Updates and Reminders
July 23, 2020
A Few Highlights!
1. Online registration for the 2020-21 school year is now OPEN. We hope you will complete in a timely fashion and enjoy completing the process from the comfort of your home. Please follow the online registration link on our website. 2020-21 Registration
If you missed Chromebook pick-up, students will receive their devices at the beginning of the school year. If you are registered and enrolled in our Home Learning instruction, please contact our technology department to arrange for pick-up.
2. Bus Transportation - Our bus routes will be finalized as student registrations are completed. Our bus drivers and transportation department will begin contacting our families with bus numbers and pick-up/drop-off times beginning Wednesday, July 29.
3. *Updated* Food Service continues - July 24 We are providing a nutritious breakfast and lunch meals for all of our students. Breakfast and Lunch “To Go Bags” are available via drive thru, pick-up service. Pick-up times are 10:00 am - 1:00 pm at MC West Elementary School. Pick up will be at the south end of the school at the cafeteria door #2. Take N. Vine Street to W. School Street to follow the pick up line.
4. Please click on the following buttons for important information. We aim to keep you informed!
- Employment opportunities. Please consider serving our school district by joining our team as a substitute teacher or bus driver.
- 2020-21 Immunizations Requirements
- 2020-21 Revised Academic Calendar
- 2021-22 Academic Calendar
The MCCSC Grand Reopening Plan
Our Guiding Principles
- Adapting personal behaviors to ensure everyone's health.
- Respecting the necessity of some inconveniences and forego some favored activities.
- Demonstrating flexibility and resilience to adapt to the fluid situation.
The following buttons provide information regarding specific areas and our Grand Reopening in its' entirety. With the Governor's orders, masks/face coverings are required for all adults and students in grades 3-12. Students in grades PK - 2 are strongly recommended to wear a mask and required to have one with them at all times following the directions of their administrators and teachers.
CHS "National Blue Ribbon School" and CMS "Schools to Watch"
Cascade High School - 2018 National Blue Ribbon Recipient
Cascade Middle School - 2020 Schools to Watch Recipient
LCPS - Inaugural Year 2019
MCCSC Celebrations!
Please click on the following links to enjoy some of the best aspects of Mill Creek Community School Corporation. We have successes galore and the pursuit of EXCELLENCE in all of our programs continues!
Thanks for all you do to provide support, insistence, and high expectations!
We are small schools . . . BIG OPPORTUNITIES!
We are ...
- "A" rated school corporation
- "A" rated schools
- Four Star Schools
- eLearning School Corporation
- Riley Children's Foundation Miracle School Corporation
- Cascade High School - 2018 National Blue Ribbon School Recipient
- Cascade Middle School - 2020 Schools to Watch Recipient
Jim Diagostino, Ed.S.
Mill Creek Community School Corporation
317 539-9200
Excellence in Achievement, Attitude, and Actions
Small Schools . . . BIG OPPORTUNITIES
Email: jdiagostino@mccsc.k12.in.us
Website: www.mccsc.k12.in.us
Location: 6631 South County Road 200 West, Clayton, IN, USA
Phone: (317) 539-9200
Twitter: @millcreeksupt