ESC 18 - Taco Tech Tuesday
Minus the Tacos, Extra Tech!
May 10, 2022
Tech You Have To Try
Talk and Comment
Duck Soup
Giphy for Gmail
Professional Development Opportunities
NWEA Map Growth EOY Planning and Essential Reports - June 1st
Comfortable with the basics of administering MAP® Growth™? Now get hands-on with your reports. Learn to access, interpret, and apply MAP Growth data. Then plan how to use your data to inform ongoing work, with a particular focus on goal setting with students. Essential Reports for Teachers Essential Reports for Administrators Student Growth and Goal Setting. This session will focus on growth through the End-Of-Year lens as it pertains to the relationship between Growth, Achievement, and Proficiency.
We will focus on:
- Essential reports for administrators at EOY
TIA focused growth conversations
Work session time to plan for the 22-23 school year
June 1st, 8:45 am
ESC 18 Summer Professional Development
Blended Learning - The Impact of Station Rotation
Come learn what blended learning actually is and what it isn't! We will discuss different setups and possibilities within a blended learning classroom while focusing on Station Rotation and discussing what blended learning might look like in your classroom. You’ll be immersed in an actual blended learning environment with technology, tools, and techniques you can walk away with and utilize immediately.
7/12/2022 at 9 am click here
7/20/2022 at 9 am click here
7/26/2022 at 9 am click here
Technology Tips, Tricks and Treasures
In this session, we will go over various applications, extensions, and websites you can use in the classroom tomorrow. Be more efficient, learn new ways to collaborate and share information with students and learn new ways students can show understanding.
6/2/2022 at 9 am click here
6/30/2022 at 9 am click here
7/13/2022 at 9 am click here
7/21/2022 at 9 am click here
ISTE Live 22
Training Opportunities
Blended Learning
Google Training
We also offer training in Google Suite applications like Gmail, Drive, Slides, Calendar, and others to increase your staff/campus productivity. Feel free to contact me to learn more. cenriquez@esc18.net
Technology Help Desk
Chris Enriquez
Email: cenriquez@esc18.net
Location: 2811 La Force Blvd, Midland, TX 79706, USA
Phone: (432)- 567-3249
Casey Ritchie
Email: critchie@esc18.net
Location: 2811 La Force Boulevard, Midland, TX, USA
Phone: (432)-567-3250