Special Hall's Corner
Summer 2021 Edition #4, September 2, 2021
Check this out for important back to school information, Photo OPT OUT FORMS, Military OPT Out forms, Parent Handbook and more!
First DAY for EMCC Students is Wednesday, September 8th!
First Day of School for ALL Students is Thursday, September 9th!
Check this out for important back to school information, Photo OPT OUT FORMS, Military OPT Out
Dear BHS Families:
e continue to get ready for an incredible 2021-2022 school year! Preparations are ongoing to ensure a safe and exciting return to 5 day/week schooling. Please note the following:
Topics covered in the 2021-2022 Hall’s Corner Summer Edition #2
Back to school information can be accessed through the link. Important information on photo opt outs, military opt out forms, etc.
EMCC starts on September 8th! Transportation will be provided as usual. Please note, BCSD transportation will not be running yet! Students will need to get to and from BHS by other means.
Seniors will be picked up at DOOR #24 at 7:45 AM
Juniors will be picked up at DOOR #20 at 11:15 AM
What will the opening of school look like? UPDATES PROVIDED!
All 9th graders and transfer students will be assigned lockers.
Lockers will NOT be provided to other students unless they request a locker by coming to the main office and seeing an office assistant. This is similar to last year, 2020-2021.
Students will NOT be allowed to sit or congregate in hallways.
All hallways and corridors are masking areas.
SENIOR Class of 2022 Information
Crossroads Yearbook – Attention Seniors!
Counseling Newsletters – Attention Seniors!
Suggested School Supply List
Therapy Dogs are back at BHS!
Brighton Rowing Club NEWS
Athletic News
Check out this website for the most up to date athletic schedules
Follow Brighton Sports on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/BCSDSports
BHS Administration, Counselors, and Contact Information
Entrance and Exit Doors During School Day
Calendar of Future Events – Check this out!
We will be back 5 days/week for classes.
Masks will NOT be required for students when OUTSIDE.
Masks WILL BE required at all times when INSIDE the building except in designated mask break areas and eating/drinking areas. Mask breaks must be 15 minutes or less. More details to follow on this.
NEW Updates since last Hall’s Corner on August 27, 2021
All 9th graders and transfer students will be assigned lockers.
Lockers will NOT be provided to other students unless they request a locker by coming to the main office and seeing an office assistant. This is similar to last year, 2020-2021.
Students will NOT be allowed to sit or congregate in hallways.
All hallways and corridors are masking areas.
We will have counselors available every morning at 7:30 AM in the counseling office. We will also have one counselor available in the group room across from 262 for morning wellness/mindfulness exercises for students wanting to ground themselves for the day.
We will have a modified schedule for the first two days of school to accommodate class meetings and homeroom surveys and start of year information sharing. More to come!
There will be a TENT between the stadium and the back of BHS. This tent will be outfitted with tables and chairs for outdoor dining and studying during free periods and FLEX if students so choose.
Students arriving in the morning will be allowed to go to the Upper GYM, Lower Gym, Cafeteria, library, or to the outside tent area. Students will be released to homeroom at 7:40 AM. The Lower Gym, Cafeteria, Library, and tent area will be available ALL DAY long for students during free periods. Students may not eat in the Upper Gym or Library in the morning.
During FLEX, the Upper Gym, Lower Gym, Cafeteria, and tent area will be available for students to eat. Students may NOT eat or remove masks in the library area.
Students will NOT be able to congregate in the hallways or sit in the hallways near lockers, etc. Students must be in a classroom, the library, or in the upper/lower gyms, cafeteria, or outside under the tents/stadium area.
Check out the Crossroads website for ALL of the important information:
https://www.bcsd.org/Page/6478. Portrait submissions will begin August 15th and will be accepted through November 30th, 2021.
2021-2022 Suggested School Supply List
BHS has a suggested school supply list for several BHS departments and courses. Some courses list general supplies for all sections and some teachers have individual supply requests for their specific sections. Please review and plan accordingly. Final schedules with teacher assignments will be visible on Parent/Student Portal on August 25th. Students can be proactive in purchasing supplies before the first day of classes. We hope this assists you with the purchasing of school supplies! Use this link to access list: https://bit.ly/2VkI9KF
We will be hosting several certified therapy dogs at BHS this year. Prior to COVID, BHS had 4 therapy dogs attending BHS on a weekly basis. Dogs are available to students in the counseling office and main office, along with some classrooms. Your child’s teacher will notify families if their classroom will be hosting a therapy dog. This will be our 4th year with therapy dogs and are super excited to have them back in the building for our students and staff. Please click here for the Brighton Board of Education Policy on Therapy Dogs – https://bit.ly/38gabdd
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Looking for a fun, healthy, lifelong sport? Brighton Rowing Club is encouraging students in grades 7-12 to sign up for crew. Practice takes place at the Genesee Waterways Center in Genesee Valley Park. Registration for the fall season is open now. No experience necessary!
Visit www.brightoncrew.org for more information and to register.
Main Entrance and Exits – Door #1 and Door #20
For security purposes during the school day, students are only allowed to enter and exit through door #1 and door #20 (entrances monitored by security). Students are NOT allowed to prop open doors or to open doors/exit from doors in other areas of the building. All exterior doors will be alarmed and monitored. Students found violating this security policy will face disciplinary consequences. This is a major safety violation!
Administration and Counselor Contact Information
Click here for names and contact information.
Calendar of Events!
September 6 ........ Labor Day
September 8 ......... Superintendents Conference Day
September 7 ...........Rosh Hashanah
September 9 ...........First Day of School for Students, 7:40 AM homeroom
..................................Modified Sports Begin
..................................PTSA Sponsored Food Truck Rodeo, BHS Bus Loop 5 - 8 p.m.
..................................Brighton Families of Color Group Mtg. 7 - 8:15 p.m.
September 9-10 ...... Special Schedule Days with Grade level and homeroom meetings – . ...................................FLEX Overview, Code of Conduct Policy Updates, Brighton Believes, . ...................................Emergency Procedures, Dignity for All Students Act, etc.
September 10 .........Senior Class Photo out on the turf, 7:50 AM
September 11 ...........ACT, 8:00 AM
September 13 ...........School Pictures for 9th &10th Grades(Sept. 13), During PE/ ALL DAY
September 14 ...........School Pictures for 11th & 12th Grades (Sept. 14), During PE/ ALL DAY
September 14 ...........OPEN HOUSE - virtual (More to come!) 6:20 – 8:30 PM
. ..................................Board of Education Business Mtg. Admin, 7 p.m.
. ..................................Support Group for Parents of Children with Social and School-Related . . ....................................Anxiety, 7 - 8:15 p.m.
September 15 ............Central PTSA Community Mtg. 9:30 a.m.
September 16 ............Yom Kippur – School is Closed
September 23 .............12th Grade Parent Night, 6:30 PM
September 27 ..............Homecoming Week Begins
September 28 ..............Board of Education Mtg., Admin or CRPS, 7 p.m.
September 29 ..............PTSA Meeting with Principal for PARENTS, Room 262, Noon & 7 PM
October 2 ......................SAT, 8:00 AM
. ......................................End of Homecoming Week Game & Parade
October 5 ......................Financial Aid Night – for all parents with kids heading to college! 6:30PM
October 8 ......................Superintendent’s Conference Day – No School
October 13 ....................PSAT for Juniors
October 23 ....................ACT, 8:00 AM
October 14 ....................9th Grade Parent Night, 6:30 PM
October 25 - 29 ............Red Ribbon Week
October 26 ..................PTSA Meeting with the Principal for PARENTS, Rm 262, Noon and 7PM
October 29 & 30 ............Fall Play