Willow Parent Bulletin # 32
April 28, 2023
Wait, what? It is almost May?
Bernie's Book Bank paid us a visit this week, too! This is the third time we have been the recipient of their generosity! If you'd like to learn more about the organization or donate to their work, click here: https://www.berniesbookbank.org/
HUGE thanks to our PTA volunteers! They gave their time this week to provide our Wildcats with the Book Fair. Next week they are sponsoring Screen Free Week. The community involved in PTA have always been strong supporters of all our schools. Please support their efforts to continue to help us. Beow you will see leadership opportunities as well as volunteer positions that will be open next year. If unable to do any of those, please be sure to join!
If you have not altready registered for next year, it needs to be completed by May 26th for students returning to the District. Fees are not due at the time of registration. The online registration link is below. If you would like to give input regarding your child and his her/their best learning environment, please fill out the link below or author your own letter. Those need to be completed by June 1, 2023.
Positive Office Referrals!
Family Conversations:
Pre-K Yoga
Popcorn, get your popcorn here!
Screen Free Week:
PTA needs you!
Homewood PTA elections are coming up May 19th. The open elected positions are:
Vice President - Shadow President at meetings and assume duties as needed
Secretary - record minutes for all meetings, keep copies of bylaws and standing rules.
The following individuals are seeking a second term:
Amanda Weichinger, President
Cecilia Garcia, Treasurer
Kathi Leahy, VP Membership
Erica Van Shaik, VP Fundraising.
We also have several chair positions available, such as:
Book Fair- Oversee the planning of district Scholastic book fair.
Picture Day- Schedule school picture day with principals and school photo company.
Read-a-thon- Oversee planning for annual read-a-thon.
Screen free week- Oversee planning for annual screen free week.
If you are interested in volunteering for a position or would like more information, we'd love to hear from you! Please reach out to 153homewoodpta@gmail.com for more information.
Thank you Garden Club and Master Gardeners!
Speaking of Gardens...
Homewood PTA has the Spring Bulb Sale back! 50% of proceeds go to Homewood PTA and Flower Power Fundraising delivers directly to purchaser's homes. It's the perfect time to get these bulbs in the ground for summer blooms.
May 1-5: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 1: Kindergarten farm field trip
May 2: 1st and 2nd grade to hear band/choir/orchestra at James Hart
May 5: School Lunch Hero Day
2nd grade Step-Up to Churchill 9:30-11
May 6: Young Athletes Special Olympics
May 8-12: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 10: School Nurse Day
May 18: National Speech Pathologist Day
May 19: PreK Fun Friday
May 23; Kickball day 1
May 24: early release 11:40
Kickball finals- AM
Young Athletes’ Celebration-PM
May 26: Kindergarten Field Day 8:30-11
May 29: Memorial Day
May 31: Kindergarten boxcar parade 1:30 PM
PreK -Frog Lady 10 AM by Willow Hill
June 1: 1st (8:45-10:15) and 2nd grade (1-2:30)field day
PreK celebration at Patriots' Park
June 2: Last day of school
June 7-8: PreK screening
June 12-29: Summer Learning (only for invited students- please RSVP))
This week in pictures:
Willow School
Email: melissa.lawson@hsd153.org
Website: www.hsd153.org
Location: 1804 Willow Road, Homewood, IL, USA
Phone: 708-798-3720
Facebook: facebook.com/homewoodschooldistrict153