Dublin High School
Week of August 14, 2023
A Note From Dr. Overstreet...
The first full week of school was awesome! I cannot say enough about our students, teachers, and support staff for the work they have done over the first seven (7) days of this new school year to make this start remarkable. As we settle into the expected routines and procedures of the school day, here are a few reminders. The new Cell Phone Policy is now being enforced and the grace period is over. To protect the instructional day, students are not allowed to use or visibly have their cell phones out during the school day. However, during their lunch period, cell phones are allowed for personal use in the lunchroom only.
Also, as we teach and use the language of "workforce readiness," please have conversations with your student(s) about time management as it relates to getting to school and class on time. Dublin High School is a Collège and Career Academy High School. The WAY, Workforce Accelerating Youth is the new College and Career Academy." Therefore, the rules and expectations of the school are related to workforce readiness traits that are designed to prepare students for a career after graduation.
Speaking of The WAY, Mr. Ben Lanier, the CEO of the College and Career Academy has launched "Workforce Wednesday!" Every Wednesday, students will be introduced to different career pathways, local industry partners, and major industry leaders in the local and regional workforce. We are extremely excited to be leading this transformational journey on the campus of Dublin City Schools.
On another topic, we are continuing to finalize adjustments to student schedules to ensure that graduation plans of all students are accurate and aligned to every student career pathway and post secondary goals. We appreciate your patience as we finalized this process.
Finally, I would like to personally invite you to the school's auditorium on August 18, 2023 to participate in a Plan, Chat, and Connect with 11th (7:45-8:30), 10th (9:00-9:45), and 9th (12:00-1:00) You will have a chance to chat with Administrators, the Graduation Coach, Counselor, and Family Engagement Coordinator, as we collectively conduct a transcript audit to plan your child's graduation plan. See the flyer below, or call the school for more information at 478-353-8040.
Have a great week!
Don't Stop Believing!
Michael Overstreet
Leadership/Scholarships Opportunities
- 10th, 11th & 12th Graders: Dublin-Laurens International Committee's Dublin-Osaki, Japan Sister-City Exchange Program
- 12th Graders: The Gates Scholarship
Upcoming Events
Monday, August 14th: Dublin City Board of Education Meeting at 6:00 PM
Tuesday, August 15th: Dublin High School Lady Irish Softball AWAY @ Jefferson County at 5:30 PM
Tuesday, August 15: Boys 2 Men & GEMS (9th grade)
Wednesday, August 16th: Dublin High School Lady Irish Softball AWAY @ Warner Robins at 5:30 PM
Thursday, August 17th: Dublin High School Lady Irish Softball AWAY @ Montgomery at 5:30 PM
Thursday, August 17th: Dublin High School Lady Irish Volleyball AWAY @ 400 E Agency St, Roberta, GA 31078 against Crawford County at 6:00 PM
Thursday, August 17th: Dublin High School Lady Irish Volleyball AWAY @ 400 E Agency St, Roberta, GA 31078 against Crawford County at 7:00 PM
Friday, August 18: Plan, Chat, and Connect with 11th (7:45-8:30), 10th (9:00-9:45), and 9th (12:00-
1:00) in the auditorium; parents are invited.
Friday, August 18th: Dublin High School Football HOME Opener vs. Wilkinson County at 7:30 PM
About Us
Email: michael.overstreet@dcsirish.com
Website: https://dhs.dublincityschools.us/en-US
Location: 1127 Hillcrest Pkwy, Dublin, GA 31021, USA
Phone: 478-353-8040
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dhsirish
Twitter: @dublinhighga