Assistive Technology With MIU IV
All your questions answered!
AT Overview
Who needs an Assistive Technology referral?
Students who have an IEP and live in Butler, Mercer or Lawrence county
at least one of the following areas of need:
- writing
- reading
- vision
- communication
- computer access
- physical
- cognitive
- fine motor issues with writing/holding school items
Who should participate in the Assistive Technology consultation?
Teaching staff, caregivers/parents or therapist may request an AT Referral due to needs observed.
Who fills out the AT referral?
The LEA will fill out the AT Referral electronic form. A PTE/PTRE is not required for a referral.
AT tools need to be returned if:
1. Student moves out of Butler/Mercer/Lawrence county area.
2. Student graduates from school-age programming (graduates).
What Can Be Provided Through the AT Referral?
- adapted keyboard/mouse
- software programs or apps to complete reading/writing assignments
- digital books with a read aloud function
- ipad for needs related to reading/writing/vision/communication
- communication device
- large screen Chromebook for vision needs
- magnification devices
- switches to activate a toy or functional item
- adapted toy
- adapted functional items (ie scissors, pouring cups)
- Environmental Control Unit (ECU) to activate classroom items (ie turn on a blender or lights)
INITIAL TRAINING (staff and/or family training)
MORE TRAINING (new staff or staff changes)
When and Where?
When will the AT referral get started?
The AT Consultant will receive your referral and reach out to the contact person within 1 week. Your assigned AT Consultant will schedule requested trainings and referrals at their earliest convenience.
When will we get the AT tools for the student?
AT tools take time to order, set up and deliver. Please allow for 4-6 weeks for this process.
Where can the consultation take place?
- Your elementary, middle or high school
- Student home (if Instruction in the Home)
- Virtual options are available for convenience (trainings and meetings)
communication device (eye gaze)
Big Track (adapted mouse)
large screen Chromebook (for magnification)
How Do I Document Assistive Technology in the IEP?
How Do I Document Assistive Technology in the IEP?
When adding AT information to the IEP, the following suggestions may be considered:
2. Present Levels of Academic Achievement- Write about how the students uses the AT tools to gain access to the curriculum.
- Communication Device Example: X uses a high tech communication device with touch access to communicate with his peers and teachers. The staff model use of the language on the device and make sure that is ready and available for use. X is gaining more language and functional communication skills with the device including asking for a break, talking about his feelings and ordering his school lunch from the cafeteria staff.
- Reading/Writing Tool Example: X continues to use the features of text to speech for reading digital textbooks. This feature is used during ELA class and available on the school device. The student also utilizes speech to text feature when writing in her daily journal which is sent to the teacher via Google Classroom. The student uses the AT tool in order to access reading and writing within the classroom.
- Vision Tool Example: X uses a handheld magnifier when given notecards or handouts within the classroom. The student uses the ipad to access digital books with text to speech feature. Digital highlighting is used as the words are read aloud.
AT Tools:
- Single message voice output device
- Dual message voice output device
- Sequential message voice output device
- Random message voice output device
- Random spinning choice device
- Environmental control unit (ECU)
- Adapted toy
- Adapted pouring cups
- Adapted battery scissors
- Battery interrupter
- Switches: pressure switch, round button switch, movement sensor switch, proximity sensor switch, tilt switch, pneumatic switch (activated by air compressed), thumb switch, textured (shape= oval, square, circle) switch, joystick switch, adjustable angle switch
- Mid-tech multilevel communication device with (insert # here) grid size paper boards
- High-tech communication device with eye tracking access method
- High-tech communication device with touch access method
- Accessories: wheelchair mount, table mount, floor mount, keyguard, communication app or communication software (include vocab type/grid size)
3. Specially Designed Instruction:
The student is using AT tools (for communication/vision/reading/writing/computer access) in order to complete academic assignments and to access the curriculum.
4. Supports to School Personnel:
AT Consultation consists of a yearly check-in survey and staff may request (at any time) further training, help with implementation, troubleshooting or revision of AT tools in use.
Check Out More AT Resources!
For more information, contact:
Location: 453 Maple Street, Grove City, PA, USA
Phone: (724) 458 - 6700