Roadrunner Weekly
"We are learners!" - February 5th, 2024
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Be Safe, Exercise Responsibility, Engage in Learning, and Practice Kindness!
Reynolds' Report
Hello, Roadrunner Families!
Thank you so much to everyone who helped make our First Street School Jog-a-thon experience a great one! A special thank you to our PTO members and our teachers who ensured that the event went off without a hitch, even with the storm we had on the day of our event.
This week, we will have a couple of opportunities for families to get involved on campus and share their ideas. First is our PTO meeting on Tuesday from 6:00pm-7:00pm. This is an opportunity for families to share their ideas for events coming up and get involved in the fun activities happening on our campus.
The second opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas is at the coffee chat on Thursday morning from 8:15am-9:15am in the cafeteria. This is a chance to chat with me about the things you want to celebrate or ideas you have for change for First Street School. A lot of really cool ideas have come out of these meetings, so please join us!
There will be translation services for both of these events. We hope to see you there!
Have a beautiful week, Roadrunner Families!
Lyndsay Reynolds
Proud Principal
First Street School
School: 916 645-6330
Call/Text: 916 409-6808
Watch our video newsletter in English and Spanish
Mira nuestro video newsletter en ingles y español
Topic of the Week
Acts of Kindness
This week in our whole school assembly, we talked about different ways to show kindness in our school and our community. Students from Mrs. Pellegrino's 4th Grade class talked about the ways we can show kindness in different areas of our lives. They even set a challenge for each class to try and complete 100 Acts of Kindness in one week! I can't wait to see how kind our campus will be with each class completing 100 Acts of Kindness!
Kind Deeds in the Classroom:
- Hold a door for someone.
- Help a guest teacher.
- Listen closely to a speaker.
- Pick something up when someone drops it.
- Help your teacher with a task.
- Turn in a lost item to your teacher.
Kind Deeds on the Playground:
- Invite someone to play with you.
- Visit with someone on the buddy bench.
- Follow the rules in your game.
- Help someone who gets hurt.
- Clean up the bark near the play structure.
- Be a good role model when the bell rings.
Kind Deeds in the Cafeteria:
- Pick up trash.
- Use an inside voice when talking to a friend.
- Help someone pack up their lunch box or food tray.
- Take only what you know you can eat.
- Help clean a table.
- Say “thank you” for your food.
Kind Deeds in the Community:
- Collect food for a person in need.
- Donate to a charity.
- Hold a door for someone.
- Show someone how to recycle.
- Collect books for a school.
- Carry a bag for an elderly person.
Important Dates:
Month at a Glance
February 6th - PTO Meeting, 6:00pm-7:00pm, Library
February 8th - Coffee Chat with Ms. Reynolds, 8:15am-8:45am, Cafeteria
February 12th - New GATE Student Introduction Meeting, 6:00pm, Cafeteria
February 14th - Wear Valentines Colors Spirit Day!
February 16th-19th - No School, Spring Mini Break
February 22nd - PTO Event, LOVE Lunch!
February 23rd - Placer Food Bank Food Bag Delivery, Non-Perishables
March 1st - College Wear Spirit Day!
Updates and Important Information
Candy Grams for sale! Please see the flyer in your student's backpack to order!
Big Fish Donors : Drive to the Marquee!
We are still looking for big donors to our PTO and Fun Run Fundraising goal of adding a digital marquee to the front of our school! The deadline to donate has been removed and we would love your support! Please click below to find a copy of a letter you can use to request donations from business owners you know in our area! Thank you for all of your support for our mighty school!
2024-2025 Enrollment is Open!
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open! Please spread the word to anyone you know who has a new student, an incoming TK student, or an incoming Kinder student. They can find the link to register here: https://www.wpusd.org/in-our-schools/enrollment/new-student-registration/next-year-2024-2025
If your student currently attends First Street School on an intra-district transfer, you will need to request to have their intra-district transfer renewed each year. This process will open on January 19th. The link to submit your intra-district transfer can be found here: https://www.wpusd.org/in-our-schools/enrollment/transfers/intra-district-transfers
Students who currently attend First Street School and live in the First Street School boundaries do not need to do anything with registration. GATE students also do not need to submit an intra-district transfer as their enrollment rolls forward year over year at First Street School.
Social Studies Curriculum Pilot
Hello WPUSD Families,
Our district will be starting an Elementary Social Studies instructional materials pilot this year.
We would like to invite you to participate in the materials selection process. This process includes following the WPUSD School Board policies for reviewing potential instructional materials and using California state adopted standards and guidelines for reviewing these materials. The team will consist of educators, family members of WPUSD students, and WPUSD School Board members. If you would like to join this Elementary Social Studies Materials Review Group, then please contact your elementary school principal. Meeting dates and times will be determined after we have formed our team.
Thank you,
Lori Fury
First Street School PTO Updates
Box Tops for Education
Box Tops for Education
It's a new year, but some things stay the same...Box Tops are a SUPER EASY way to help fund your school with NO cost to you!
While replenishing your cabinets after all those holiday gatherings or equipping your family for some New Year's resolutions... please remember to scan your receipts (any & all) with the Box Tops app. Every dime counts!
First Street School gets $0.10 for each Box Top scanned for our school at NO COST TO YOU. The prices you pay for Participating Products don't change & neither does your shopping experience or favorite stores. With minimal effort to scan the receipts you're already getting with the Box Tops app, the school can earn enough funds to pay for software licenses, activity supplies, snacks, etc.
- Earn Box Tops for Participating Products by scanning receipts with the Box Tops app.
- When you shop online or use delivery services, you can earn Box Tops by forwarding your e-receipt to receipts@boxtops4education.com or by uploading it with the Box Tops app. Learn more about submitting e-receipts here.
Important Links and Information
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Curious what is on the menu each week? Follow this link to find out what is on the menu!
New Year, New Spiritwear Designs!
Check out our new Spiritwear designs this year!
We have twelve new designs to show off your school spirit in the 2023-2024 school year. Put any design on any shirt in the collection to make your own unique spirit shirt for our school. T-shirts, tank tops, sweatshirts and more in adult and children's sizes!
We can't wait to see the design you pick out and the unique spirit wear you create!
Follow the QR code by opening your photo app on your phone and clicking the link or go to www.firststreetspiritwear.com to get your gear!
Parentsquare App
Have you downloaded the Parentsquare app yet? This is the best way to get updates from your students teacher and the school. Parentsquare will automatically translate our messages into the language of your choice and allows you to communicate with your child's teacher in the language of your choice as well!
If you don't have the app on your phone, download it now! Need help? Our wonderful office staff are happy to help!
Affordable Connectivity Program
Internet connectivity is an important part of academic success in education today. Luckily, there are a lot of different options to ensure that your student has access to internet at home. If you do not have internet at home, you may qualify for discounts on internet and computers through the federal Affordable Connectivity Program.
Find out if you qualify by following the instructions at the link here: https://getmyinternet.org/?j=9063912&sfmc_sub=198464893&l=2048712_HTML&u=202253676&mid=6409703&jb=17020&utm_source=edu_acp_2022.09.12&utm_medium=email
Updated COVID Protocols
Student Quarantine:
Effective this year, California Department of Public Health has replaced most of the requirements about student quarantine with recommendations. The one remaining requirement is that students who are ill must be fever-free for at least 24 hours without the aide of fever-reducing medications before they are able to return to school. Please see the documents below for more detailed information.
About Us
Email: lreynolds@wpusd.org
Website: https://fses.wpusd.org
Location: 1400 1st Street, Lincoln, CA, USA
Phone: 916-645-6330
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FirstStreetElementary
Twitter: @WPUSD