4:30-6:30
The players will stay after school the evening of the Jamboree and be bussed to Wausau West. Please send a hearty snack for your player to fuel up before the Jamboree. We’ll provide t-shirts to be worn the evening of the Jamboree which will be returned after the Jamboree, so please have an extra t-shirt for your child to change into.
We’re looking forward to kicking off the season. Hope to see all of you at the Jamboree!!
Mrs. Urmanski surmansk@wausauschools.org
Mrs. Richardt mrichard@wausauschools.orgNews from the Health Room
If your child is feeling ill during the school day, please have them report to the health office. We will contact parent/guardian to make arrangements for them to be picked up.
Please Follow these Guidelines from the WSD for Illness
Students may be excluded from school for communicable disease control for the following conditions:
- Undiagnosed or untreated skin rash or sores that cannot be covered
- Fever (temperature 100.4ºF or greater or if behaviors such as excessive sleepiness or coughing which might be interfering with the student’s learning). Child must be fever-free without fever medicine for 24 hours before returning to school
- Vomiting more than once in the previous 24 hours. Child must not have vomited in the past 24 hours before returning to school.
- Diarrhea three times in the previous 24 hours or child is incontinent (has an “accident”)
- Upper respiratory illness with frequent cough/drainage
- “Pinkeye” (conjunctivitis) if accompanied by fever, behavioral change or inability to avoid touching eyes. (Antibiotics not required for return).
- Strep throat (until 24 hours after treatment has begun, or health practitioner approval)
- Students whose immunization status is not in compliance with the Wisconsin immunization law
- Students with known suppressed immunity may be excluded, for their protection, when cases of communicable disease (i.e., measles, chickenpox) occur in school
Please contact the Riverview Health Office, if your child has COVID. They should remain home following the guidelines listed above. Their absences will be marked accordingly. We will not quarantine students.
A limited amount of COVID tests are available in the health office. You may request one at any time.
Please call with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your help in keeping everyone healthy and safe.
Jenny Glovinski Health Aide
( 715) 261-0035
News from Nutrition Services
Infinite Campus Sign-up
All families will want to sign up for Infinite Campus parent portal. This portal allows you to see grades, pay school fees, update phone numbers and addresses and check busing information. To set up your portal:
Go to the District’s website: www.wausauschools.org
Choose Parents at the top of the page, then choose Infinite Campus Portal
Select Campus Parent
Select New User (Bottom of the white panel titled Wausau School District)
Enter the Activation Code to complete the registration process
If you do not have your Activation Code, please email Patty Knapp at pknapp@wausauschools.org
Create your own username and password. Once you have established your own username and password, the activation code listed below will no longer be valid.
Riverview Elementary School
Email: sbudny@wausauschools.org
Website: http://riverview.wausauschools.org/
Location: Riverview Elementary School, Troy Street, Wausau, WI, USA
Phone: 715-261-0030
Twitter: @WausauSchDist
Riverview 2023/2024 Staff
Budny, Sarah - sbudny@wausauschools.org
Administrative Assistant
Knapp, Patty - pknapp@wausauschools.org
Regular Education
Hall, Kristin - khall@wausauschools.org
Szekeress, Danica - dszekere@wausauschools.org
Burnett, Amber - aburnett@wausauschools.org
Hiles, Chelsie - chiles@wausauschools.org
Steinagel, Nathan - nsteinagel@wausauschools.org
1st grade
Lor, Baonhia - blor@wausauschools.org
Meyer, Ella - emeyer@wausauschools.org
Witt, Laura - lwitt@wausauschools.org
2nd grade
Burmeister, Michelle - mburmeis@wausauschools.org
Differt, Kayla - kdiffert@wausauschools.org
Heil, Kari - kheil@wausauschools.org
3rd grade
Hoppenjan, Margaret - mhoppenjan@wausauschools.org
Richardt, Cindy - mrichard@wausauschools.org
Smith, Chris - csmith@wausauschools.org
4th grade
Brown, Courtney - ccbrown@wausauschools.org
Helke, Casey - chelke@wausauschools.org
Moe, Rebecca (Becky) - rmoe@wausauschools.org
5th grade
Her, Joshua - joher@wausauschools.org
Soukup, Megan - msoukup@wausauschools.org
Widmar, Kristin - kwidmar@wausauschools.org
GT Resource Teacher
Adams, Matt - madams@wausauschools.org
EL Teacher
Carlson, Karen - kcarlson@wausauschools.org
Special Education
Boller, Amy - amboller@wausauschools.org
Connor, Kearsten - kconnor@wausauschools.org
Ermeling, Ashley - aermlin@wausauschools.org
Hau, Mackenzie - mwockenfus@wausauschools.org
Holdridge, Julie - jholdrid@wausauschools.org
Hrdina, Jessica - jhrdina@wausauschools.org
Husnick, Donna - dhusnick@wausauschools.org
Kressel, Renee - rkressel@wausauschools.org
Lodahl, Mia - mlodahl@wausauschools.org
Persha, Morgan - mpersha@wausauschools.org
Puetz, Nancy - npuetz@wausauschools.org
Pupil Services
Boulanger, Kris - kboulang@wausauschools.org
Morrow, Jenna - jmorrow@wausauschools.org
Social Worker
Johnson, Morgan - mcjohnson@wausauschools.org
School Psychologist
Mitchell, Matthew - mmitchel@wausauschools.org
Bridge Coordinator
Beckman, Taylor - tbeckman@wausauschools.org
G2M Program Coordinator
Ramthun, Emily - eramthun@wausauschools.org
Allee, Jennifer - jlingford@wausauschools.org
Koser, Andrea - akoser@wausauschools.orgf
Rodziewicz, Kathy - krodziew@wausauschools.org
Lenselink, Angela - alenseli@wausauschools.org
Wressell, Sana - swressel@wausauschools.org
Physical Education
Sullivan, Christin - csulliva@wausauschools.org
Wais, Jeff - jwais@wausauschools.org
Dienger, Victoria - vdienger@wausauschools.org
Severt, Morgen - msevert@wausauschools.org
Support Staff
Terri Kankelfitz, Jackie Keller, Tammy Kromrei, Sandy Wirkus, Andrea Cordova, Cher Her, Lynn Haucke, Cindy Schuster, Loretta Lazaroff, Breanna Bolssen, Leanne Matz, Caitlyn Sitte, Sara Leitch, Julia Radke, Chelsea Radke, Payton Reidinger, Courtney Rhode, Keng Xiong, Mindy Urmanski
District Nurse/Health Paraprofessional
Mootz, Emilee - emootz@wausauschools.org
Glovinski, Jenny - jglovins@wausauschools.org
Nutrition Services
Batt, Amanda - abatt@wausauschools.org
Huntington, Susan - shuntington@wausauschools.org
Rosso, Kay - krosso@wausauschools.org
Maroszek, Chris - cmaroszek@wausauschools.org
Dotter-Begay, Beth - bdotterb@wausauschools.org
Dotter, Dylan - ddotter@wausauschools.org
Schilling, Tonia - tschilling@wausauschools.org