Hall's Corner
October 6, 2022
REMINDER – No School Friday, 10/7 or Monday, 10/10.
Dear BHS Families and Students:
We just finished our 5th week of school! The 1st quarter ends on November 15th! Gradebooks have been updated. Please review your child’s grades in SchoolTool. If you have any questions about their progress, please speak to them and reach out to their teacher(s). Go to https://schooltool.bcsd.org/schooltool/ to access the Parent Portal. Contact our main office at 242-5000, ext. 0 if you have any questions about accessing the portal.
Be Well!
T. Hall
School is closed on Monday, October 10 in recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ Day (recognized)/Columbus Day. This day was first recognized in the early 1990s. Indigenous Peoples’ Day honors the history and cultures of Indigenous Peoples. Indigenous Peoples refers to populations that are the original inhabitants of any given geographic region in the world. Recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ Day serves to disrupt and reframe the narrative surrounding Christopher Columbus’ 1492 arrival in the Americas, which resulted in the devastating loss of life, tradition, and land for Indigenous Peoples. This is a day to learn, to observe, to reflect, and to connect through story and creation. Check out the websites listed below with your children to learn more together.
- PBS: https://ny.pbslearningmedia.org/collection/NativeAmericanHeritage/
- Smithsonian: https://americanindian.si.edu/nk360/
The following information is contained in this week’s Hall’s Corner.
- Students in the News
- Senior Portrait Information, Deadline is October 28!
- Parent Square Communication
- Open Campus Reminder
- Cell Phone Reminders
- SAT/ACT and College Admissions Parent Presentation with Q&A
- Hosting opportunity for French Exchange
- Ski and Snowboard Club
- Community Education Offerings
- Calendar of Events for September
- Counseling News
- Athletics
Students in the News. Making BHS Proud!
The following BHS Senior Bruins have been designated Commended Students in the 2023 National Merit Scholarship Program. Seniors: Claire Chambers, Tyler Dawe, Rohan Desai, Christina Feng, Samuel Gray, Endi Guo, Kirin Mohile, Finnur Oddsson Cricco, Sophia Thrall, and Benson Tracy, were all recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation for their achievement. As noted by the program, “Those being named Commended Students have demonstrated outstanding potential for academic success. These students represent a valuable national resource.” Our BHS seniors placed among the top 50,000 students of the 3.5 million students who entered the 2023 competition by taking the 2021 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test! WOW – These BRUINS make BHS proud! Congratulations!
Senior Portraits
Parent Square is Brighton’s new tool for all K-12 communication!
Click here for a PDF including QR codes for easy registration and Parent Square tips.
Open Campus
New Cell Phone Policy
SAT/ACT and College Admissions Parent Q&A
Curious about the importance of the SAT and SAT or the distinctions between need and merit aid? Join us for a double feature of college admissions insight as nationally recognized experts Mike Bergin of Chariot Learning and Jona Jacobson of jj College Admission Advising share essential information for college-bound students. Attendance is free, but advance registration is highly recommended.
Register: 784-5300
Rennes French Exchange Program is looking for host families
Would you like to host a French student from January 29th- February 8th, 2023? 43 French students will be visiting, and we still need to place 17 male students. Hosting is open to BHS students enrolled in a French, physics or chemistry class this year. Please contact Madame Beh for more information or come to 304 for a host family application. Information on traveling to France will be available at the end of the month. Merci!!
Ski and Snowboard Club Information
Do you like to ski or snowboard or both? Be a part of BHS ski and snowboard club! It will be 3 Saturdays in January and 3 in February at Bristol Mountain. The bus leaves BHS at 7:30 am and returns around 4:45 pm. Ski and snowboard club student lift ticket passes are $309.00 before 11/15/2022. After 11/16/22 they go up to $329.00. Equipment rental is not included but is available. For more information contact Mrs. Nadine Dykes in the printshop or send and email to nadine_dykes@bcsd.org
College Essay and SAT/PSAT Prep classes
Writing Your College Application Essay is open to seniors. It meets October 24 - 28, 3:00 - 5:30.
See this link for more information.
Preparing for PSAT and SAT Exams is open to al BHS Juniors and Seniors. See link for more information . See the Prep Class Flyer for times and dates available.
Calendar of Upcoming Events at BHS
In Counseling
Senior Newsletter
Attention: Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors:
The deadline for selecting pass/not pass for the 1st semester is Monday, October 17. Please complete a pass/not pass card (available in the registrar’s office) and submit it to your teacher and counselor for their signatures. Return the completed card to the registrar’s office – no later than Friday, October 17
2022-2023 School Tool Parent Portal
Check the portal for student grades, missing assignments, or attendance.
SchoolTool Portal link
BHS Counselor Assignments 242-5000 ext. 4803
Administrator and Counselor Information
Click here for names and contact information.