CJSHS Raider Family Weekly Update
Central Jr/Sr High School: November 5, 2023
Upcoming Events
Monday, November 6th
ZAP Continues. CHANGES TO PROGRAM: All assignments marked as !MISSING in the Powerschool gradebook will be referred to the ZAP Program. A Missing Assignment Report will pulled prior to 10:00 a.m. each Monday morning. Notifications will be delivered to students & an email/phone call sent to students/guardian. To get signed out of ZAP, students will need to complete the assignment with full effort, fill out a green get out of ZAP form located at the office window and have the teacher sign the form between passing periods/before-after school/during the class you are zap'd for and then return it to the office.
Lunch Meeting - STUCO Lighthouse Officers Mtg.
JH Eligibility continues. Parents/guardians of any JH student who currently has a failing (F) grade will be notified of in-eligibility via mail.
HS Scholar's Bowl @ Home 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, November 7th
Election Day
Zap & Tutoring After School 3:55 - 4:55 p.m.
Wednesday, November 8th
HS Boys BB Meeting 10:00 a.m.
Lunch Meeting - STUCO - All Members
Zap & Tutoring After School 3:55 - 4:55 p.m.
Thursday, November 9th
Veteran's Day Community Breakfast, Sponsored by NHS 8 - 9 a.m.
Zap & Tutoring After School 3:55 - 4:55 p.m.
Friday, November 10th
Friday School / Open Library 9:00 a.m. - Noon. All 7th-12th grade students are welcome to attend. Students can get tutoring help on homework from a staff member, serve detentions, make up missed ZAP time, utilize the school wi-fi to complete missing assignments, etc.
Saturday, November 11th
Veterans Day
Upcoming Dates
Monday, November 13th - 1st day of HS Winter Sports Practices. Board of Education Meeting.
Saturday, November 18th - Bella Notte
Monday, November 20th - Rise Time Club Activities
Wednesday, November 22nd - Monday, November 27th - No School, Thanksgiving Break
Thursday, November 30th - School Picture Retakes
WIN Time Groups will be evaluated in the next 2 weeks and movement made for Quarter 2. Stay tuned!
Stay Connected
Email: jhenning@usd462.org
Website: www.usd462.org
Location: 700 North Main Street, Burden, KS, USA
Phone: 620-438-2215
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CentralUSD462
Twitter: @462Usd