12/01 McMicken Family Connection

Principal's Corner
A Word from Your Principal
Dear Families,
It has been so fun to see the pure joy our Cougars get from playing in the snow. They are determined to make snow people and even snow angels no matter what! We had a very successful round of family conferences. Our conferences were a great time for home-school connection and goal-setting. We get to spend the next stretch before winter break making growth on those goals. Some grade levels are also finishing up units of student and celebrating learning in different ways. Thank you for your collaboration!
😄 Principal Haas
Principal's Choice: Book of the Month
"Lost and Found Cat: The True Story of Kunkush's Incredible Journey," written by Amy Shrodes and Doug Kuntz, illustrated by Sue Cornelison
Click the picture of the book for a read aloud by Doug Kuntz, one of the authors!
When an Iraqi family is forced to flee their home, they can’t bear to leave their beloved cat, Kunkush, behind. So they carry him with them from Iraq to Greece, keeping their secret passenger hidden away.
But during the crowded boat crossing to Greece, his carrier breaks and the frightened cat runs from the chaos, disappearing. After an unsuccessful search, his family has to continue their journey, leaving brokenhearted.
A few days later, aid workers in Greece find the lost cat. Knowing how much his family has sacrificed already, they are desperate to reunite them. A worldwide community comes together to spread the word on the Internet and in the news media, and after several months the impossible happens—Kunkush’s family is found, and they finally get their happy ending in their new home.
This remarkable true story is told by the real people involved, with the full cooperation of Kunkush’s family.
Free Student Immunization Clinics
It is important for students to be up to date with their immunizations in order to keep all our children safe from communicable diseases. According to the Washington State law (RCW 28A.210.080), it requires that all children have immunization records in order to attend school, preschool, or child care. If your student is due for vaccinations, please make a doctor’s appointment or attend one of the Free Student Immunization Clinics listed below.
Friday, December 9th
3:00PM – 5:00PM
Cascade Middle School
11212 10th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98146
Saturday, December 10th
10:00AM – 1:30PM
White Center Heights
10015 6th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98146
Important: Family Emergency Plans
Each family should have a plan covering what to do when children arrive home early due to an emergency situation. Situations which should be covered include:
- Are the students prepared with warm clothing, including gloves, hats, and boots?
- What is the best route home if your student cannot be delivered to the normal bus stop?
- Where could your child go if he/she needs help?
- Who will care for your child until you arrive home?
- Who can your child call if he/she feels afraid?
In Case of Inclement Weather
In case of inclement weather, please make sure to check out Highline School's website and social media. You should also receive a phone call and/or text message from the school in case of two-hour delays or cancellations.
Please see the chart below for emergency bus stops.
PLEASE NOTE: If your stop is NOT listed, then the regular stop will be used. Parents of special program students will be notified by the bus driver if an alternate stop is to be used.
No School Uniforms for 23-24 School Year
Results for the family survey are in regarding the future of our school uniforms! Uniforms will NOT be required for the 2023-24 school year. A majority of our families voted against school uniforms with red votes. Thank you to everyone who shared their input at conferences!
Join us for the Community Cafe (Dec. 5th)!
Join the African Community House & Development for a McMicken Heights Elementary School Community Cafe!
Have your voice heard! Discuss with the community your hopes and dreams for the future of your children's education. Light refreshments and childcare will be provided.
Date: Monday, December 5th
Time: 5:00-7:00pm
Location: Heights by Vintage Apartments (21212 International Blvd, SeaTac, WA 98198)
Contact Ifrah to register at ifrah@achdo.org or (206) 350-1116.
Our Weekly Habit
December's Monthly Focus: We are OPTIMISTIC.
Weekly Focus (Dec. 5-9): Set yourself up for success.
A quote to think about: "Inspiration comes from within yourself. One has to be positive. When you're positive, good things happen." -Deep Roy
When we set ourselves up for success, it looks like:
- Following a daily routine/schedule
- Being prepared with learning tools
- Looking at the success criteria and learning intentions
When we set ourselves up for success, it sounds like:
Using positive self talk
"Today I'm working on..."
Goal setting
Asking for the help that you need (e.g. resources, vocabulary, etc.)
When we set ourselves up for success, it feels like:
Accomplishing a task or activity
Being proud of your growth
Monday, December 19-Monday, January 2: Winter Break, No School
Tuesday, January 3: Return to School
Monday, January 16: Martin Luther King Jr. Day, No School
Seattle Art Museum: Free for Highline Families!
Did you know that Highline Public Schools has partnered with the Seattle Art Museum? That means that our Highline families can get free admission to the Seattle Art Museum! When you go to the ticket desk, you can let them know that you are a Highline family.
Check out their website for their current exhibitions, programs and learning available, and more!
Address: 1300 First Ave, Seattle, WA 98101
Phone Number: 206.654.3100
Hours: Closed Monday and Tuesday, Thursdays-Sunday open 10AM-5PM
Holiday Supports - Wellspring Holiday Gift Program
The holiday season will be upon us shortly, and the Wellspring Holiday Gift Program has opened! The application to apply for holiday gifts opened on November 1st, and the application will tentatively close on November 30th (but is subject to close earlier, depending on demand).
Holiday gifts are available through this program for children between the ages of newborn to 17.
Families are eligible to apply for gifts if they are currently experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless (for example, food insecurity, low income, recent job loss, living in transitional housing, etc.). Below please find important information about this year's Holiday Gift Program:
Completing the application does not guarantee a family will receive gifts. Availability will be dependent on the donations we receive and demand.
- They are unable to honor requests for specific gifts, but they will do their best to provide items the children are interested in. Please note, electronics such as tablets, laptops, and gaming systems will not be available.
- This form can be completed by families requesting for their own children or by a case manager, public health nurse, etc. on behalf of a family.
- Please ensure only one form is submitted per family. Multiple submissions will not increase the likelihood of receiving gifts.
- If you are requesting for a family with multiple children, only one form needs to be completed. You can request for all children in one submission.
- If they can fill a request, you/the family will have 7 business days to pick up the gifts from their office (1900 Rainier Ave S, Seattle, 98144). They unfortunately cannot deliver.
Holiday Resources and Assistance
There are many available resources and assistance for families in need this holiday season. Please see below for resources and information that may support your family's needs.
1. Toy 'n Joy offered by Salvation Army
- Taking applications now! Apply online.
- Description: Provides Christmas food voucher for eligible low-income families, as well as toys for children ages 17 and younger, in the West Seattle, White Center, South Park, Burien, SeaTac, Tukwila, and north Des Moines areas. Distribution Day Dec. 21st.
- For questions, email bill.talbot@usw.salvationarmy.org or call 206-767-3150.
2. The Forgotten Children's Fund
- Apply online by December 16th.
- Description: We provide a Christmas experience for families in need. This includes a visit to your home from Santa and his team of elves who will deliver gifts and warm coats for your children, blankets and a food box to your family on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
3. Kent Lutheran Church - Community Supper
- Description: Christmas dinner grab-n-go meals for anyone in need.
- Call 253-852-2027 with questions.
- Date/Time/Location: December 20th from 6pm-7pm at 336 2nd Ave S, Kent, WA 98030.
4. Kent Seventh Day Adventist Church - Neighbor to Neighbor
- Description: Christmas dinner grab-n-go meals for anyone in need.
- Call 253-852-3883 with questions.
- Date/Time/Location: December 22nd from 4:30pm-5pm at 25213 116th Ave SE, Kent, WA 98030.
5. December Holiday Food at Highline Area Food Bank, starting December 2 and ending December 23
- Description: Offers self-select holiday food during normal food bank hours for residents of the Highline area during the month of December (Dec. 2-23)
- Call 206-433-9900 with questions.
- Tuesdays (weekly): 12pm-2:30pm
- 2nd Tuesday of each month: 5:30pm-7:00pm
- Thursdays: 10am-12:30pm
- Address: 18300 4th Avenue South in Burien, Washington
6. USPS Operation Santa
- Description: Write a letter to Santa! The US Postal Service will pair letters from kids and families with generous people who fulfill their holiday wishes.
- For more information, visit their website.
See the full year's Heritage Month calendar and think about how you can continue to celebrate these groups and holidays at home. In addition, you can access the Heritage Month calendar in Spanish, Somali, or Vietnamese.
Explore resources, events, book lists, and more for December's Heritage Months in English or Spanish.
International Day of Peoples with Disabilities (Dec. 3)
About one billion people around the globe have some form of a disability. National Disability Day is observed internationally on December 3rd, and is meant to help people become more aware, compassionate, and understanding of the challenges those with disabilities face. Developing a better understanding of disabilities is an important first step in creating a more accepting society.
Human Rights Day (Dec. 10)
Human Rights Day is observed every year on 10 December — the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted, in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The UDHR is an important document, which states rights that everyone is entitled to as a human being - regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
International Migrants Day (Dec. 18)
International Migrants Day aims to raise awareness about the challenges and difficulties of international migration. It is also a time to recognize and celebrate the efforts, contributions, and rights of migrants worldwide.
Contact us for support or with questions.
McMicken Heights Elementary School
Phone: (206) 631-4300
Follow us on social media!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/McMickenHeightsElementary/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mcmicken.heights
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mcm_heights
Click on the image to complete the consent form for COVID testing at school. This only needs to be completed once this school year.
Does your student have symptoms? Click on the image for a flowchart to know when to send your student to school.
Click on the image for information on COVID vaccination and upcoming vaccine clinics.
Click on the image for more up-to-date information about COVID safety in Highline Public Schools.
Keep updated on your student's grades, attendance, and more! Create or update your ParentVue account by clicking the image.
Click the image for current and past Book of the Months.