Quail Summit Data Confirmation
The School With A Heart!
Data Confirmation Registration Verification
Data Confirmation Registration Process (Must be completed FOR ALL STUDENTS)
Parent Portal for Verification is open
Enrollment Verification
Your child is enrolled at Quail Summit. Enrollment Verification is completed annually to make sure we have updated information on your child's emergency contact information, health information, and you have access to updated documents from WVUSD and Quail Summit.
Data Confirmation must be completed for new and returning students. Please follow the instructions below to access our WVUSD Parent Portal to complete the Enrollment Verification Process. This is incredibly important to complete.
Don't forget to print out and sign the Data Confirmation Sheet. You will turn this into the school on August 7th or August 8th to receive your child's classroom teacher assignment for 2023-2024.
Data Confirmation Re-Registration Confirmation Process for All Quail Summit Students - New & Returning
Quail Summit uses an online re-registration (Data Confirmation) process for all students, using the Aeries Parent Portal. Re-register is required to update student enrollment information, so we have the most current contact, address and health information.
Please follow the 3 Step Process below:
Step 1 – Access Your Aeries Parent Portal Account:
The first step in the process is to access the Aeries Parent Portal account by going to https://parents.wvusd.k12.ca.us and click Aeries Portal for Parents & Students. If you have forgotten your password, you can click Forgot Password to obtain a new password. For our new families, an email was sent out to you when you initially registered with your user name (parent email address you provided at registration) and password. If you do not have the log in information, you may contact the office. Please note the office will be closed June 15-July 28th.
Step 2 – Online Re-Registration/Data Confirmation:
Once you access your parent portal account, you may complete the online re-registration/data confirmation process. When you log in, you will see a bar at the top of the screen-“You have not yet completed the Student Data Confirmation Process, or you will see the first page of the Data Confirmation beginning with Family Information.” Click on the link to begin the process. Read all the instructions and information on each page.
Step 3 – Print & Return Final Data Confirmation Page:
When you complete the steps on the final tab, you will be prompted to print and sign a “Final Data Confirmation Page.” You must return this single, signed page to Quail Summit the week of August 7th. The printed and signed confirmation sheet should be returned to school on your assigned Aug 7th or Aug 8th Data Verification date.
Your child’s teacher assignment will be made available ONLY after you have completed the Data Confirmation Process and returned the signed submission paper to the school office.
If you do not have access to a computer or printer or would like someone to assist you in person, call the office beginning August 1st from 9:00-2:30.
Data Confirmation Verification for all students (now open):
Turn in Data Confirmation Sheet to the front office on your assigned day:
August 7- Last Names A-L 8:00am-3:00pm
August 8 - Last Names M-Z 8:00am-3:00pm
August 9- Make Up Date 12:00pm-3:00pm
Community Club will be on campus for parents to purchase Quail Wear, QSED Fundraiser, and School Planners for third to fifth grade. You will also have the opportunity to sign up for volunteering. Together we can do more.
Key Contacts:
Main Office (909)861-3004
Nicole Hernandez- Principal- nhernandez@wvusd.org
Jen Fetchik- Elementary Learning Specialist- jfetchik@wvusd.org
Anna Amezcua Administrative Assistant- aamezcua@wvusd.org
Natalie Johnson-Office Assistant -njohnson@wvusd.org
Shenan Flores- Guidance Counselor- sflores@wvusd.org
Noni Owens-Health Clerk- nowens@wvusd.org